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Call for Papers - LXX. StuTS

The LXX. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft invites the submission of talks, posters and workshops on student research, projects and acquired skills in linguistics. Submitted talks are about 20 minutes in length (plus 10 minutes for discussion) and may vary from introductions to niche subjects that are not taught in conventional linguistics education to presenting your bachelors thesis. Please read the information on this page carefully.

If you want to teach an acquired skill, give some more hands-on examples or want to dive deeper into a topic, you may also give a longer interactive workshop. Workshops require more planning from our end, so please contact us with your workshop sketch well before the submission deadline so we can work out the details and slotting with you.

You may also present your research in the format of a poster during a poster session during the conference. Please submit your poster at least a week before the conference to


You can submit your talk at as soon as the Call for Participation opens. Talks are scheduled to be thirty minutes in length, consisting of twenty minutes presentation and ten minutes discussion. When registering at, please put your full name under Public Name, this is the name that will be printed in the program. Please select Lecture (Vortrag) as event type for your talk. Submissions that do not follow the standard duration or are filed under the wrong event type might not be considered in time for the conference. If you are unsure of anything during the submission process, please don’t hesitate to ask the conference team

If there are multiple people giving the talk, please only submit the talk once. Both presenters should register at beforehand. You will be able to share the code for your event with your co-presenter, after submitting the talk. They can then add themselves to the talk.

Citation and Comparison

You are expected to cite all refereed publications relevant to your submission, but you may be excused for not knowing about all unpublished work (especially work that has been recently posted and/or is not widely cited). Please provide the citation list either directly through or at the end of your slide deck.

Slides, Supplemental Material and Feedback

We ask you to upload your slides and if applicable supplemantal material to your talk to soon after the conference. This would also be a good time to check your talk’s page for any feedback the participants might have given you in the meantime.

Vous ne pouvez pas faire de proposition, parce que cette conférence a eu lieu dans le passé.