Évènements par fil

Typology and Variational Linguistics

  Titre Fil Orateurs
A cross-linguistic comparison of content interrogatives
Typology and Variational Linguistics
A “lost” language of Northern Germany
This workshop will give a crash course in Wangerooge Frisian, a now extinct...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
A set-theoretic typology of casemorphs
I'll give a summary of case syncretism and case containment in languages...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Einführung in die Amazonistik
Dieser Workshop gibt eine Einführung amazonistische Linguistik.
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Finitheit in Abchasisch
Der Begriff "Finitheit" wird häufig verwendet, um zwischen bestimmten Arten...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Indeklinable pränominale Adjektive – ein Versuch der Typologisierung
Wie sich sowohl im mündlichen als zunehmend auch im schriftlichen...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Introduction to Khinalug
In this talk I will give a short introduction to the East-Caucasian language...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Ostoberdeutsche Reflexe im Hexenverhörprotokoll Fürsteneck 1703
Im Vortrag werden die Ergebnisse der linguistischen Analyse des...
Typology and Variational Linguistics

Theoretical Linguistics

  Titre Fil Orateurs
Are adpositional phrases any other than adjuncts? A case study on the argument structure of Basque motion verbs
Theoretical Linguistics
A working man's merge
This talk presents a mediating perspective on computational phrase...
Theoretical Linguistics
'Nothing is something': How to read memes, readymades, and meaning
This is a work-in-progress chapter of my MA thesis on the lifespans of...
Theoretical Linguistics
The different kinds of verbal number suppletion
In my talk I want to introduce the phenomenon of verbal number suppletion and...
Theoretical Linguistics

Phonetics and Phonology

  Titre Fil Orateurs
Are temporal properties of speech influenced by auditory feedback?
That auditory feedback plays a significant role in online speech monitoring...
Phonetics and Phonology
Morphological Contexts of Final Schwa Apocope in German
Schwa constitutes a word-final morpheme to mark the case and number of nouns...
Phonetics and Phonology
Pitch please!
In der Arbeit wurde die Stimmtonänderung einer Drag Queen In- vs. Out-of-Drag...
Phonetics and Phonology
T-glottallization in the speech of British youth on the example of the TV series Sex Education
The text discusses the phenomenon of T-glottaling in British English and how...
Phonetics and Phonology

Historical Linguistics

  Titre Fil Orateurs
Bemirschreibe, was gedirfällt
Wenn die litauische Sprache für etwas bekannt ist, dann für ihre...
Historical Linguistics
Ditransitive GIVE-construction in three Hainan Min-Chinese: Interaction between inherited structures and contact-induced changes
This presentation discusses the historical development of ditransitive GIVE...
Historical Linguistics
Interne und gemischte Rekonstruktion: Wie man etwas über die Vergangenheit isolierter Sprachen erfährt
Das klassische Vorgehen bei der Rekonstruktion von Protosprachen besteht...
Historical Linguistics
Linguistic Necromancy
In one of the former StuTS I overheard the conversation of two participants...
Historical Linguistics
"Perfekt perfekt?" - Zur diachronen Verwendung und Funktion doppelter Perfektbildungen in frühneuzeitlichen deutsch-französischen Fremdsprachenlehrwerken
Der Vortrag gib Einblick in das laufende Hausarbeitsprojekt und liefert erste...
Historical Linguistics
Trees, Waves and Friends
Languages can be related, everyone knows this. Usually linguists use a tree...
Historical Linguistics

Corpus Linguistics

  Titre Fil Orateurs
Die Funktionen von Anführungszeichen in der Deutschen Gebärdensprache (DGS)
Thema meiner Studie sind die Anführungszeichen-Gebärden im Referenzkorpus der...
Corpus Linguistics
“Is this gun cake or fake?”
In this talk, we present a corpus-based study of nine counterfactual German...
Corpus Linguistics
Korpuslinguistische Analyse von verba sentiendi im Georgischen und Baskischen.
Corpus Linguistics
Sie sind eben unterschiedlich
German has a range of modal particles, uninflected words that do not have a...
Corpus Linguistics

Neuro- and Psycholinguistics

  Titre Fil Orateurs
Ein "Paradigmen"wechsel in der Konstruktionsgrammatik
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Is my name more special than yours?
In research on anaphora resolution researchers usually assume the gender of...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Wenn Stances meine Sprache wären
In diesem Vortrag soll versucht werden, eine Erweiterung der...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics


  Titre Fil Orateurs
Er, sie, dey?
"Ey jo, und, wie fandest du gestern Schule?"
Gegenstand dieses Vortrags ist die Sprache von Jugendlichen in der Stadt...
From huswif to slut - A diachronic look into the pejoration of women terms
Language plays a large part in how society treats women and thus, it needs to...
Genitive Variation in English
This is a work-in-progress presentation of my MA thesis on genitive variation...
Language variation and digital place-making. How online (language) rooms are constructed, perceived and utilized by German-speaking Twitter users
With an ever-growing public and scientific interest in digital communication,...
Lowkey, I Think He's Cringe
Increasingly, English slang words, such as "cringe," are being adopted by...
Migrationsbedingte Mehrsprachigkeit im rätoromanischen Sprachgebiet
Im Schweizer Kanton Graubünden ist die rätoromanische Sprache in einigen...
Obstacles for intergenerational language transmission. The case of Talysh in Azerbaijan
<abstract>Talysh is a language of an ethnic group that forms a significant...
Perception of Formal Register of Azerbaijani and Attitudes Towards Avoiding Morphonological Processes
<abstract> The Azerbaijani language has gone through changes in pronunciation...
Register and Style Variation in Instant Messaging: An Audience Design Approach
Computer-mediated communication (CMC), and particularly synchronous...
Social Motivations and Developments of English/German Code-Switching Patterns:
Presenting my MA thesis on English/German code-switching in the speech of L1...
Understanding figurative constructions in political cartoons: A case study of the 2019 Hong Kong Protest
Political cartoon, as a form of critical discourse, is an illustration...


  Titre Fil Orateurs
Exemplarische Kommunikationsprobleme bei Menschen mit pragmatisch- kommunikativen Entwicklungsstörungen am Beispiel der fiktiven Figur des Dr. Sheldon Cooper
Als Teildisziplin der Linguistik beschäftigt sich die Pragmatik nicht nur mit...
LaTeX Workshop
Tired of relabelling all of your 150 examples manually every time you open...
Text analysis without Strg + F
POV: Du möchtest einen Text statistisch auswerten, der nicht in existierenden...

Computational Linguistics

  Titre Fil Orateurs
Exploring Automation in The Analysis of Creative Shifts Found in News Translations: Machine vs Human Translation
The project presents the results of a research including the translation of a...
Computational Linguistics
Is a typologically, genetically different language like European languages?
Yue is a Sinitic language spoken in Southern China which consists of numerous...
Computational Linguistics

Applied Linguistics

  Titre Fil Orateurs
Language Policy Issues in Tunisia: Mismatch between Local Needs and Central Decisions
Applied Linguistics
The Role of Metaphor and Speaker Reliability in Reasoning
While the persuasive nature of metaphors is well known, previous research has...
Applied Linguistics
Verbatim memory during reading in L1 and L2
This talk presents the structure, methods, and some preliminary findings from...
Applied Linguistics

Social Program

  Titre Fil Orateurs
Lightning Talks
Do you have interesting data that does not warrant a full talk? Do you have...
Social Program