Events by track

Applied Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Acquisition of nominal phrase in written L2 French : errors and strategies
Applied Linguistics
In my talk, I would like to introduce the basics of censoring language in the...
Applied Linguistics
Conveying parody in multimodal discourse: a case study of several parodies of an apology video by Coleen Ballinger
Applied Linguistics
Ein Blick auf Trash-TV, Moral und das fernsehbegleitende Sprechen
Applied Linguistics
Inaugural Workshop of the “Emerging Scholars Initiative” (ESI) of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics (AALL)
Applied Linguistics
Metapragmatik: Linguistik an den Schnittstellen zwischen Sprachsystem, Sprachgebrauch und Gesellschaft
Applied Linguistics
Paarformeln/Wortgeschwister mit Vornamen als sprachliches Phänomen im Kontext von Hate Speech auf Twitter/X
Applied Linguistics
Perpetuating world views: The (re)production of Discourses in educational space
Applied Linguistics
QAnon in den sozialen Medien
Applied Linguistics
Scavenger Hunt - Let’s learn RegEx the fun way!
Applied Linguistics
"Sie wünschen sich glatte Haut ohne Dellen."
Applied Linguistics

Computational Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Are neural networks all you need?
In the past few years we have seen rapid growth of neural-network based...
Computational Linguistics
Entwicklung eines virtuellen Klienten
Computational Linguistics
Extracting Scenario Knowledge in LLMs: A Case Study with ChatGPT in English and Spanish
Computational Linguistics


  Title Track Speakers
Aspektualität in Deutsch und Deutscher Gebärdensprache (DGS)
BuFaTa Vernetzungsstreffen
BufFaTa Arbeitskreis
Die ThemaTalkers - Wie organisiert man eine studentische Tagung
Emerging Linguists
Hey, what's that cuteness doing to my sound symbolism effect?!
How do different sensory information interact with each other when they are...
Interlinear Glossing Workshop
Mary stole the cookie - No, Peter!
Mehrsprachigkeit in Fanfiction
Partitivpronomen und Partitivdeterminierer in der ostbelgischen Varietät des Deutschen
Poster Session
Two languages = two selves?
Visualization of toponym distributions with R
Zeit, Tempus und Temporalität


  Title Track Speakers
Bewegende Emotionen
„Code-switching und Mehrsprachigkeit in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in Wien:
„Hast du denselben Gedanken wie ich?“
Hure, Bitch und Schlampe: Kompliment oder Beleidigung?
La Neurmandie est-elle jeulie ?
Metrolingualism in Berlin
Perceptual dialectology within Greater Manchester:
This talk will discuss a recent study I did for my final year undergraduate...
Pravi Purgeri
"Sprache ist ein wunderbares Mittel, um Zugehörigkeit zu konstruieren. Und Zugehörigkeit ist immer auch Identität."
Sprache und Trauma – Einblicke in ein junges Forschungsfeld
The limitations of assessing the degree of language vitality: the example of Belarusian
Assessing the degree of language vitality is essential to inform language...
The Ruins of the Tower of Babel
The paper with the title "The Ruins of the Tower of Babel" explores the...

Typology and Variational Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Chamorro fieldwork (online): The borrowed article un
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Chit-chatting about ideophones and morphosyntactic integration
The morphosyntactic capacities of ideophones vary strongly between languages....
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Differenzielle Objektmarkierung in den slawischen Dialekten des Ohrid-Struga-Areals
Typology and Variational Linguistics
From ‘people’ to plural: Grammaticalization in Andoke, an Amazonian isolate
Our talk presents original research on Andoke, an isolate from the Colombian...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Syntactic deletion and preservation in the world of Englishes
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Typisch Österreichisch?
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Vermittlung von regionalen Varietäten im Deutsch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Wem geht noch der Arsch auf Grundeis?
Typology and Variational Linguistics
“You-grass-eat while I-food-make”?
Baker's "Polysynthesis Parameter" offers a generativist definition for the...
Typology and Variational Linguistics

Theoretical Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Colloquial Upper Sorbian and the Sentence Bracket
Theoretical Linguistics
Das Adjektiv – eine kategorielle Melange?
Theoretical Linguistics
How Slurs Cause Offense
Slurs can be, as those who have been at the receiving end of them may attest,...
Theoretical Linguistics
Reflexive predicates and the Voice-v division of labor
In this presentation, I propose a novel approach to deriving reflexives in...
Theoretical Linguistics
The paradigm as a dynamic category
Theoretical Linguistics

Phonetics and Phonology

  Title Track Speakers
Consonant F0 effects. A case study on Catalan
Phonetics and Phonology
Die Verwendung von phonetischer Transkription bei verbaler Entwicklungsdyspraxie
Phonetics and Phonology
Insights into the Interaction of Tone, Stress and Morphophonology in Wampis
A talk about the stress and tone system of Wampis (Jivaroan, Peru) within a...
Phonetics and Phonology
I want to fake brie! - Roonerspism Shorkwop
A general introduction into spoonerisms, including their history, their real...
Phonetics and Phonology
L-Vokalisierung in Mittelbairischen Dialekten
Phonetics and Phonology

Corpus Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Das gehören-Passiv in der österreichischen Standard(schrift)sprache
Corpus Linguistics
Examining the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Performance on the German Frequency-based Vocabulary Test
Corpus Linguistics
Okkasionelle Nominalkomposita in den Überschriften österreichischer Tageszeitungen
Corpus Linguistics
Produktivität von Lehnaffixen
Corpus Linguistics
Transparenz sprachlicher Mittel im Rechtsrock
Corpus Linguistics
What the Chat(-GPT)!?
Corpus Linguistics
Workshop zum wissenschaftlichen Umgang mit Excel
Corpus Linguistics

Historical Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Die paarigen Körperteile im Slowenischen: eine vergleichende Studie
Historical Linguistics
Insult, Slander and Defamation: Metaverbs of Insult and their Semantic Origins
Verbs meaning ‘insult’ stem from a wide array of sources. Thus, by examining...
Historical Linguistics
Ortsnamen und Siedlungsgeschichte am Beispiel des bairischen Sprachraums in Österreich
Historical Linguistics
Word separation in the Old Turkic runiform script
Historical Linguistics

Neuro- and Psycholinguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Misinterpretation under morphosyntactic attraction:
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Sommergeschichten - Variation auf morphologischer und syntaktischer Ebene in der spontanen Textproduktion von Jugendlichen
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics