Version 2.0

Autre: Engagement with classical literature in the framework of a Citizen Science project using translation alignment

The engagement of citizens in research projects, including in the Digital Humanities, has risen in prominence in recent years. However, that research is mostly limited to data enrichment and data quality assurance, while the pedagogical effectiveness of this type of engagement, which leads to corpus enrichment via different types of annotations, is still under-researched, despite its capability for incidental learning. Translation alignment is one task that has considerable potential for data enrichment while providing pedagogical benefits.
This presentation showcases both of above-named aspects of user engagement in a Citizen Science project, in which the task of word level alignment of classical Persian with its German translation was assigned through two experiments. The findings, which will be presented in this talk, illustrate the way in which an appropriate infrastructure and scaffolding for the alignment process can not only increase use engagement and user motivation by being pedagogically beneficial but also shows the efficiency of data enrichment in the framework of a Citizen Science project.


Jour: 2021-05-07
Début: 09:30
Durée: 01:00
Salle: Audimax




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