Vortrag: Hey, what's that cuteness doing to my sound symbolism effect?!

Can I interest you in some average cute-sized words ( = Likert-scale rating 3/5)? How big do you think they are going to be?

How do different sensory information interact with each other when they are expressed in one single sound symbolic word? In our perception, do they mix, or seperate? Or do they join to make a stronger effect?

Sound symbolism has received increased attention in the recent decade, with more studies aiming to discover and establish connections between sounds and meanings beyond language. The "Bouba-Kiki" effect - referring to the perceived softness and spikiness of the words - as well as the sound-size symbolism coded by high and low vowels are two of these established associations, to name some. But while these effects always describe only one single feature of the referent in question, rarely anything in this world can be described by one single property, and so a necessary question for future sound symbolism research arises:

How do different sensory information interact with each other when they are expressed in one single sound symbolic word? In our perception, do they mix, or seperate? Or do they join to make a stronger effect?

This research was conducted by: Dominic Schmitz(1st author), Defne Cicek, Anh Kim Nguyen, Daniel Rottleb


Tag: 27.10.2023
Anfangszeit: 14:00
Dauer: 00:25
Raum: NIG Raum 2
Track: Diverse
Sprache: en




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