Lecture: Acquisition of nominal phrase in written L2 French : errors and strategies

This paper focuses on the nominal phrase in the written texts of French language students at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. The goal of the paper is to identify the parts of the target language system that students still have difficulties mastering, even after three years of studying French at the University, and the strategies they use to overcome these difficulties. We analyze the errors third-year students of French made in the nominal phrases in the argumentative essays they wrote. Some of the identified errors are article choice errors, gender and number errors, errors in order of the elements, agreement errors etc. When making errors, students either partially follow the rule or overgeneralize the rules they learned. The errors result from substitution, omission or addition of the elements. In most cases, the errors are intralingual, resulting from the target language itself; but in some cases, we also found errors resulting from the negative transfer from the students’ native language – Serbian. It is interesting to note that even at the advanced stages of second language acquisition there are still errors in the use of categories for which we would presume they have already been acquired and mastered in the first year of French language studies.


Day: 2023-10-27
Start time: 14:30
Duration: 00:25
Room: Hofburg Raum 2
Track: Applied Linguistics
Language: en



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