Version 22-03-8

Atelier: LaTeX and R

Dynamic integration of statistical results into LaTeX documents

Writing and presenting results of your experiments often go hand in hand. You write about something, create a results table, go back to the code to add that additional column you actually need... And you have to go back and change the table in your manuscript again.

If you use LaTeX or other text editors to write your manuscript, you probably know this problem. Luckily, there is a solution. In this workshop, I'll show you a number of different methods to dynamically integrate your analysis in R into your LaTeX-Manuscript, giving you the best of both worlds. We will be working with RStudio, Overleaf and Github, though you could be using a local TeX-Editor as well.

We will start with a few examples of in-line R-Code in Overleaf, move on to importing code-chunks from an R-Script and finally we will integrate an Rmd-Document into our LaTeX-Project. Aside from basic calculations and variable definitions, we will focus on the principles of this interaction, looking at tables and figures.

The workshop assumes a basic understanding of both LaTeX and RStudio. Complete beginners in one or both of these, should get acquainted with the programmes before the workshop. I recommend the materials of the Coding Club for basics of R and Overleaf's own introduction for LaTeX (see links on the right).

You will need to have the following set up before the workshop:
* Overleaf-Account
* Github-Account
* RStudio installed on your computer and set up to allow Git-Integration

All functionalities needed for this workshop are free of charge.