Conférence: “Is this gun cake or fake?”

In this talk, we present a corpus-based study of nine counterfactual German adjectives that allegedly behave privatively. Since Partee’s (2010) influential suggestion that priva- tive adjectives actually behave subsectively on the shifted denotation of the noun they combine with, a lot of research has investigated the way these adjectives shift the noun denotation. The intention of our corpus-linguistic work is to learn more about noun shifts that can actually be observed in natural language when privative adjectives are involved and how often subsective and privative uses of the respective adjective occur. This allows us to add more much-needed empirical evidence to a discussion often exclusively based on theoretical arguments.


Jour: 2023-05-26
Début: 14:50
Durée: 00:30
Salle: SH 3.103
Fil: Corpus Linguistics




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