Lecture: Is my name more special than yours?

In research on anaphora resolution researchers usually assume the gender of their stimuli. Men are male, fathers are male, surgeons are male, and Phillips are male -- Are all Alex male? There is no research on ambiguous names and referential failure effects (cf. Examples 1 - 3) and my Bachelor thesis tried to close this gap and show that some stimuli in some research is critical.

I will present a brief overview of Anaphora Resolution, Gender, and the mental lexicon of Names; sketch out the three experiments I have conducted for my thesis; and present novel findings on how gender incongruency(?) affects reading.

1 Phillip guckt aus dem Fenster. Er/Sie hat einen guten Freund gesehen.
2 Anna guckt aus dem Fenster. Er/Sie hat einen guten Freund gesehen.
3 Alex guckt aus dem Fenster. Er/Sie hat einen guten Freund gesehen.
(Philipp/Anna/Alex looks out of the window. He/She has seen a good friend.)


Day: 2023-05-27
Start time: 11:05
Duration: 00:30
Room: SH 2.109
Track: Neuro- and Psycholinguistics




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