Andere: Keynote: Sign languages on the move: What deaf migrants can teach us about communication across borders

Julia Gspandl

With increasing migration in Europe and around the world, there is also a growing number of deaf migrant signers who often have complex language profiles: For example, they may use a national sign language from their country of origin, have developed unique communication systems with their family and/or have skills in different spoken/written languages. In the destination country, they face different challenges, many of which are due to their unfamilarity with both the local sign language(s) and the local spoken or written language(s). Based on a current research project at the University of Graz, the presentation will provide an overview of the complex situation of deaf migrants in Austria. On the one hand, the social dimension will be addressed: How do these individuals fare in the destination country and to what extent do they feel a sense of belonging to a local or international deaf community beyond national borders? On the other hand, the talk will explore the diverse language (or semiotic) repertoires of deaf migrant signers as well as the different factors from their individual backgrounds that may lead to differences in language use and proficiency.nzen führen.


Tag: 10.05.2024
Anfangszeit: 17:45
Dauer: 01:00
Raum: Shark (33.0.010)
Track: Other
Sprache: en



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