Conférence éclair: Prostitution and abolitionism

which subject demands legal protection and welcoming the Pastoral in the sexual trade of the end of the 20th century?

In this work my aim is to explore the methodological and analytical tools of Discourse Analysis based on the writings of Michel Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi in this area of ​​knowledge. I study gender and sexuality in the Brazilian Social Formation and in my master's work I focus specifically on the meanings attributable to female prostitution. For this presentation, I will use as analysis material the book “The cry of millions of slaves: the complicity of silence” published by Dom José Maria Pires in 1983 that gathers fifteen testimonies collected, edited and titled by priest in collaboration with a team of eleven authorities religious about the reality of Brazilian prostitution at this time, marked by strong international abolitionist movements and national conferences to combat sexual exploitation and human trafficking. I am interested in the ways of naming the victims of this situation, paying attention to their race / color, class / social status, marital status, age, moral and legal condition related to the subjects who prostitute themselves. I will work on the synonymy relations based on the notion of paraphrastic family and paraphrase proposed by such an episteme. The results for victim of prostitution outline a white woman, married, honest and offended in opposition to the poor, alone, young, sinful, delinquent, rebel, virgin, under eighteen and over fourteen years old. The unspoken still point to old and wealthy women as opposed to women of color (black, mixed race and indigenous), that make opposites "person" and "prostitute"; “human” and “slave(s)”.


Jour: 2020-11-21
Début: 18:10
Durée: 00:10
Salle: Clotilde Tambroni
Fil: Discourse Analysis
Langue: en




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