Workshop: Scavenger Hunt - Let’s learn RegEx the fun way!

RegEx is a versatile tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. The workshop aims to teach participants RegEx through gamification, starting with an introduction to its key elements and then allowing them to apply their knowledge in a scavenger hunt, where they will solve linguistic puzzles while learning about RegEx syntax, patterns, wildcards, quantifiers, alternation, anchors, boundaries, lookaheads, and lookbehinds.
When working on linguistic databases such as the Corpus Query Processor (CQPweb)[1] or grewMatch[2], it is easy to find specific words or phrases by entering them into the search field or specifying search parameters in the advanced search options. But as soon as we try to search words which fulfil a specific requirement or follow a specific pattern, querying the databases can become time consuming, e.g. searching words which end with the suffix “ing”. Fortunately, most linguistic databases offer the possibility to search after so-called “Regular Expressions”. Regular Expressions (also known as “RegEx”) are a versatile tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. They enable the user to define specific patterns or sequences of characters, making it easier to search for, extract, or replace text within a document or dataset.
Therefore, this workshop aims to demystify RegEx through gamification. By doing so, the participants of the workshop will first get a short introduction in the main elements of RegEx, followed by a scavenger hunt, where they will use their acquired RegEx knowledge to solve a linguistic riddle.
Along the way, they will learn:
Syntax and Building Blocks
Patterns and Wildcards
Quantifiers and Groups
Alternation and Logical OR
Anchors and Boundaries
Lookaheads and Lookbehinds
Hofburg Raum 2
Applied Linguistics
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Barbara Kovačić |