Conférence éclair: Extramural Activities And German Students’ Proneness to Errors

A good productive vocabulary is essential for good quality writing (Nation 2013: 263). Researchers are thus looking for ways to improve a learner’s vocabulary and find that both comprehensible input (cf. Krashen 1976, 1993) and comprehensible output (cf. Swain 1985) are valuable for language learners. Sundqvist (2009: 24) postulates the importance of so-called extramural activities, those taking place outside the ‘walls’ of the language classroom. For the purpose of this study, 100 students in the upper grades of German schools were consulted. They provided information on their extramural activities, as well as a text extract from a recent exam. The texts were error-tagged. Based on these evaluations, it was found that extensive extramural activities only relate slightly to English writing competence. Students who engage heavily with the internet using English are more often also those who perform well in their writing; however, it is possible that they enjoy extramural activities in English so much because their proficiency allows them to. Moreover, those who do not perform well in English and show to have many issues pertaining to spelling, grammar, word choice, etc. also do not enjoy extramural activities in English as much. The knowledge on which kind of extramural activity students participate in frequently is extremely beneficial for educational purposes.


Jour: 2022-11-05
Début: 11:15
Durée: 00:45
Salle: Von-Melle-Park 5 (Wiwi-Bunker), 20146 Hamburg — Room 00029
Fil: Applied Linguistics
Langue: en



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