Atelier: fənɛtɪk trænskraɪbərz ɪn paɪθɑn [online]

from orthography to IPA

An introduction into different strategies how to transcribe multilingual orthographical data phonetically in Python

This workshop includes an overview over existing Python toolkits for phonetic transcription, like wiktionaryparser, py-espeak-ng, epitran or copius_api. It will be shown how new languages can be added to existing rule-based frameworks. The workshop also includes a short summary of the pitfalls of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), and its alternatives such as UPA, XSAMPA, or ARPABET. The necessary workshop material is accessible under the link below.


Jour: 2021-11-19
Début: 15:30
Durée: 02:00
Salle: 🌟
Fil: Workshop
Langue: en



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