Lecture: Russian Mixed North: Language and cultural contacts on the Kola Peninsula

The Murmansk Region, located on the territory of the Kola Peninsula, is a relatively young region of the Russian Federation. The rapid growth of industry commenced there only in the first half of the XX century, which provoked population increment from different parts of the USSR. However, long before that, the territory was inhabited by indigenous peoples. Though the number of those peoples decreased significantly, the region still can be described as ethnically diverse. Moreover, the Murmansk region borders Norway and Finland. Therefore, the area is full of linguistic and socio-cultural contacts. In this study, we pursued the goal to characterize the nature of these contacts and their results. We conducted 64 interviews in the Murmansk region and captured evidence of the language landscape of the region. Our aim with the research was to gather data related to the following points: the origin of the residents, their ethnic and regional identity, the languages in use in the region, the foreign languages considered prestigious and important to learn, the border contact with the residents of Norway and Finland. Narrative analysis was conducted based on the gathered interview. The found trends will be presented in the talk.


Day: 2021-11-18
Start time: 14:00
Duration: 00:30
Room: 👾
Track: Sociolinguistics
Language: en



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