Talk: Conventional and creative metaphors of time in contemporary English prose

Time is deeply intertwined with all the aspects of human life. However, the concept itself remains rather elusive as it is difficult to pinpoint. The role of social time is vital: it organizes society and shapes the mind; hence the perception of time drastically differs not only between cultures but also amongst individuals. To describe their temporal experience people often employ expressive means of language, metaphors being one of them. Over the years, a number of primary conceptual metaphorical models of time have emerged that are used to denote different aspects of the temporal experience, e.g. the flow of time, its value, etc. Let's lift the veil of mystery and discover what is time and why NOW is the best time to talk about it.

Time is a universal human experience, however, despite much research conducted on the basis of cultural understanding of time, little attention was given to the individual ways of conceptualizing and verbalizing temporal experience. To describe their temporal experience people often employ expressive means of language, metaphors being one of them. Over the years, a number of primary conceptual metaphorical models of time have emerged that are used to denote different aspects of the temporal experience, e.g. the flow of time, its value, etc. However, it is crucial to personify individual experience and the way we transmit it to other people. That is why creative metaphors that reconsider and reimagine the conventions of time have gained popularity. The goal of the research is to explore how individuals engage in the process of linguistic creativity while describing personal temporal experience using creative metaphors. The chosen qualitative method of research is the selection of creative metaphors in contemporary English prose using the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and research engine Google Scholar.
This research demonstrates that temporal experience is vital and creative metaphors of time are a crucial tool to describe one’s interactions with the concept of time.


Day: 2020-11-20
Start time: 09:30
Duration: 00:30
Room: Clotilde Tambroni
Track: Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Language: en




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