Version v0.8

Conférence: Tunisian University Teachers' and Students' Behaviours Regarding English Use in Higher Educaiton

Planned Methodology

This presentation aims to present the planned methodology for exploring the behaviours of Tunisian university teachers and students regarding English use in the context of higher education. The study addresses two main research questions: 1) To what extent and in what circumstances are Arabic, French and English used in Tunisian higher education contexts? 2) To what extent and in what circumstances are teaching methods and materials used in teaching English in Tunisian higher education? They seek to investigate language choice in Tunisian higher education. To find answers to the research questions, this study will use two types of observations namely formal observation and informal observation to collect data from a variety of ways. The formal observation will be conducted in classrooms and the informal observation will take place in informal settings, namely university corridors and eateries. The classroom observation will be used to investigate the languages used in English classes and the teaching methods and materials. The aim of the informal observation is to investigate the languages used by students in public places focusing on code-switching. In this presentation, the researcher will present the detailed methodology including data collection methods, data validation methods and data analysis methods that will be used. The researcher will also present the systematic observation sheets. Moreover, the researcher will point to some ethical considerations, including ‘observer paradox’ (Labov, 1972, p. 209) and the informed consent.


Labov, W. (1972). Sociolinguistic patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.


Jour: 2021-09-24
Début: 14:50
Durée: 00:40
Salle: Die Zauberflöte

Langue: en


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