Events by track
Theoretical Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Acquiring formal negation and negative concord
This study focuses on investigating what determines how NC provides essential... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
A cross-linguistic analysis of semantic features of Italian poi; Camuno po; and German doch
The status of modal particles as a grammatical class and their properties... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
A linguistic interpretation of agrammatic aphasia
My dissertation project aims to build a bridge between current linguistic... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
A Model-Theoretic Approach for Greenberg’s Universal 20?
Although there are several ways to account for the typological data available... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Anaphor backward binding in German
It has long been observed that in many languages, experiencer objects can... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Anti-Agreement Effect in the speech of Arabic-dominant heritage speakers of Tashelhiyt Berber
Heritage language (HL) speakers are recessive bilinguals dominant in the... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
A Parallel Structural Account for Passives and Antipassives
This talk will provide a parallel, unified structural account of passives and... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Aspectual complementation in Serbo-Croatian
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Die poetische Relevanz des Platzhalter-es in Heines Buch der Lieder
Das Platzhalter-es - ein kleines Wort, das unter keinen Umständen... |
Theoretical Linguistics |
English relatives’ attachment from Second Language Learners
For second language learners, this high attachment preference can be... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Exploring apparent V2-violations in Norwegian
In this talk, I investigate apparent V2-violations in Norwegian, a... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
This study aims to investigate the organization of the lexicon with the... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Grammatical Gender Assignment in Modern Greek
This paper discusses the grammatical gender assignment in Modern Greek,... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Grammatische und nicht-sprachliche Faktoren als Einfluss auf die Konzeptualisierung von Bewegungsereignissen
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Keynote: Gibt es ein Deutschland‐Türkisch?
In der Forschung zu Heritage-Sprachen und in den Medien findet sich immer mal... |
Theoretical Linguistics |
Keynote: Heritage languages: the role of register
Work on heritage languages has emphasized the importance of their study for... |
Theoretical Linguistics |
No duermo lo suficiente: spanish "lo" on degree phrases
The ultimate goal of this projects is to elaborate a morphosyntactic and... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
On In and On
This research concerns geometric and force-dynamic accounts of the semantics... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Quotative que constructions in Spanish: A constructional variational approach
The aim of this paper is twofold: to identify possible instances of variation... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Semitc Verbal Diminutives and Their Morphological Derivation
Verbal diminutives involve the reduction of a verbal event into multiple,... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
The Acquisition of Raising Constructions in L2 English by Turkish Native Speakers
This paper explores the acquisition of raising constructions in L2 English by... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
The focalizing adverbs também/anche and negation
In this talk, I will give an analysis of the adverbs "também" and "anche" and... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
The plural agreement of morphologically singular and semantically plural nouns in Spanish
The goal of this project presentation is twofold. From an empirical... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
The Restrictive Nature of Binding Theory; Turkish Reflexive "kendisi"
This paper aims to theoretically investigate the difference between the... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
WH-questions in child Romanian
During the research for my BA paper, titled "Wh-questions in child Romanian",... |
Theoretical Linguistics | ||
Zur Einordnung der Fixierung der Verb-Zweit-Stellung in Aussagesätzen im Deutschen als Grammatikalisierungsprozess
In der Grammatikalisierungsforschung werden unter dem Begriff... |
Theoretical Linguistics |
Applied Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
A functionalist approach to audio description: preliminary results of a contrastive analysis
This paper reports on the preliminary stage of a research investigating the... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Assessing the Viability of Foreign Language Acquisition Through a Mixed-Language Novel
Research in vocabulary acquisition has shown that people are able to acquire... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Coloniality Through English Language Teaching In Morocco
My talk will elaborate on different aspects of my ongoing doctoral research.... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Comparing Patterns of Use of Relative Clauses in L2 and L3 Acquisition
It has been argued that investigating third language (L3) acquisition... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Constructing fictional worlds. A study with argentinian young children from different social groups.
Evidence indicates that 4- and 5- years old children create fictional worlds... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Das Lesen wissenschaftlicher Texte bei nicht-muttersprachlichen Studierenden an der UNC
Das Lesen wissenschaftlicher Texte ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil im... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
How the Radical Influences a Chinese Character's Phoneticity
In my Bachelor's thesis, I analyzed how the semantic indicators of a Chinese... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Keynote: Computational Linguistics: From Language Tasks to Language Games
Computational Linguistics is a field that shares concerns with many other... |
Applied Linguistics |
Keynote: Computational Linguistics: From Language Tasks to Language Games
Computational Linguistics is a field that shares concerns with many other... |
Applied Linguistics |
Keynote: Corpora, methods and tools for (German) linguistics
The talk will give an overview over the basic principles and recent... |
Applied Linguistics |
La configuración de los intercambios en el entorno lingüístico de la educación inicial. Un estudio con salas de dos y tres años de jardines maternales y de infantes de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Este estudio explora en distintas actividades del jardín maternal y de... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Lernersprache aus pragmatischer Perspektive: Linguistische Analysen zur Diskursperformanz von DaF-Studierenden in der gesprochenen Wissenschaftssprache
Die Zahl internationaler Studierender an deutschen Hochschulen steigt stetig,... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Management of advice and relational work among the interactions in the Facebook group 'PCT Class of 2020'
Advice is not only present in our every-day offline world but also online.... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Mehrsprachige Terminologiearbeit im Unternehmen
Mehrsprachige Kommunikation spielt bei international tätigen Unternehmen eine... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Motivation and Aptitude in Second Language Acquisition
This presentation reports on a partial validation study on Energy... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Multimodal meaning-making in social distancing times: an analysis of the video conferencing tool 'Zoom' as a digital classroom
Several digital alternatives have been proposed for the teaching and learning... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Narzisstische Manipulation. Eine Aufgabe der Linguistik!
Nach Expert·inn·enschätzung machen körperlich diagnostizierbare... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Saudi university students’ attitudes towards their multiple non-native EMI instructors: Exploratory study
Saudi universities have, for some time now, embraced English as a means of... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Sources of foreign language listening anxiety in learners of German as foreign language
Compared to the research done on foreign language speaking anxiety, little is... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Spiele und Teamgeist: Oral Peer Feedback in the World Language Classroom in the U.S.
At a university in the U.S. a space was created where beginning and... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Strategien der polnisch-deutschen Übersetzung von Kulinaren in den Speisekarten
Das Ziel meiner Präsentation ist ein Versuch, eine Typologie der... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Teaching grammar with ICT
In this presentation I will make a proposal to teach grammar using technology... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
The Emergence of Language-Related Episodes and Perceived Usefulness of L2-L2 Learner and NS-Learner Telecollaboration
The Interaction Hypothesis (Long, 1996) asserts that communication in the... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
Unanständige Phraseologie im Bereich des Sexuallebens am Beispiel an gewählten deutschen und polnischen Beispielen
Aleksandra Lidzba ORCID: 0000-0002-3474-5495 Krystian Suchorab ORCID:... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
This study investigates the patterns of repair in conversations between... |
Applied Linguistics | ||
What Language Is Mother Tongue of Deaf Children of Hearing Parents?
Mother tongue is a language spoken in a country or by a certain community in... |
Applied Linguistics |
Title | Track | Speakers | |
An empirical study of the first-coined lexemes with native combining forms
This speech will be based on an experiment I conducted for my Master’s... |
Diverse | ||
Dance Dojo
Have you always wanted to expand your moveset? Looking for something to bust... |
Diverse |
Introduction to and Big Blue Button
Diverse |
LaTeX for linguists - a beginners' guide
Tired of relabelling all of your 150 examples manually every time you open... |
Diverse | ||
Linguistik und Beruf
Wir können (und wollen) nicht alle für immer an der Uni bleiben. Aber was... |
Diverse | ||
Philosophische Gesprächsführung als Schlüssel zur Selbstkompetenz
Im Rahmen meiner Diplomarbeit habe ich abgehaltene philosophische Gespräche... |
Diverse | ||
Was macht eigentlich der Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V.?
**English follows German** Der Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V. hat sich 2015... |
Diverse | ||
Words of Warcraft
Linguistics is not monolithic. It's a multifaceted science with countless... |
Diverse |
Words of Warcraft
Linguistics is not monolithic. It's a multifaceted science with countless... |
Diverse |
Food Time/Break Time
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Around the World in 16 Songs
How easy is it for you to identify a language? What information do you tend... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Berlin Bike Tour
Since we can't hold physical tours of the city, we've decided to record... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Canvas Kerfuffle
Join us for a game of! Test your knowledge and creative chops by... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Cooking stream - French Onion Soup with Onur & you
The cooking stream is the culinary finale of the StuTS 68 opening... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Farewell Brunch
Can't get enough of the StuTS social scene? Want to talk about your (or... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Leisure Lounge
Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Linguistics Pub Quiz
#StuTS68 will joyfully come at you and bring a full three-day load of the... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Mittagspause / Lunch Break
You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Mittagspause / Lunch Break
You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Mittagspause / Lunch Break
You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Offenes Lesen - Märchenstunde
[English below] Wir wollen zusammen Texte auf verschiedene Weisen... |
Food Time/Break Time | ||
Open Mic + Talking Points
Have a great singing voice, or fancy yourself a bit of a poet? Have a weird... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Talking Points
Talking Points is an 8-person party game where each player has to hold a... |
Food Time/Break Time |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Aspect use in child speakers of heritage Russian
Heritage languages are notorious for substantial deviations from the standard... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Benefits of L2 acquisition in early childhood education
The article aims to identify and analyze through the Neuropedagogy and... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Characteristics of voice and way of speaking of patients with spasmodic dysphonia, adductor type
Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare disorder that can affect anyone: one to four... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Comprensión de discurso narrativo en pacientes con esquizofrenia
Comprender un texto implica construir una representación mental. Para lograr... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Conceptual metaphors of anger in Spanish and Czech
Conceptual metaphor has been one of the key elements of cognitive linguistics... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Construction of an instrument for the assessment of children's narrative discourse
We propose the construction of an instrument to asses narrative discourse... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Conventional and creative metaphors of time in contemporary English prose
Time is deeply intertwined with all the aspects of human life. However, the... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Ein (sich) wandelndes Lexikon
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
German-English Translation Priming
The current study investigates English and German word processing in... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Heißt der Mond Klaus oder Sabine?
Vortrag über das Bachelorprojekt, Präsentation der Ergebnisse,... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
How easy is it to acquire grammatical gender in L2 Spanish? An experimental study with Russian-speaking learners
Research on Second Language Acquisition (SLA) has reported that grammatical... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Implicit Causality Bias in Turkish: a production study
Referential expressions function in discourse to denote an individual. To... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Intervene to improve written composition in secondary school: designing a psycholinguistic intervention program
In this talk, I will present the key points of my current doctoral project,... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Language and praxis in the brain: an embodied approach to syntactic competence
Syntactic ability (that is, the capacity for productive combinatorial use of... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Moving A Psycholinguistic Research Online during the Pandemic
This presentation reports a transition process of a psycholinguistic study... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Processing of verbal inflection in people with agrammatic aphasia: a Distributed Morphology approach.
People with agrammatic aphasia present a language disorder caused by a brain... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Production and perception of focus in naturalistic Turkish speech
Presentation of my PhD project on the realization and perception of focus... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
The Ecological Account of Language Acquisition: exploring its theoretical and methodological implications
“Targets of acquisition are neither deterministic nor static” (Johnson &... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
The more, the merrier. Words with multiple meanings in Spanish
In recent times, the introduction of experimental techniques to study... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics | ||
Vocabulary production of young children from diverse socioeconomic groups
Vocabulary development is one of the fundamental aspects of language... |
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics |
Phonetics and Phonology
Title | Track | Speakers | |
“As they say in China, Arrivederci!” : Disney’s Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz and the Map of the Eastern European Accent in the American Imagination
This study investigates the representation of the Eastern European (EE)... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Die rhythmische Struktur des russischen phonetischen Wortes
Im Vortrag präsentiert man die Ergebnisse eines phonetischen Experiments, das... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Einführung in die soziophonetischen Untersuchungsmethoden
In diesem Workshop werden grundlegende Konzepte der Soziophonetik sowie Tipps... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Elefant, Tiger und Co(ronalisierung)
Bei der letzten StuTS hatte ich folgendes Problem vorgestellt: Zur... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Orthographic effects on the production of stop + sibilant clusters by Brazilian speakers of English
This study examines the role of orthography in the production of plural... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Phonetic analysis on speech style of German language teachers and university lecturers
<p>Fast speech can lead to difficulties in listening comprehension. In order... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Phonological and/or phonetic similarity as underlying principles of imperfect rhyme
This study investigated imperfect rhyme and its phonological and/or phonetic... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
Prosodic Patterns in Ramari Hatohobei
This talk presents an analysis of the prosodic patterns in Ramari Hatohobei,... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
R-Palatalisierung im Niederlausitzischen
Im Dialekt der Niederlausitz (im Süden von Brandenburg) gibt es einen... |
Phonetics and Phonology | ||
The Impact of Current Trends in British Society on the Phonostylistical Peculiarities of the Media Discourse
In the light of the current socio-political situation in Great Britain, the... |
Phonetics and Phonology |
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Attitudes and beliefs towards geographical varieties of Spanish: similarities and differences between native and non-native university students
This paper analyzes the similarities and differences in the perception of the... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Die Kontroverse um die geschlechtsindifferente Referenz in der Frankophonie
Ich möchte mein Dissertationsvorhaben zur geschlechtsindifferenten Referenz... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Documentary: Rising Voices
Interested in learning about the plight of indigenous languages? This 1-hour... |
Sociolinguistics |
From "they" to "elle"
The aim of this presentation is to highlight the importance of non-binary... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
How does my Serbian change
This study has the aim to address the constant change of one’s way of... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
„Ihr seid Deutsche, lebt in Deutschland und sprecht Kroatisch mit eurem Kind, warum?” “Warum nicht?”
Nicht zuletzt durch die Globalisierung gewinnt Mehrsprachigkeit im 21.... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Il Fenomeno, The Berlin Wall, l’architetto - Zur Bedeutung von rhetorischen Stilmitteln für Spitznamen und Namensappositionen im professionellen Fußball
Il Fenomeno, The Berlin Wall, L‘architetto – Spitznamen und... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Internet slang in sexist statements: a comparative analysis of Russia and the United States
The study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of sexist statements in... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Investigating Language Change Across the Lifespan in the Context of Jennifer Lopez
In sociolinguistics, a number of studies have shown that individual speakers... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Keynote: Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachvariation: Diversität als Normalfall
Sprachliche Vielfalt gibt es schon so lange, wie es Menschen gibt; Variation... |
Sociolinguistics |
'Mixed Gender Talk' in the UK House of Commons
As a historically male-dominated institution centred around debate and... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
New speakers of French in Louisiana: Language use, attitude and identity
Introduced in Louisiana at the end of the 17th century, French is today... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
People's Daily vs Neues Deutschland
Have some fun on reading old communist propaganda newspapers from the West... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Researching dialectal variation in under-described language varieties. The case of Yoruba language.
This study investigates dialectal variation with an emphasis on Yoruba... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
„Sa[x]t man hier so!“
Im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte ist die Stadtsprachenforschung immer stärker... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
“So, like, at the beginning it was like, what’s new, Buenos Aires?”: Discourse markers in unscripted Canadian podcasts
The study investigated the use of discourse markers in Canadian English (CE),... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
The heheo: is that even a thing?
The heheo is the sporadic and lexically conditioned substitution of the /s/... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
The Prescriptive Nature of 'Should'
I'd like to present what I believe to be original research; the use of the... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
The Role of Face in a Chinese Primary School Online Classroom
This study reports on a micro-ethnographic investigation into a chat... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Usage of Punctuation Marks ")" and "(" among Young People in the Context of Internet Communication
Online-communication does not imply non-verbal way of perceiving the... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Zum Beitrag der Mehrsprachigkeit zum interkulturellen -und landeskundlichen Lernerfolg bei algerischen DaF-Studenten
Jede Person hat eine Gabe vom Gott zu sprechen, auszudrücken, und zu... |
Sociolinguistics | ||
Zwischen Monozentrismus und Polyzentrismus
Die Standardisierungsprozesse, denen die spanische Sprache unterliegt, gehen... |
Sociolinguistics |
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
A typological approach to the alignments of argument indexes in the Amazon
The purpose of this talk is to present the research I am currently conducting... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
El presente de indicativo español y la posterioridad absoluta
Mediante el presente prospectivo español no nos referimos exclusivamente al... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Embedded Clauses in the acquisition of Spanish as L2 by English and German native speakers
This is a work in progress, which shows the influence of German and English... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Features of «Italiano neo-standard» (a modern variant of the Italian literary norm) in the novels of southern Italian writers
Italiano neo-standard (Berruto, 1987) is a spoken Italian language variety... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Germanic Sandwhich?
Es ist vielleicht die leckerste Theorie in der Sprachwissenschaft: das... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Intensivierung oder Attenuation?
Eine typologische Arbeit, welche die Verteilung der beiden Effekte... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
I've Done it Yesterday: The Present Perfect and Past Temporal Adverbs
The Present Perfect is often considered a "puzzle" (Klein 1992; Skala 2018).... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Kongruierende Nebensatzeinleitungen in kontinentalwestgermanischen Varietäten
Unsere Vorstellung von Sprache ist oft von traditioneller... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
Split-Ergativity in the Hittite language and possible sources of Ergativity
This talk is concerned with possible sources of ergativity... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
The ditransitive Construction in Phoenician
In diesem Vortrag wird die ditransitive Konstruktion im Phönizischen... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
The Lesser Antillean Orange – a Linguistic Research Trip Across 7 Islands
The French-based Creole languages of the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean) share a... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics | ||
The Role of Context in the Travel of Metaphorical Idioms
The talk will address the role of different types of context (situational,... |
Typology and Variational Linguistics |
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Closing Session
Abschlussplenum mit anschließender Feedbackrunde. Closing session with... |
Plenum |
Opening Session
Plenum |
Vorstellung der German Society for Computational Linguistics (GSCL)
Die Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie und Computerlinguistik e.V. (GSCL) ist... |
Plenum |
Discourse Analysis
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Coded Language in US Political Speech Acts
The ways in which US Americans identify with political parties and the... |
Discourse Analysis | ||
Die Repräsentativität der Frauen in Zapatistas Erklärungen
Dieser Vortrag handelt von der Repräsentativität der Frauen in Zapatistas... |
Discourse Analysis | ||
Frame-Analyse als Diskursanalyse am Beispiel von 'Flüchtling', 'Geflüchtete_r' und 'Migrant_in'
Meine hier vorgestellte Masterarbeit nimmt einen kognitiv-linguistischen... |
Discourse Analysis | ||
Furious Commuters and Mobs
In this paper I conduct a Critical Discourse Analysis of the representation... |
Discourse Analysis | ||
Prostitution and abolitionism
In this work my aim is to explore the methodological and analytical tools of... |
Discourse Analysis | ||
Russian Radical Feminist Discourse on Twitter
My main project goal is to investigate Russian radical feminist discourse on... |
Discourse Analysis | ||
Strategies and tactics employed in representing protest movements in contemporary English-language print media
Protest movements have become one of the most common and efficient forms of... |
Discourse Analysis | ||
The Discursive Construction and Performance of Non-Binary Identity
This study examines the discursive construction and performance of non-binary... |
Discourse Analysis | ||
The representations of crucial cultural concepts of American and Russian national characters within modern academic discourse
In essence, the research is the comparative discourse analysis with the aim... |
Discourse Analysis |
Computational Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Computational Approaches to Asterisk Correction Resolution
The lack of an editing function in many instant messaging services gave rise... |
Computational Linguistics | ||
Multimodal Learner’s Dictionary in EFL classroom
In the modern world studies of human language and the technical progress are... |
Computational Linguistics | ||
Multimodal Learning: Integrating Vision and Language
We will introduce the concept of multimodality and focus, in the talk, on two... |
Computational Linguistics | ||
R for Beginners
R is a programming language that has become increasingly popular among... |
Computational Linguistics | ||
The corpus-based glossary as an essential tool for the translation of legal documents
The translation of legal documents has become an all-important pursuit in the... |
Computational Linguistics | ||
The rise of the machines. Is it that alarming?
The focus will be on the problem of translation in the 21st century. My key... |
Computational Linguistics | ||
Towards a computer-aided framework for borrowing detection
How can computers help us to find old loanwords and is it possible that... |
Computational Linguistics |
Historical Linguistics
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Concessive connectors as discourse markers: The case of although and obwohl
Both the English although and the German obwohl are most typically known for... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
The city of Santos (Brazil) stands out as the only documented locality in the... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Die Entstehung von Derivationsmorphemen: Grammatikalisierung oder Lexikalisierung?
Ist die Entstehung einer Adjektivendung wie dt. -lich < Proto-Germ. *līka... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Dos filólogos alemanes en la Argentina del Primer Peronismo: Fritz Krüger y Gerhard Moldenhauer
Esta contribución presenta el estado actual de mi investigación doctoral en... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Fremdheit in der Schrift? Historische Mehrschriftigkeit in den Regensburgischen Diarien
Regensburg, von 1663 bis 1806 die Stadt des Immerwährenden Reichstages, gilt... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Interacting Factors in Grammaticalization: Source, Usage in Context, Paradigm
In my talk I want to investigate the interaction of three factors in... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Keynote: On how to attain a synchronic stage?
In stark contrast to the development of linguistic research during the... |
Historical Linguistics |
Konjunktivverwendung und Strategien der Redewiedergabe in den Olmützer Prozessakten
Prozessakte aus älteren Sprachstufen des Deutschen wecken in den letzten... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Los inicios de la gramática escolar en la Argentina (1863-1922)
En este encuentro nos proponemos presentar los aspectos generales, objetivos... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
Morphologie und Verbalaspekt in den frühen kroatischen Grammatiken
Ab dem 17. Jahrhundert werden auf dem Gebiet Dalmatiens und Dubrovniks die... |
Historical Linguistics | ||
The Diatopic variation of the reflexes of Middle Chinese *ɣu- in Guangdong Yue dialects
This talk explores the diatopic variation of the reflexes of Middle Chinese... |
Historical Linguistics |
Communication Sciences
Title | Track | Speakers | |
Cross-cultural Organizational Conflicts and Ways of their Resolution (Elaboration of Coursera Online Course Materials)
Cross-cultural communication is one of the essential skills in the... |
Communication Sciences | ||
Gender-Neutral Content for Effective Corporate Communications
The work is focused on the field of corporate communications with a special... |
Communication Sciences | ||
Keynote: Gebärdensprachforschung in Berlin: Theorie und Praxis
Gebärdensprachforschung spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Linguistik und den... |
Communication Sciences |