Atelier: Creating Dialect Maps (with QGIS)

An Introduction to Dialect Mapping

In this workshop, we will go through:

What are… & how do I make…:
- Symbol maps
- Frequency maps
- Isogloss maps
- Area maps (we won’t go through this with QGIS due to time)

In dialectology, the study of geographical variation of language, we often encounter a huge amount of data of speech varieties from different places. In order to visualize the linguistic data of this kind, we often have to plot them on maps.

Dialectology as a separate discipline is rarely taught on its own; it is usually taught as a minor area in Sociolinguistics. Because of that, students don’t have a lot of exposure to the varieties of dialect maps out there, and more importantly, how to produce them on their own. In this workshop, I aim to fill the gap by firstly introducing several types of dialect maps, namely point maps, frequency maps, isogloss maps and area maps. The second part of the workshop will be on creating digital dialect maps using QGIS.

The mapping skills you learn in this workshop is not only for dialectology, they are also applicable for other areas and disciplines too, so be sure not to miss out!

Please download QGIS before the start of the workshop here:

In order to follow the mapping tasks during the workshop, please also download the files here beforehand:


Jour: 2022-05-26
Début: 11:30
Durée: 01:00
Salle: Eisenga (2.32)
Fil: Typology and Variational Linguistics
Langue: en



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