Vortrag: Reconstructing Proto-Baining

In my talk, I will give an overview of my MA thesis, where I try to reconstruct Proto-Baining, the hypothesized ancestor of a small language family of Papua New Guinea.

Baining is a small language family spoken in the Gazelle Peninsula on the island of New Britain, part of the Bismarck Archipelago in Papua New Guinea. The family includes five languages, four of which are adequately documented, each having no more than a couple houndred to a couple thousand speakers. They are clearly related, since they are strikingly similar to each other. However, no comparative work has been done yet. This is what I attempt to do in my MA thesis: establish regular sound correspondences and arrive at a first reconstruction of Proto-Baining. In this presentation, I plan to give a typological overview of this language family that probably nobody has ever heard of, elaborate on the methods used in my research, and give some intermediate results.


Tag: 19.11.2021
Anfangszeit: 13:00
Dauer: 00:30
Raum: 🧉
Track: Typology and Variational Linguistics
Sprache: en



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