Speaker: MFernandaMoreira

I am a master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics at the Institute of Language Studies at the State University of Campinas.

I am graduated in 2018 as a Linguist at that same institution and is still a popular extensionist and scientific promoter today. Develop research in the area of Discourse Analysis on the theme of Gender and Sexuality, Popular University Extension, Feminist Economics and Popular Education, specifically in Social Movements. I was part of the Study and Research Group “Women in Discourse” (CNPq) since 2014 and in her academic trajectory at UNICAMP, from 2012 to 2018, she composed two research laboratories and a nucleus of studies: the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Studies on Psychoactive ( LEIPSI), Urban Studies Laboratory (LABEURB) and Pagu Gender Studies Center.


E-Mail: m136861@dac.unicamp.br