Version 4.2

Conférence: Students vs. Academics - Comparing the Degree of Authorial Presence in Academic Discourse

The presentation centers on demonstration of the authorial presence in a corpus consisting of master students’ theses and academic articles in the field of medicine. It introduces the analysis of first-person pronouns in texts written by students and academics from five different countries and its subsequent comparison. The first-person pronouns are divided into eight categories, based on the typologies proposed by Tang and John (1999), Flottum, Dahl, and Kinn (2006) and Starfield and Ravelli (2006). The primary focus is on the manifestation of the master's students identities in their writing and on the analysis of the way they use the first-person pronouns when compared to the academics from the same universities.


Jour: 2019-05-25
Début: 14:00
Durée: 00:30
Salle: 100 / Hörsaal XIII
Fil: Applied linguistics
Langue: en



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