Lecture: Intercultural Communicative Competence in foreign language teaching and learning: A comparison of the situation of Morocco and Germany in tertiary education

My participation aims at giving insightful criteria in choosing the research methodology, data collection tools and procedures; and identifying data analysis steps. The objective of my presentation is also to shed light on the importance of conducting a pilot study in testing the data collection instruments in addition to sharing with fellow PhD researchers challenges I have faced while conducting the research.
Modern communication increases interaction through the use of new technologies which, in turn, urges learners to communicate with people who are geographically distant, and linguistically and culturally different. Priority is given to the educational system to prepare learners to the 21st century intercultural encounters and global interdependence. Linguistics, in general, and some of its ramifications, in particular, such as sociolinguistics and intercultural pragmatics have highlighted the intertwined relationship between language and culture (Risager, 2007). Foreign language education is itself, by definition, an intercultural enterprise (Secru, L et al, 2005). My empirical research aims to investigate how intercultural communication (IC) is taught in the English departments at Moulay Ismail University (Meknes, Morocco) and Bonn University (Bonn, Germany). It also identifies the EFL teaching strategies and their impact on students’ performance. More specifically, this research seeks (a) to test the level of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) of students enrolled in these two universities, (b) to compare the level of ICC among students who are affiliated in intercultural clubs and those who are not; and (c) to investigate the impact of abroad experience on ICC development. Moreover, this study will elicit ways to develop ICC in higher education from the respondents’ results.
To execute this project several procedures are being implemented in terms of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data. The selection of the research approach is based on the research problem and the issue in question, the researcher’s personal experiences and the audiences (Creswell, 2012). Since my study aims to explore and understand groups’ behaviors and attitudes towards a social phenomenon and attempts also to test theoretical models by examining the relationship among variables, mixed methods will be used.
The objective of my presentation is to share with fellow PhD researchers the process of conducting an empirical pilot study which holds an outlook into current / potential future results and applications. The main focus will be on the methodological process of collecting and analyzing data; and on current data results.
Start time:
Schuurman (1.22)
Applied Linguistics
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