Conférence éclair: Sources of foreign language listening anxiety in learners of German as foreign language

Compared to the research done on foreign language speaking anxiety, little is known about foreign language listening anxiety (FLLA). Especially little research has been done on FLLA in students, studying German as foreign language (FL), as most of the research looks into learners of English. Since listening is a highly anxiety-provoking activity, it is hypothesised that by using strategies while listening to a FL, this anxiety can be reduced.
The present study looks into the sources of FLLA among different proficiency-level learners of German as FL. In this research project, university students are interviewed about their feelings related to the receptive skill of listening. The participants come from three proficiency levels – beginner, intermediate, and advanced. In the interview, special focus take the aspects of the language, which make students most anxious, and the situations, in which students feel most stressed when listening to German. In order to gain even further understanding of this aspect of language learning and to recognise what can be done to reduce FLLA, students are also asked about their anxiety-reducing strategies.
Since this is a work in progress, no definitive conclusions have been reached yet. Nevertheless, it is hypothesised that students from higher proficiency levels would have lower levels of FLLA than students, who are still at a lower proficiency level. The findings will contribute to our understanding of FLLA, and will be beneficial to both language learners and language teachers.


Jour: 2020-11-21
Début: 18:00
Durée: 00:10
Salle: Clotilde Tambroni
Fil: Applied Linguistics
Langue: en




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