Autre: Words of Warcraft

A podium for linguistic debates

Linguistics is not monolithic. It's a multifaceted science with countless fields of research and tons of competing views on the most fundamental aspects of linguistic theory and practice.

Do we have innate capacities for language learning, or is it strictly usage-based? How do humans process language and what does that tell us about the structure of the lexicon? Does your language impact your conceptual view of the world, or is it the other way round? Does the study of language come with ethical challenges? Is language strictly modular, or more fluid and laden with intersections? These questions and many more are open for moderated discussion here!

If you find yourself having strong feelings on some of these topics, come by to make your point of view heard! If you don't, come by for a unique opportunity to learn about the questions and conundrums that are (still) relevant to the linguistic community today!


Jour: 2020-11-21
Début: 21:30
Durée: 01:30
Salle: Agathe Lasch
Fil: Diverse
Langue: en



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