Version 4.2

Workshop: Eye Tracking for Language Research: An EyeLink Workshop

Researchers have used eye tracking technology to inform their understanding of how people read and process language for many decades. Indeed psycholinguists were pioneers in the development of eye tracking technology, methodology, and techniques for analysing eye movement data. In this introductory workshop I will briefly review why and how we move our eyes, before discussing how modern eye tracking technology works. The remainder of the workshop will then describe some of the most important eye tracking paradigms used in language research. I will discuss how researchers use eye tracking data to test theories of language by using basic sentence reading tasks, and more complex tasks such as those involving gaze-contingent windows / masks and boundary triggered changes. The workshop will demonstrate how such tasks can be implemented with stimulus presentation software, and how to extract standard "reading measures", such as first fixation duration, regression path duration etc from the resulting data using EyeLink Data Viewer software. I will also discuss how eye tracking techniques such as the "Visual World Task" can be used to study the cognitive processes involved in spoken language comprehension. The workshop is aimed at all people interested in learning more about eye tracking in language research, and does not require previous experience with EyeLink hardware or software. I will be available for 1 hour after the workshop to answer questions / provide more detailed advice.


Day: 2019-05-24
Start time: 14:00
Duration: 01:50
Room: 103 / S87
Track: Neuro and Psycholinguistics
Language: en



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