Vortrag: Examining the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Performance on the German Frequency-based Vocabulary Test

An Empirical Study

This research project delves into the intricate dynamics of caregiver education, socioeconomic influences, and their impact on children's vocabulary acquisition. It explores the linguistic development of children raised in diverse family environments, differentiating between those with caregivers holding higher academic degrees and those with Secondary School diplomas. The study investigates whether vocabulary rankings align with children’s language usage by employing the Leipzig Vocabulary Tests in German and analyzing speech corpus data from CHILDES German Leo Corpus, Miller Corpus, and Koch Corpus. Surprisingly, it challenges conventional wisdom by revealing that socioeconomic status does not exert as deterministic an influence as expected, thereby challenging the established "Matthew effect" principle. This research offers crucial insights into the multifaceted relationship between caregiver education, socioeconomic factors, and children's vocabulary development, emphasizing the necessity for a more nuanced comprehension of the linguistic milieu in which children develop and learn.


Tag: 26.10.2023
Anfangszeit: 14:30
Dauer: 00:25
Raum: Hofburg Raum 2
Track: Corpus Linguistics
Sprache: en




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