Vortrag: Non-native pre- and early-service English teacher’s perceptions of neopronouns in both English and their native language: Argentina and Germany

The use of gender-neutral language, with all the different strategies that it entails, has been widely discussed not only in academic settings, but also in everyday life. It is definitely a heated topic in many countries, regardless of their language. However, most research on this topic has Focused on L1 speakers’ use of the language, whereas LX speakers have been completely disregarded or had a secondary role. This talk will discuss how the use singular they and neopronouns in English is perceived by non-native pre-service and early-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Germany and Argentina. It will also look into how they perceive similar structures in their own language, and compare how entrenched these forms are in their linguistic repertoire. Based on their acceptability judgements of English, German and Spanish sentences, as well as on their justifications of their judgements, it is possible to see if there is a difference in how they judge the acceptability of gender-neutral or non-binary forms in both pairs of languages (English-German and English-Spanish). A qualitative analysis of their justifications provides some valuable insight into EFL teachers’ knowledge and acceptance of gender-neutral forms in both their L1 and English as well as their willingness to teach these forms in class.


Tag: 04.11.2022
Anfangszeit: 08:15
Dauer: 00:30
Raum: Wiwi-Bunker —Room 3016
Track: Diverse
Sprache: en




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