Conférence: Usage of Punctuation Marks ")" and "(" among Young People in the Context of Internet Communication

Online-communication does not imply non-verbal way of perceiving the information, therefore sometimes it can be difficult to understand the message in the Internet without gestures, pose and mimicry. Thus, communicators resort to use punctuators for being more understandable for others. The aim of this research project is to analyze usage of the punctuators “)” and “(“ among Russian youth from 18 to 25 years in the Internet communication. The present piece of work introduces an approach of applying content analysis and online opinion poll to reveal research goals. The poll included different types of questions for getting more determined results. The main outcome is the “)” usage ambiguity. It is used with positive connotations as well as with negative ones, while the punctuator “(“ is used only for expressing negative feelings. These results may exert a significant influence on interpreting one’s intentions in online-communication. Moreover, they can be useful for observing changes in usage of punctuation marks.


Jour: 2020-11-20
Début: 17:30
Durée: 00:30
Salle: Clotilde Tambroni
Fil: Sociolinguistics
Langue: en




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