Version 2.0

Workshop: Python for Linguists

Intro to String Manipulation, NLP and Statistics

Python is an easy to learn programming language with a ton of tools for linguistic research, from simple string manipulation and data cleaning, to more advanced parsers and complex statistical algorithms. We will go over the basics of Python's features, look at Spacy and Numpy/Scipy and finally go through an example project. Some basic programming knowledge is advisory, but not strictly necessary to follow along.

Python is an easy to learn programming language with a ton of tools for linguistic research, from simple string manipulation and data cleaning, to more advanced parsers and complex statistical algorithms. We will go over the basics of Python's features, look at Spacy and Numpy/Scipy and finally go through an example project. Some basic programming knowledge is advisory, but not strictly necessary to follow along.
The material for the workshop will be made available here shortly before.


Tag: 07.05.2021
Anfangszeit: 13:30
Dauer: 01:30
Raum: yellow
Track: Computational & NLP
Sprache: en



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