Conférence: Keynote: Heritage languages: the role of register

Keynote Artemis Alexiadou

Work on heritage languages has emphasized the importance of their study for linguistic theory and the study of language faculty, see e.g. Lohndal et al. (2019) for a recent overview. In line with this work, in this talk I will discuss certain changes observed in the grammar of Heritage Greek and discuss what these tell us about the study of the grammar of Greek in particular and of the language faculty in general. I will report on joint work on two grammatical phenomena one in the nominal domain, the use of indefinite plural determiners, and one in the verbal domain, the realization of grammatical aspect. These two areas provide insights into the role of register variation in processes of language change.


Jour: 2020-11-19
Début: 16:00
Durée: 01:00
Salle: Agathe Lasch
Fil: Theoretical Linguistics
Langue: en



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