Vortrag: The different kinds of verbal number suppletion
Suppletion everywhere! Is it all the same?!

In my talk I want to introduce the phenomenon of verbal number suppletion and talk about its different types.
I will talk about Participant Number based Suppletion as well as Pluractionality and will introduce to either first.
In the end, I want to present data from the language San Pedro Amuzgo, which presents a potential special case.
Suppletion describes the pattern of morphemes that display phonologically completely separate stems, depending on some feature(s)/ (morphological) contexts.
Verbal Number Suppletion then, is the phennomenon where some number feature on the verb triggers its suppletion. However, there are a few different types of verbal number suppleltion and I want to talk about them in my talk. First there is participant number - i.e. suppletion triggered by the number feature of one of its arguments/participants. That means, depending on whether the object of a sentence is singular or plural we get a different realisation of a verb.
Another type of verbal number is what is called "pluractionality", i.e. the number of actions of a verb.
I will also discuss data from San Pedro Amuzgo (an Oto-Manguean language), where a pattern that on first sight looks like participant number arises, however, it does not follow the general pattern, that I describe in the pattern.
(Main) Ressources:
Newman, Paul (2012): ‘Pluractional verbs: An overview’, Verbal plurality and distributivity 546, 185–210.
Bobaljik, Jonathan David and Heidi Harley (2017): ‘Suppletion is local:
Evidence from Hiaki’, The structure of words at the interfaces
68, 141–152.
SH 0.107
Theoretical Linguistics
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