Meeting: Critical & Open Symposium (Reading Group)

Reading Paul Hopper's 'Emergent Grammar' (1987)

In this reading group we will be discussing Paul Hopper's 1987 paper on Emergent Grammar. It would be great if you read the paper if you want to participate, but anyone is welcome and there will be a brief introduction. The reading group is hosted by the Leipzig Critical and Open Symposium, a group of Linguistics students from Leipzig.

In this reading group we will be discussing Paul Hopper's 1987 paper on Emergent Grammar. This seminal paper in functional grammar positions grammar between speakers, constantly emerging in dialogic discourse, instead of treating it as a feature of some 'competence' in the back of one's mind. If you can, please read the paper ahead of the conference if you want to participate, but anyone is welcome and there will be a brief introduction. The reading group is hosted by the Leipzig Critical and Open Symposium, a group of Linguistics students from Leipzig.


Jour: 2021-11-19
Début: 14:00
Durée: 01:00
Salle: 🧉
Fil: Theoretical Linguistics
Langue: en




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