Conférence: Items Structuring on a Meta-Conversational Level

How backchannels fit in with what we know about the Organisation of Conversation

How are backchannels organized in conversation? How do they Interact with other Items? What are backchannels from a perspektive of discourse structure? I try to awnser those and more questions around this Topic at my Talk (Rest siehe Beschreibung!)

The success of a conversation depends crucially on the backchannels given by the interlocutor in the role of the active listener, since only these contemporaneous provide information about mutual understanding. However, little is known about how the active listener synchronizes his backchannels with the turn of the speaker, so that they have no disturbing effect. This paper examines the role of two central structuring principles of conversation in it; 'turn' and 'sequentiality'. The main assumption/hypothesis here thereby is, that backchannels organize themselves sequentially as turns on a estimated meta-conversational level, with backchannel-inviting cues in a cluster, as the sequential counterpart and its very own repair-mechanisms in case of a occurring sequential errors, to built a basic theoretical structure for further research and provide a convenient model for analyzing Backchannels as a indispensable part of natural Conversation.


Jour: 2021-11-19
Début: 14:30
Durée: 00:45
Salle: 👾
Fil: Theoretical Linguistics
Langue: en



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