Conférence: Cross-cultural Organizational Conflicts and Ways of their Resolution (Elaboration of Coursera Online Course Materials)

Cross-cultural communication is one of the essential skills in the globalizing world. It is especially true in the business world where entrepreneurs face representatives of other cultures. However, conflicts also take place during important events and meetings. Therefore, it is significant to investigate how these conflicts emerge and how they might be resolved. In this work, the problem of cultural diversity in organizations as a source of cross-cultural conflicts is considered. The purpose of the study was to elaborate materials for an online course which aims at helping entrepreneurs to cope with cross-cultural organizational conflicts. To reach the assigned aim the researcher has analyzed relevant literature to develop a comprehensive online course. The study might be used for managing the online course at the Coursera platform to increase entrepreneurs’ cultural awareness. Moreover, the current study can be used as a blended course for bachelor students majoring in cross-cultural communication studies.

Keywords: cross-cultural communication, conflict resolution, organizational communication, online education, Coursera