Conférence: The Restrictive Nature of Binding Theory; Turkish Reflexive "kendisi"

This paper aims to theoretically investigate the difference between the Turkish reflexive kendi and the inflected form kendisi (self/self3sg), as well as experimentally investigating the ambiguity caused by kendisi in Turkish by collecting data from 50 Turkish native speakers via online survey method. I hypothesize that Turkish native speakers will not be able to perceive 3 referees for the referent kendisi, in contrast to Dinçtopal-Deniz (2009), and Palaz (2010) by providing experimental evidence as well as theoretical discussion.


Jour: 2020-11-19
Début: 19:15
Durée: 00:30
Salle: Agathe Lasch
Fil: Theoretical Linguistics
Langue: en




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