Vortrag: The Berferatî Dialect of Kurmanji Kurdish: An Internal Classification

This study (Bachelor Thesis) presents a lexical and phonological classification of the Berferatî dialect of Kurmanji Kurdish, spoken in parts of Turkey, Syria, and Iran. Based on translations obtained online of the Leipzig-Jakarta List and additional culturally relevant words from 14 native speakers from different locations, a classification was drawn up using phonological phenomena (Pharyngealization, Delabialization, Epenthesis etc.), a linguistic distance matrix and cluster analysis. This is the first internal classification of Berferatî Kurmanji and adds to the still scarce literature on Kurdish dialectology.


Tag: 11.05.2024
Anfangszeit: 15:20
Dauer: 00:30
Raum: Turtle (33.2.106)
Track: Typology and Variational Linguistics
Sprache: en



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