Conférence: Pragmatic Markers in Direct Messaging

A comparative study of pragmatic markers used in direct messaging and oral conversation.

In my bachelor’s thesis I analysed the use of pragmatic markers in direct messaging. While pragmatic markers are frequently used in oral, synchronous conversations, either face-to-face or on the phone, they appear less often in written, asynchronous language. Direct messaging in current times often happens quasi-synchronous and often contains oralized written language. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the use of pragmatic markers in this context. A corpus of text messages was compiled for this study. Both ‘classic’ pragmatic markers, such as ‘well’ or ‘just’ were analysed, as well as some net-speak acronyms such as ‘lol’ or ‘lm(f)ao’, to see whether these acronyms can be used as pragmatic markers. The findings in the text message corpus were compared to Kate Beeching’s (2016) findings. The results of this study as will be presented in this talk.


Jour: 2022-05-28
Début: 16:00
Durée: 00:30
Salle: Eisenga (2.32)
Fil: Applied Linguistics
Langue: en



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