Version 2.0

Podium: International Linguistics Networking

Presentation of the International Association of Language and Linguistics Students (IALS)

Following up on the discussion of international collaboration of language and linguistics students at the last StuTS, this event is aimed at presenting the International Association of Language and Linguistics Students (IALS), which is to be founded this year. Together with representatives from student organisations in the UK (ULAB) and France (FNAEL), we will present and explore the goals and possibilities of student collaboration on an international level in the IALS in the future. Since the constitution of the IALS is still being drafted, participants are welcome to contribute ideas for long-term objectives of the association and propose possible activities. We will also formally extend an invitation to the founding event of the IALS, which is going to take place later this year.


Jour: 2021-05-06
Début: 16:15
Durée: 00:45
Salle: Audimax
Fil: Miscellaneous
Langue: en



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