Version v0.8

Atelier: Workshop: R

Kostenloses Statistikprogramm/Programmiersprache

This session is aimed at people who have absolutely no (or very little) experience using R and RStudio. We will start by looking at some of the basics of how to navigate around the RStudio interface, how to read in your data and how to get an overall view of the data you are working with. Once we are comfortable with the basics, we will move on to visualising some data, making effective graphics and saving them so they can be used for presentations or publications. The main aim of this session is to introduce the basic code you will need so that you will be comfortable enough to produce graphics from your own data in R.


Jour: 2021-09-25
Début: 15:30
Durée: 01:30
Salle: Die Zauberflöte



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