Events by track

Theoretical Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Acquiring formal negation and negative concord
This study focuses on investigating what determines how NC provides essential...
Theoretical Linguistics
A cross-linguistic analysis of semantic features of Italian poi; Camuno po; and German doch
The status of modal particles as a grammatical class and their properties...
Theoretical Linguistics
A linguistic interpretation of agrammatic aphasia
My dissertation project aims to build a bridge between current linguistic...
Theoretical Linguistics
A Model-Theoretic Approach for Greenberg’s Universal 20?
Although there are several ways to account for the typological data available...
Theoretical Linguistics
Anaphor backward binding in German
It has long been observed that in many languages, experiencer objects can...
Theoretical Linguistics
Anti-Agreement Effect in the speech of Arabic-dominant heritage speakers of Tashelhiyt Berber
Heritage language (HL) speakers are recessive bilinguals dominant in the...
Theoretical Linguistics
A Parallel Structural Account for Passives and Antipassives
This talk will provide a parallel, unified structural account of passives and...
Theoretical Linguistics
Aspectual complementation in Serbo-Croatian
Theoretical Linguistics
Die poetische Relevanz des Platzhalter-es in Heines Buch der Lieder
Das Platzhalter-es - ein kleines Wort, das unter keinen Umständen...
Theoretical Linguistics
English relatives’ attachment from Second Language Learners
For second language learners, this high attachment preference can be...
Theoretical Linguistics
Exploring apparent V2-violations in Norwegian
In this talk, I investigate apparent V2-violations in Norwegian, a...
Theoretical Linguistics
This study aims to investigate the organization of the lexicon with the...
Theoretical Linguistics
Grammatical Gender Assignment in Modern Greek
This paper discusses the grammatical gender assignment in Modern Greek,...
Theoretical Linguistics
Grammatische und nicht-sprachliche Faktoren als Einfluss auf die Konzeptualisierung von Bewegungsereignissen
Theoretical Linguistics
Keynote: Gibt es ein Deutschland‐Türkisch?
In der Forschung zu Heritage-Sprachen und in den Medien findet sich immer mal...
Theoretical Linguistics
Keynote: Heritage languages: the role of register
Work on heritage languages has emphasized the importance of their study for...
Theoretical Linguistics
No duermo lo suficiente: spanish "lo" on degree phrases
The ultimate goal of this projects is to elaborate a morphosyntactic and...
Theoretical Linguistics
On In and On
This research concerns geometric and force-dynamic accounts of the semantics...
Theoretical Linguistics
Quotative que constructions in Spanish: A constructional variational approach
The aim of this paper is twofold: to identify possible instances of variation...
Theoretical Linguistics
Semitc Verbal Diminutives and Their Morphological Derivation
Verbal diminutives involve the reduction of a verbal event into multiple,...
Theoretical Linguistics
The Acquisition of Raising Constructions in L2 English by Turkish Native Speakers
This paper explores the acquisition of raising constructions in L2 English by...
Theoretical Linguistics
The focalizing adverbs também/anche and negation
In this talk, I will give an analysis of the adverbs "também" and "anche" and...
Theoretical Linguistics
The plural agreement of morphologically singular and semantically plural nouns in Spanish
The goal of this project presentation is twofold. From an empirical...
Theoretical Linguistics
The Restrictive Nature of Binding Theory; Turkish Reflexive "kendisi"
This paper aims to theoretically investigate the difference between the...
Theoretical Linguistics
WH-questions in child Romanian
During the research for my BA paper, titled "Wh-questions in child Romanian",...
Theoretical Linguistics
Zur Einordnung der Fixierung der Verb-Zweit-Stellung in Aussagesätzen im Deutschen als Grammatikalisierungsprozess
In der Grammatikalisierungsforschung werden unter dem Begriff...
Theoretical Linguistics

Applied Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
A functionalist approach to audio description: preliminary results of a contrastive analysis
This paper reports on the preliminary stage of a research investigating the...
Applied Linguistics
Assessing the Viability of Foreign Language Acquisition Through a Mixed-Language Novel
Research in vocabulary acquisition has shown that people are able to acquire...
Applied Linguistics
Coloniality Through English Language Teaching In Morocco
My talk will elaborate on different aspects of my ongoing doctoral research....
Applied Linguistics
Comparing Patterns of Use of Relative Clauses in L2 and L3 Acquisition
It has been argued that investigating third language (L3) acquisition...
Applied Linguistics
Constructing fictional worlds. A study with argentinian young children from different social groups.
Evidence indicates that 4- and 5- years old children create fictional worlds...
Applied Linguistics
Das Lesen wissenschaftlicher Texte bei nicht-muttersprachlichen Studierenden an der UNC
Das Lesen wissenschaftlicher Texte ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil im...
Applied Linguistics
How the Radical Influences a Chinese Character's Phoneticity
In my Bachelor's thesis, I analyzed how the semantic indicators of a Chinese...
Applied Linguistics
Keynote: Computational Linguistics: From Language Tasks to Language Games
Computational Linguistics is a field that shares concerns with many other...
Applied Linguistics
Keynote: Computational Linguistics: From Language Tasks to Language Games
Computational Linguistics is a field that shares concerns with many other...
Applied Linguistics
Keynote: Corpora, methods and tools for (German) linguistics
The talk will give an overview over the basic principles and recent...
Applied Linguistics
La configuración de los intercambios en el entorno lingüístico de la educación inicial. Un estudio con salas de dos y tres años de jardines maternales y de infantes de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Este estudio explora en distintas actividades del jardín maternal y de...
Applied Linguistics
Lernersprache aus pragmatischer Perspektive: Linguistische Analysen zur Diskursperformanz von DaF-Studierenden in der gesprochenen Wissenschaftssprache
Die Zahl internationaler Studierender an deutschen Hochschulen steigt stetig,...
Applied Linguistics
Management of advice and relational work among the interactions in the Facebook group 'PCT Class of 2020'
Advice is not only present in our every-day offline world but also online....
Applied Linguistics
Mehrsprachige Terminologiearbeit im Unternehmen
Mehrsprachige Kommunikation spielt bei international tätigen Unternehmen eine...
Applied Linguistics
Motivation and Aptitude in Second Language Acquisition
This presentation reports on a partial validation study on Energy...
Applied Linguistics
Multimodal meaning-making in social distancing times: an analysis of the video conferencing tool 'Zoom' as a digital classroom
Several digital alternatives have been proposed for the teaching and learning...
Applied Linguistics
Narzisstische Manipulation. Eine Aufgabe der Linguistik!
Nach Expert·inn·enschätzung machen körperlich diagnostizierbare...
Applied Linguistics
Saudi university students’ attitudes towards their multiple non-native EMI instructors: Exploratory study
Saudi universities have, for some time now, embraced English as a means of...
Applied Linguistics
Sources of foreign language listening anxiety in learners of German as foreign language
Compared to the research done on foreign language speaking anxiety, little is...
Applied Linguistics
Spiele und Teamgeist: Oral Peer Feedback in the World Language Classroom in the U.S.
At a university in the U.S. a space was created where beginning and...
Applied Linguistics
Strategien der polnisch-deutschen Übersetzung von Kulinaren in den Speisekarten
Das Ziel meiner Präsentation ist ein Versuch, eine Typologie der...
Applied Linguistics
Teaching grammar with ICT
In this presentation I will make a proposal to teach grammar using technology...
Applied Linguistics
The Emergence of Language-Related Episodes and Perceived Usefulness of L2-L2 Learner and NS-Learner Telecollaboration
The Interaction Hypothesis (Long, 1996) asserts that communication in the...
Applied Linguistics
Unanständige Phraseologie im Bereich des Sexuallebens am Beispiel an gewählten deutschen und polnischen Beispielen
Aleksandra Lidzba ORCID: 0000-0002-3474-5495 Krystian Suchorab ORCID:...
Applied Linguistics
This study investigates the patterns of repair in conversations between...
Applied Linguistics
What Language Is Mother Tongue of Deaf Children of Hearing Parents?
Mother tongue is a language spoken in a country or by a certain community in...
Applied Linguistics


  Title Track Speakers
An empirical study of the first-coined lexemes with native combining forms
This speech will be based on an experiment I conducted for my Master’s...
Dance Dojo
Have you always wanted to expand your moveset? Looking for something to bust...
Introduction to and Big Blue Button
LaTeX for linguists - a beginners' guide
Tired of relabelling all of your 150 examples manually every time you open...
Linguistik und Beruf
Wir können (und wollen) nicht alle für immer an der Uni bleiben. Aber was...
Philosophische Gesprächsführung als Schlüssel zur Selbstkompetenz
Im Rahmen meiner Diplomarbeit habe ich abgehaltene philosophische Gespräche...
Was macht eigentlich der Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V.?
**English follows German** Der Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V. hat sich 2015...
Words of Warcraft
Linguistics is not monolithic. It's a multifaceted science with countless...
Words of Warcraft
Linguistics is not monolithic. It's a multifaceted science with countless...

Food Time/Break Time

  Title Track Speakers
Around the World in 16 Songs
How easy is it for you to identify a language? What information do you tend...
Food Time/Break Time
Berlin Bike Tour
Since we can't hold physical tours of the city, we've decided to record...
Food Time/Break Time
Canvas Kerfuffle
Join us for a game of! Test your knowledge and creative chops by...
Food Time/Break Time
Cooking stream - French Onion Soup with Onur & you
The cooking stream is the culinary finale of the StuTS 68 opening...
Food Time/Break Time
Farewell Brunch
Can't get enough of the StuTS social scene? Want to talk about your (or...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on...
Food Time/Break Time
Linguistics Pub Quiz
#StuTS68 will joyfully come at you and bring a full three-day load of the...
Food Time/Break Time
Mittagspause / Lunch Break
You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and...
Food Time/Break Time
Mittagspause / Lunch Break
You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and...
Food Time/Break Time
Mittagspause / Lunch Break
You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and...
Food Time/Break Time
Offenes Lesen - Märchenstunde
[English below] Wir wollen zusammen Texte auf verschiedene Weisen...
Food Time/Break Time
Open Mic + Talking Points
Have a great singing voice, or fancy yourself a bit of a poet? Have a weird...
Food Time/Break Time
Talking Points
Talking Points is an 8-person party game where each player has to hold a...
Food Time/Break Time

Neuro- and Psycholinguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Aspect use in child speakers of heritage Russian
Heritage languages are notorious for substantial deviations from the standard...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Benefits of L2 acquisition in early childhood education
The article aims to identify and analyze through the Neuropedagogy and...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Characteristics of voice and way of speaking of patients with spasmodic dysphonia, adductor type
Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare disorder that can affect anyone: one to four...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Comprensión de discurso narrativo en pacientes con esquizofrenia
Comprender un texto implica construir una representación mental. Para lograr...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Conceptual metaphors of anger in Spanish and Czech
Conceptual metaphor has been one of the key elements of cognitive linguistics...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Construction of an instrument for the assessment of children's narrative discourse
We propose the construction of an instrument to asses narrative discourse...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Conventional and creative metaphors of time in contemporary English prose
Time is deeply intertwined with all the aspects of human life. However, the...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Ein (sich) wandelndes Lexikon
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
German-English Translation Priming
The current study investigates English and German word processing in...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Heißt der Mond Klaus oder Sabine?
Vortrag über das Bachelorprojekt, Präsentation der Ergebnisse,...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
How easy is it to acquire grammatical gender in L2 Spanish? An experimental study with Russian-speaking learners
Research on Second Language Acquisition (SLA) has reported that grammatical...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Implicit Causality Bias in Turkish: a production study
Referential expressions function in discourse to denote an individual. To...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Intervene to improve written composition in secondary school: designing a psycholinguistic intervention program
In this talk, I will present the key points of my current doctoral project,...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Language and praxis in the brain: an embodied approach to syntactic competence
Syntactic ability (that is, the capacity for productive combinatorial use of...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Moving A Psycholinguistic Research Online during the Pandemic
This presentation reports a transition process of a psycholinguistic study...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Processing of verbal inflection in people with agrammatic aphasia: a Distributed Morphology approach.
People with agrammatic aphasia present a language disorder caused by a brain...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Production and perception of focus in naturalistic Turkish speech
Presentation of my PhD project on the realization and perception of focus...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
The Ecological Account of Language Acquisition: exploring its theoretical and methodological implications
“Targets of acquisition are neither deterministic nor static” (Johnson &...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
The more, the merrier. Words with multiple meanings in Spanish
In recent times, the introduction of experimental techniques to study...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Vocabulary production of young children from diverse socioeconomic groups
Vocabulary development is one of the fundamental aspects of language...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics

Phonetics and Phonology

  Title Track Speakers
“As they say in China, Arrivederci!” : Disney’s Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz and the Map of the Eastern European Accent in the American Imagination
This study investigates the representation of the Eastern European (EE)...
Phonetics and Phonology
Die rhythmische Struktur des russischen phonetischen Wortes
Im Vortrag präsentiert man die Ergebnisse eines phonetischen Experiments, das...
Phonetics and Phonology
Einführung in die soziophonetischen Untersuchungsmethoden
In diesem Workshop werden grundlegende Konzepte der Soziophonetik sowie Tipps...
Phonetics and Phonology
Elefant, Tiger und Co(ronalisierung)
Bei der letzten StuTS hatte ich folgendes Problem vorgestellt: Zur...
Phonetics and Phonology
Orthographic effects on the production of stop + sibilant clusters by Brazilian speakers of English
This study examines the role of orthography in the production of plural...
Phonetics and Phonology
Phonetic analysis on speech style of German language teachers and university lecturers
<p>Fast speech can lead to difficulties in listening comprehension. In order...
Phonetics and Phonology
Phonological and/or phonetic similarity as underlying principles of imperfect rhyme
This study investigated imperfect rhyme and its phonological and/or phonetic...
Phonetics and Phonology
Prosodic Patterns in Ramari Hatohobei
This talk presents an analysis of the prosodic patterns in Ramari Hatohobei,...
Phonetics and Phonology
R-Palatalisierung im Niederlausitzischen
Im Dialekt der Niederlausitz (im Süden von Brandenburg) gibt es einen...
Phonetics and Phonology
The Impact of Current Trends in British Society on the Phonostylistical Peculiarities of the Media Discourse
In the light of the current socio-political situation in Great Britain, the...
Phonetics and Phonology


  Title Track Speakers
Attitudes and beliefs towards geographical varieties of Spanish: similarities and differences between native and non-native university students
This paper analyzes the similarities and differences in the perception of the...
Die Kontroverse um die geschlechtsindifferente Referenz in der Frankophonie
Ich möchte mein Dissertationsvorhaben zur geschlechtsindifferenten Referenz...
Documentary: Rising Voices
Interested in learning about the plight of indigenous languages? This 1-hour...
From "they" to "elle"
The aim of this presentation is to highlight the importance of non-binary...
How does my Serbian change
This study has the aim to address the constant change of one’s way of...
„Ihr seid Deutsche, lebt in Deutschland und sprecht Kroatisch mit eurem Kind, warum?” “Warum nicht?”
Nicht zuletzt durch die Globalisierung gewinnt Mehrsprachigkeit im 21....
Il Fenomeno, The Berlin Wall, l’architetto - Zur Bedeutung von rhetorischen Stilmitteln für Spitznamen und Namensappositionen im professionellen Fußball
Il Fenomeno, The Berlin Wall, L‘architetto – Spitznamen und...
Internet slang in sexist statements: a comparative analysis of Russia and the United States
The study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of sexist statements in...
Investigating Language Change Across the Lifespan in the Context of Jennifer Lopez
In sociolinguistics, a number of studies have shown that individual speakers...
Keynote: Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachvariation: Diversität als Normalfall
Sprachliche Vielfalt gibt es schon so lange, wie es Menschen gibt; Variation...
'Mixed Gender Talk' in the UK House of Commons
As a historically male-dominated institution centred around debate and...
New speakers of French in Louisiana: Language use, attitude and identity
Introduced in Louisiana at the end of the 17th century, French is today...
People's Daily vs Neues Deutschland
Have some fun on reading old communist propaganda newspapers from the West...
Researching dialectal variation in under-described language varieties. The case of Yoruba language.
This study investigates dialectal variation with an emphasis on Yoruba...
„Sa[x]t man hier so!“
Im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte ist die Stadtsprachenforschung immer stärker...
“So, like, at the beginning it was like, what’s new, Buenos Aires?”: Discourse markers in unscripted Canadian podcasts
The study investigated the use of discourse markers in Canadian English (CE),...
The heheo: is that even a thing?
The heheo is the sporadic and lexically conditioned substitution of the /s/...
The Prescriptive Nature of 'Should'
I'd like to present what I believe to be original research; the use of the...
The Role of Face in a Chinese Primary School Online Classroom
This study reports on a micro-ethnographic investigation into a chat...
Usage of Punctuation Marks ")" and "(" among Young People in the Context of Internet Communication
Online-communication does not imply non-verbal way of perceiving the...
Zum Beitrag der Mehrsprachigkeit zum interkulturellen -und landeskundlichen Lernerfolg bei algerischen DaF-Studenten
Jede Person hat eine Gabe vom Gott zu sprechen, auszudrücken, und zu...
Zwischen Monozentrismus und Polyzentrismus
Die Standardisierungsprozesse, denen die spanische Sprache unterliegt, gehen...

Typology and Variational Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
A typological approach to the alignments of argument indexes in the Amazon
The purpose of this talk is to present the research I am currently conducting...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
El presente de indicativo español y la posterioridad absoluta
Mediante el presente prospectivo español no nos referimos exclusivamente al...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Embedded Clauses in the acquisition of Spanish as L2 by English and German native speakers
This is a work in progress, which shows the influence of German and English...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Features of «Italiano neo-standard» (a modern variant of the Italian literary norm) in the novels of southern Italian writers
Italiano neo-standard (Berruto, 1987) is a spoken Italian language variety...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Germanic Sandwhich?
Es ist vielleicht die leckerste Theorie in der Sprachwissenschaft: das...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Intensivierung oder Attenuation?
Eine typologische Arbeit, welche die Verteilung der beiden Effekte...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
I've Done it Yesterday: The Present Perfect and Past Temporal Adverbs
The Present Perfect is often considered a "puzzle" (Klein 1992; Skala 2018)....
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Kongruierende Nebensatzeinleitungen in kontinentalwestgermanischen Varietäten
Unsere Vorstellung von Sprache ist oft von traditioneller...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Split-Ergativity in the Hittite language and possible sources of Ergativity
This talk is concerned with possible sources of ergativity...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
The ditransitive Construction in Phoenician
In diesem Vortrag wird die ditransitive Konstruktion im Phönizischen...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
The Lesser Antillean Orange – a Linguistic Research Trip Across 7 Islands
The French-based Creole languages of the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean) share a...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
The Role of Context in the Travel of Metaphorical Idioms
The talk will address the role of different types of context (situational,...
Typology and Variational Linguistics


  Title Track Speakers
Closing Session
Abschlussplenum mit anschließender Feedbackrunde. Closing session with...
Opening Session
Vorstellung der German Society for Computational Linguistics (GSCL)
Die Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie und Computerlinguistik e.V. (GSCL) ist...

Discourse Analysis

  Title Track Speakers
Coded Language in US Political Speech Acts
The ways in which US Americans identify with political parties and the...
Discourse Analysis
Die Repräsentativität der Frauen in Zapatistas Erklärungen
Dieser Vortrag handelt von der Repräsentativität der Frauen in Zapatistas...
Discourse Analysis
Frame-Analyse als Diskursanalyse am Beispiel von 'Flüchtling', 'Geflüchtete_r' und 'Migrant_in'
Meine hier vorgestellte Masterarbeit nimmt einen kognitiv-linguistischen...
Discourse Analysis
Furious Commuters and Mobs
In this paper I conduct a Critical Discourse Analysis of the representation...
Discourse Analysis
Prostitution and abolitionism
In this work my aim is to explore the methodological and analytical tools of...
Discourse Analysis
Russian Radical Feminist Discourse on Twitter
My main project goal is to investigate Russian radical feminist discourse on...
Discourse Analysis
Strategies and tactics employed in representing protest movements in contemporary English-language print media
Protest movements have become one of the most common and efficient forms of...
Discourse Analysis
The Discursive Construction and Performance of Non-Binary Identity
This study examines the discursive construction and performance of non-binary...
Discourse Analysis
The representations of crucial cultural concepts of American and Russian national characters within modern academic discourse
In essence, the research is the comparative discourse analysis with the aim...
Discourse Analysis

Computational Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Computational Approaches to Asterisk Correction Resolution
The lack of an editing function in many instant messaging services gave rise...
Computational Linguistics
Multimodal Learner’s Dictionary in EFL classroom
In the modern world studies of human language and the technical progress are...
Computational Linguistics
Multimodal Learning: Integrating Vision and Language
We will introduce the concept of multimodality and focus, in the talk, on two...
Computational Linguistics
R for Beginners
R is a programming language that has become increasingly popular among...
Computational Linguistics
The corpus-based glossary as an essential tool for the translation of legal documents
The translation of legal documents has become an all-important pursuit in the...
Computational Linguistics
The rise of the machines. Is it that alarming?
The focus will be on the problem of translation in the 21st century. My key...
Computational Linguistics
Towards a computer-aided framework for borrowing detection
How can computers help us to find old loanwords and is it possible that...
Computational Linguistics

Historical Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Concessive connectors as discourse markers: The case of although and obwohl
Both the English although and the German obwohl are most typically known for...
Historical Linguistics
The city of Santos (Brazil) stands out as the only documented locality in the...
Historical Linguistics
Die Entstehung von Derivationsmorphemen: Grammatikalisierung oder Lexikalisierung?
Ist die Entstehung einer Adjektivendung wie dt. -lich < Proto-Germ. *līka...
Historical Linguistics
Dos filólogos alemanes en la Argentina del Primer Peronismo: Fritz Krüger y Gerhard Moldenhauer
Esta contribución presenta el estado actual de mi investigación doctoral en...
Historical Linguistics
Fremdheit in der Schrift? Historische Mehrschriftigkeit in den Regensburgischen Diarien
Regensburg, von 1663 bis 1806 die Stadt des Immerwährenden Reichstages, gilt...
Historical Linguistics
Interacting Factors in Grammaticalization: Source, Usage in Context, Paradigm
In my talk I want to investigate the interaction of three factors in...
Historical Linguistics
Keynote: On how to attain a synchronic stage?
In stark contrast to the development of linguistic research during the...
Historical Linguistics
Konjunktivverwendung und Strategien der Redewiedergabe in den Olmützer Prozessakten
Prozessakte aus älteren Sprachstufen des Deutschen wecken in den letzten...
Historical Linguistics
Los inicios de la gramática escolar en la Argentina (1863-1922)
En este encuentro nos proponemos presentar los aspectos generales, objetivos...
Historical Linguistics
Morphologie und Verbalaspekt in den frühen kroatischen Grammatiken
Ab dem 17. Jahrhundert werden auf dem Gebiet Dalmatiens und Dubrovniks die...
Historical Linguistics
The Diatopic variation of the reflexes of Middle Chinese *ɣu- in Guangdong Yue dialects
This talk explores the diatopic variation of the reflexes of Middle Chinese...
Historical Linguistics

Communication Sciences

  Title Track Speakers
Cross-cultural Organizational Conflicts and Ways of their Resolution (Elaboration of Coursera Online Course Materials)
Cross-cultural communication is one of the essential skills in the...
Communication Sciences
Gender-Neutral Content for Effective Corporate Communications
The work is focused on the field of corporate communications with a special...
Communication Sciences
Keynote: Gebärdensprachforschung in Berlin: Theorie und Praxis
Gebärdensprachforschung spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Linguistik und den...
Communication Sciences