Vortrag: How to verb in Italian and French

New Perspectives on Verb Formation Strategies

Although Italian and French are part of the same language family and share both lexical and grammatical features, several studies have suggested that they have developed differently with regard to word formation strategies. This is especially true for verb formation: Not only does Italian have more productive verbal suffixes than French, there is also evidence pointing to speakers of Italian making greater use of verb formation than speakers of French.
Based on these observations, my PhD thesis explores how Italian and French verb formation strategies differ and in what way verb formation is influenced by morphological processing of the verbs. In this talk I am going to explore how descriptive linguistic accounts of word formation in the Romance languages can be combined with psycholinguistic approaches of the mental lexicon, giving examples from my own research.


Tag: 21.05.2020
Anfangszeit: 13:30
Dauer: 00:30
Raum: Herring
Track: Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Sprache: en



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