Conférence: Focus Marking Crosslinguistically

Languages in which focus is marked by special morphemes or syntactic positions have long been known and also, more recently, well described.

Assuming that the pragmatic (and possibly semantic) effects of focusing in such languages should be modelled using alternatives (as in the case of the European languages) the question arises: How can the toolbox of focus semantics developed for the latter be applied to the former? In this talk I present some results of our recent FWF project for West African languages, which lead us to a rather radical rethinking of the way we model focus realization, both of the morphological marking and the more familiar metrical variety.


Jour: 2021-11-19
Début: 09:00
Durée: 01:00
Salle: 👾
Fil: Keynote
Langue: en




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