Atelier: A “lost” language of Northern Germany

A crash course in Wangerooge Frisian

This workshop will give a crash course in Wangerooge Frisian, a now extinct minority language of Northern Germany. We will discuss the linguistic sources, phonology, and grammar of the language, and read a short text excerpt together. No prior knowledge of Frisian is required.

Germany is home to many languages, but some of these are virtually unknown by the linguistic community. One such language is Wangerooge Frisian, a small Germanic language once spoken on the Wadden Sea island Wangerooge. The language probably went extinct in the 1930s, but was extensively documented by linguists in the 19th century. This linguistic documentation is of exceptionally high quality, but has so far received little attention, and the language as such remains underinvestigated.

In this workshop, you will get a quick crash course in Wangerooge Frisian. After an introduction to the linguistic sources, we will look at some interesting phonological and grammatical features of the language, such as the curious rule of /r/-insertion and the contrast between “strong” and “weak” definite articles. At the end, we will read a short text together in order to get a better feel for the language.

The workshop is open to linguists of all stripes and backgrounds. The language of instruction will be English. No prior knowledge of any other Frisian language is required.


Jour: 2023-05-28
Début: 13:35
Durée: 01:20
Salle: IG 0.457
Fil: Typology and Variational Linguistics




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