Conférence: German-English Translation Priming

Translation Priming Experiment Studying the Reciprocal Influence of L1 and L2 Processing

The current study investigates English and German word processing in German-English bilinguals, using a translation priming experiment. Its aim is to find out whether general tendencies in the translation priming paradigm can be replicated with German native speakers and thus provide more empirical data to the field. An original study was conducted using the data of 27 German natives with high English proficiency. Non-cognate noun pairs were used as stimuli and both the influence of English primes on the processing of German targets and vice versa was studied. In both languages, correct translation primes elicited a faster reaction by participants than incorrect ones. Moreover, the bilingual asymmetry is supported by these findings, as participants displayed generally longer reaction times to English targets in comparison to German ones. The results of this study suggest that two languages in a bilingual brain are interconnected rather than singular entities, due to their reciprocal influence on another. Consequently, this study provides empirical research in Psycho- and Neurolinguistics, and further research might provide implications for Applied Linguistics, specifically Second Language Acquisition.

In this talk, the conducted project and its empirical findings will be presented and discussed. Additionally, relevant concepts will be outlined. In the following discussion, the results and premises of this study can be questioned and methodological issues be pointed out. Potential implications of or improvements to the study as well as general questions will be dealt with in this section.


Jour: 2020-11-20
Début: 18:45
Durée: 00:30
Salle: Agathe Lasch
Fil: Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Langue: en




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