Vortrag: Negation in Medumba (Grassfields Bantu)

In this talk, the negation system of the tone language Medumba (Bamileke, Grassfields Bantu, Niger-Congo) will be discussed from a morphological, syntactic and semantic perspective. Four distinct negation particles were identified from original data: proposition negating kʉ́ʉ̀ʔ (NEG.HL), imperative negating káà (NEG.IMP) and constituent negating kʉ́ (NEG.H) and kʉ̀ (NEG.L). Apart from their different morphological form and distribution, Medumba negation exhibits a row of intriguing phenomena, including 10-way ambiguities, an apparant incompatibility with the future tense marker, a negative allomorph of the habitual marker and double negation across clauses.

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Tag: 22.05.2020
Anfangszeit: 11:10
Dauer: 00:30
Raum: Chomsky
Track: Typology and Variational Linguistics
Sprache: en




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