
Wednesday 17:00

Introduction to and Big Blue Button

Get to know the conference platform! - Agathe Lasch (mul)

Wednesday 18:15

Linguistics Pub Quiz

An evening of questions, answers, and your beverage of choice - Agathe Lasch (mul)

#StuTS68 will joyfully come at you and bring a full three-day load of the finest student linguistics talks to the screen!
To warm-up for this marathon, we want to cordially welcome you all with an amusing pre-conference pubquiz!
This evening is ...

Thursday 08:45

Opening Session

Begrüßungsplenum - Agathe Lasch (mul)

Thursday 09:00

Management of advice and relational work among the interactions in the Facebook group 'PCT Class of 2020'

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Advice is not only present in our every-day offline world but also online. The speech acts containing advice can be realized on a vast continuum that ranges between linguistic forms such as classic conditional clauses followed by should-instructio...

Aspect use in child speakers of heritage Russian

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

Heritage languages are notorious for substantial deviations from the standard language in various linguistic domains. The patterns of these changes and their explanation are treated differently in contemporary research (see Polinsky 2018 for a dis...

Longitudinal Studies:

Semitc Verbal Diminutives and Their Morphological Derivation

A DM Approach - Agathe Lasch (en)

Verbal diminutives involve the reduction of a verbal event into multiple, shorter events, which take the temporal scope of otherwise just one event. In most Semitic languages, which are known for their templatic word-formational nature, verbal dim...

The ditransitive Construction in Phoenician

Odille Morison (en)

In diesem Vortrag wird die ditransitive Konstruktion im Phönizischen (Afroasiatisch: Nordwestsemitisch) beschrieben. Dabei wird herausgearbeitet, inwieweit ditransitive Verben in dieser Sprache von typologischen Tendenzen abweichen und eine Hypoth...

In dieser Arbeit wird die ditransitive Konstruktion im Phönizischen (Nordwestsemitisch) untersucht. Eine ditransitive Konstruktion wird Malchukov et al. (2010: 1) folgend auf semantischer Basis definiert, also als Konstruktion, die aus einem ditransitivem Verb, einem Agens-Argument (A), einem Rezipient-Argument (R) und einem Themen-Argument (T) besteht. Für die Zwecke der Analyse werden ditransitive Verben in Inschriften aller Dialekte und Sprachstufen sowie aus dem gesamten Verbreitungsgebiet des Phönizischen betrachtet, vom Kerngebiet an der Levanteküste bis über das gesamte Mittelmeer. Besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf der Polysemie des Rezipient-Markers l- und dem syntaktischen Verhalten der Konstruktion, zum Beispiel bei Relativsatzbildung. Im Phönizischen finden sich zudem sowohl typische ditransitive Verben wie ytn „geben“ und šlḥ „senden“, die einen direkten Transfer beschreiben, als auch weniger typische ditransitive Verben wie nʾš „darbringen“, ndr „weihen“ und zbḥ „opfern“. Die Untersuchung ergibt, dass ytn (und andere ditransitive Verben) entgegen der typologisch belegbaren Tendenz zu neutralem Alignment (P=T=R) indirektivisches Alignment (P=T≠R) zeigt:

(1) Phöniz...

Thursday 09:30

Strategien der polnisch-deutschen Übersetzung von Kulinaren in den Speisekarten

Clotilde Tambroni

Das Ziel meiner Präsentation ist ein Versuch, eine Typologie der Übersetzungsstrategien am Beispiel der polnisch-deutschen Übersetzung von Kulinarien in den Speisekarten zu erstellen. Es wurden 31 polnischsprachige Speisekarten aus polnischen Rest...

Morphologie und Verbalaspekt in den frühen kroatischen Grammatiken

Odille Morison (de)

Ab dem 17. Jahrhundert werden auf dem Gebiet Dalmatiens und Dubrovniks die ersten Grammatiken und Wörterbücher der kroatischen Sprache veröffentlicht. Diese Arbeiten tragen einen Pioniercharakter in sich, da sie eine Sprache beschreiben für welche...

Grammatical Gender Assignment in Modern Greek

Agathe Lasch

This paper discusses the grammatical gender assignment in Modern Greek, claiming that gender is a feature to be assigned to all nouns in the language including the borrowed words

This paper discusses the grammatical gender assignment in Modern Greek, claiming that gender is a feature to be assigned to all nouns in the language including the borrowed words. Grammatical gender is known to be varied cross-linguistically, meaning that a word can have different grammatical genders across languages. Simply put, grammatical gender is a way of distinction or classification of nouns within a language, which later interacts with syntax as adjectives and articles should agree with the gender of the noun in the syntactic derivation. However, not being a way of classification solely, grammatical gender has drawn a considerable amount of attention in the literature for both theoretical approaches and cognitive & experimental approaches. It is even said to affect odor perception (Speed & Majid 2019; Maciuszek, Polak & Świątkowska, 2019). Another striking feature of grammatical gender is that if a loanword enters into a language, which has grammatical genders, native speakers of that language agree on the gender of the noun, which can show that grammatical gender has a cognitive basis, rather than simply being a way of classification of nouns, whose origin is said to “h...

Thursday 10:00

Die Entstehung von Derivationsmorphemen: Grammatikalisierung oder Lexikalisierung?

Eine lexikalistische Betrachtung - Odille Morison (de)

Ist die Entstehung einer Adjektivendung wie dt. -lich < Proto-Germ. *līka 'Körper' noch Grammatikalisierung? Oder schon Lexikalisierung, da ja damit neue Wörter gebildet werden. Dieser Frage in Zusammenhang mit anderen Fallbeispielen aus germanisc...

Bei Grammatikalisierung wird bekanntlich aus einem lexikalischen Zeichen ein grammatisches - z. B. bei einem unbestimmten Artikel aus dem Zahlwort 'eins' (gibt es in etlichen Sprachen). Dagegen viele ein Beispiel wie die Entstehung einer Adjektivendung wie dt. -lich < Proto-Germ. *-līka 'Körper') in die Lexikalisierung, da ja mit -lich neue Wörter gebildet werden.
Dem liegt eine strikte Trennung von Grammatik und Lexikon zugrunde. Aber was bedeutet es, wenn man Grammatik im Lexikon verankert ist? Knackpunkt ist hier die Differenzierung von Flexions- und Derivationsmorphologie, wobei Ersteres primär als syntaktisches, Letzteres als lexikalisches Phänomen eingeordnet wird. Es gibt jedoch gute Gründe, die Unterscheidung dieser beiden Teile der Morphologie aufzugeben. Die Konsequenzen daraus sollen in diesem Vortrag auf die Grammatikalisierungsforschung übertragen werden. Die Kategorialgrammatik (deren nächster "Verwandter" die weiter verbreitete HPSG ist), stellt hier ein geeignetes Mittel dar, aufzuzeigen, was bei mutmaßlichen Grammatikalisierungs-/Lexikalisierungsprozessen passiert. Es werden keine kategorialgrammatischen Kenntnisse vorausgesetzt! Als untersuchte Sprachen dienen...

Heißt der Mond Klaus oder Sabine?

Eine sprachvergleichende Untersuchung zum Einfluss von Genus auf die Konzeptualisierung von Nomen - Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Vortrag über das Bachelorprojekt, Präsentation der Ergebnisse, Herangehensweise der Forschung, weitere Fragestellungen, Probleme etc.

Angelehnt an eine empirische Studie von Lera Boroditsky, Schmidt & Phillips (2000) wird im Rahmen
dieser empirischen Untersuchung der Einfluss des grammatischen Geschlechtes auf die
Konzeptualisierung von Nomen überprüft. Mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens bestehend aus zwei Aufgaben
(Zuordnung von Adjektiven zu Objekten und Benennung von Objekten mit Eigennamen), der an je 10
männliche und weibliche Native-Speaker (zwischen 20 und 35 Jahre alt) der Sprachen Spanisch,
Englisch, Russisch und Deutsch geschickt wurde, wurden folgende Fragestellungen untersucht:
1. Werden die prototypischen männlichen beziehungsweise weiblichen Eigenschaften durch das
grammatische Geschlecht auf einen Gegenstand übertragen?
2. Das Deutsche verfügt über ein grammatisches Geschlecht neutrum, inwiefern wird in diesem
Genus die Konzeptualisierung durchgeführt.
3. Das Englische verfügt über kein grammatisches Geschlecht, kann trotzdem ein Muster bei der
Konzeptualisierung erkannt werden?
3. Nach der sex-and-gender-Hypothese (Vigliocoo, 2005) ist der Zusammenhang zwischen
grammatisches und natürliches Geschlecht bei Sprachen mit drei oder mehr Genusformen schwächer
ausgeprägt, trifft dies auc...


Agathe Lasch (en)

This study aims to investigate the organization of the lexicon with the assumption that words are category-free in the lexicon by giving examples from Pomak language, which is an understudied, endangered South Slavic language spoken in Thrace (Tur...

This study aims to investigate the organization of the lexicon with the assumption that words are category-free in the lexicon by giving examples from Pomak language, which is an understudied, endangered South Slavic language spoken in Thrace (Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria). In this paper, I used the data that Sandry (2013) provides and I collected data from three speakers of Pomak1. The central investigation of this paper is the borrowed words from Turkish, which is a gender-neutral language, such as zengin- in ‘rich male’ and ‘zengin-ka’ ‘rich female’. Sandry (2013) claims that –in is part of the root and when suffix -ka is attached to the word, -in is deleted. However, in this paper, I claim that –in cannot be part of the root but it is a suffix that marks gender. The reason why the suffixes –ka and –in cannot co-occur is that both of them mark word category but the former marks masculine gender while the latter marks feminine gender and since a stem cannot have two different grammatical gender, there is no stem such as *zengin-in-ka. I also give further evidence by analyzing adjective derivation in Pomak in order to show that the adjectival functional head –sk is also added t...

Thursday 11:00

R for Beginners

An introductory workshop for the programming language R - Odille Morison (en)

R is a programming language that has become increasingly popular among linguists working quantitatively with data. It can be used to clean and filter large corpora, code for microlinguistic features, and run statistical tests; it is thus of partic...

To follow along the exercises on your own computer, please install the free program RStudio beforehand. Please also download and unzip the file I have uploaded. This contains the programming script and the Twitter corpus we'll be working with.

If you would prefer not to work through the exercises during the workshop, that's absolutely fine. I have included very detailed notes with the script, so you can simply listen along to my talk and then go through the script later in your own time.

„Ihr seid Deutsche, lebt in Deutschland und sprecht Kroatisch mit eurem Kind, warum?” “Warum nicht?”

Methoden und Hürden beim Gebrauch einer intrinsisch motivierten Lingua Franca. - Agathe Lasch (de)

Nicht zuletzt durch die Globalisierung gewinnt Mehrsprachigkeit im 21. Jahrhundert immer mehr an Bedeutung. So kommt es dazu, dass auch einsprachig aufgewachsene Eltern nach Methoden suchen, ihre Kinder frühzeitig von Mehrsprachigkeit partizipiere...

Documentary: Rising Voices

Revitalizing the Lakota Language - Clotilde Tambroni (mul)

Interested in learning about the plight of indigenous languages? This 1-hour documentary on the Lakota language offers some great insights into why many languages fare facing extinction and what can be done to revitalise them.

Rising Voices / Hótȟaŋiŋpi is the intellectual property of The Language Conservancy (

Thursday 12:15

Towards a computer-aided framework for borrowing detection

Gothic loanwords in Hungarian? - Agathe Lasch (en)

How can computers help us to find old loanwords and is it possible that Hungarian exhibits a Gothic loanword stratum? The model that I will propose in my dissertation is capable of extracting sound change laws from an etymological dictionary, reco...

It has been noted recently that computational historical linguistics is still in its infancy. This statement is even more true for the subfield of computational historical loanword research, since most efforts still go into researching the inherited lexicon. This might well be due to the complexity of the topic. In my project, I propose a new methodology, partly based on Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 1993), whereby I reconstruct pseudo-roots of Hungarian words and check for identical matches within pseudo-soundsubstituted Gothic words. Opposed to state-of the-art methods that calculate the phonetic similarity of semantically identical hand-picked concepts, the algorithm much rather searches for rule-based phonetic matches, and calculates their semantic similarity only afterwards. This model has two main advantages: Firstly, it is not agnostic to semantic change anymore, and secondly, it acknowledges the fact that related words do not necessarily exhibit similar phonetics but rather stick to concrete established sound change rules

Furious Commuters and Mobs

A Critical Discourse Analysis of Non-Protestors at an Extinction Rebellion Protest. - Clotilde Tambroni (en)

In this paper I conduct a Critical Discourse Analysis of the representation of non-protestors at an Extinction Rebellion protest. Whilst news reports are a well-researched text type in Critical Discourse Analysis, there are very few studies analys...

The global Climate Emergency has led to environmental movements such as Extinction Rebellion receiving an increased media presence. Fowler (1991) argues that news outlets can use language to ‘reflect, and in return shape, the prevailing attitudes of a society’, so it is worth analysing the language used in news reports about Extinction Rebellion to see what attitudes are reflected and how these attitudes are realised linguistically. Moreover, Stamou (2001) suggests that readers can interpret protest events and the protesting organisations themselves through the lens of non-protestors, an area which has received little attention in critical discourse analysis.

I conduct a critical discourse analysis of the representation of non-protestors in two newspaper reports of an Extinction Rebellion protest. The two reports – from a right wing tabloid and left-wing broadsheet – were chosen to capture differences across newspaper genres and political affiliation. I used the frameworks of transitivity and social actor representation proposed by Halliday and Matthiessen (2013) and Van Leeuwen (2008) respectively to answer my research question: how does the representation of non-protestors...

A Parallel Structural Account for Passives and Antipassives

Evidence from Case Marking - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This talk will provide a parallel, unified structural account of passives and antipassives in nominative-accusative and absolutive-ergative languages. It will be argued that passives and antipassives are not derived from their active transitive co...

Germanic Sandwhich?

Über den Status der Theorie des germanischen Sandwichs in der modernen Sprachwissenschaft - Odille Morison (de)

Es ist vielleicht die leckerste Theorie in der Sprachwissenschaft: das Konzept des Germanischen Sandwichs. Jedoch zweifle ich sie an, und in meinem sprachvergleichenden wissenschaftlichen Essay Germanic Sandwhich? schlage ich eine alternative Theo...

Thursday 12:45

Saudi university students’ attitudes towards their multiple non-native EMI instructors: Exploratory study

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Saudi universities have, for some time now, embraced English as a means of instruction in teaching content courses. Against such a linguistic transformation at universities, little research has been done on students' attitudes towards instructors ...

Computational Approaches to Asterisk Correction Resolution

Agathe Lasch (en)

The lack of an editing function in many instant messaging services gave rise to asterisk corrections, messages which only contain the correction intended for the original message, often preceded by an asterisk. This asterisk correction can take ma...

The Diatopic variation of the reflexes of Middle Chinese *ɣu- in Guangdong Yue dialects

Odille Morison (en)

This talk explores the diatopic variation of the reflexes of Middle Chinese *ɣu- in the Yue dialects of Guangdong. Four dialect groups have been identified and the historical explanation for this pattern seems to be a historical contact between ea...

This analysis is unlike traditional studies in Chinese dialectology. Instead of just identifying correspondences between Middle Chinese rhyme book categories and reflexes, I have utilized maps to visualize the data. This approach allows me to address dialect changes in more than one or a handful of dialects and offer a possible explanation for the geolinguistic pattern in Guangdong.

Acquiring formal negation and negative concord

Acquisition of negation in early child language - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This study focuses on investigating what determines how NC provides essential support for children in interpreting negation/negative elements (NMs) in the course of language acquisition.

This study focuses on investigating what determines how negative concord (NC) provides Background: Zeijlstra’s proposed framework predicts that languages may or may not require NegP. Double Negation languages in which a negative marker that is an adverb, serves as the negative operator and is interpreted in the semantics directly, cannot have a NegP. Languages where NMs do not directly correspond to a negative operator are NC languages and may have NegP. For Zeijlstra, NC is a syntactic agreement and provides evidence for the presence of formal features, and multiple NMs stipulate that one of them carries [uNEG] that must be checked in the syntactic component, this is what motivates a NegP.
Proposal: I will use Zeijlstra’s (2004, 2014) framework to explain the acquisition of negation (AoN) and NC in SE. Children acquiring any language must settle the syntactic status of NMs of their target language. SE is a DN language in which every negative form corresponds to a negative meaning. Consequently, it predicts that children acquiring SE should start acquiring it as a DN language where the negative marker is predominantly an adverb. SE also projects formal negation through NegP, b...

Thursday 13:15

Mittagspause / Lunch Break

Movie Midday: Whistles in the Wind - Agathe Lasch (mul)

You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and chat with your fellow participants over some lunch and a movie? Then come by this here videobooth, where we will be showing linguistics-themed videos every lunch break!

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Berlin Bike Tour

See the capital like the locals do! - Ruqaiya Hasan (mul)

Since we can't hold physical tours of the city, we've decided to record something special, so join us as we take you on a bike trip from Potsdam to and across Berlin! Tune in to see the beautiful palaces, the bustling streets and parks, and the di...

Thursday 14:00

Keynote: Gibt es ein Deutschland‐Türkisch?

Christoph Schroeder Keynote - Agathe Lasch (de)

In der Forschung zu Heritage-Sprachen und in den Medien findet sich immer mal wieder die Behauptung, bei dem in Deutschland gesprochenen (und teilweise auch geschriebenen) Türkischen handle es sich um eine Varietät, die sich gegenüber dem Türkisch...

Thursday 15:15

Lernersprache aus pragmatischer Perspektive: Linguistische Analysen zur Diskursperformanz von DaF-Studierenden in der gesprochenen Wissenschaftssprache

Agathe Lasch (de)

Die Zahl internationaler Studierender an deutschen Hochschulen steigt stetig, wobei diese deutlich öfter das Studium abbrechen als deutsche Studierende. Untersuchungen zufolge resultiert dies insbesondere aus nicht aufholbaren sprachlichen Defizit...

Vocabulary production of young children from diverse socioeconomic groups

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

Vocabulary development is one of the fundamental aspects of language acquisition and it has a central impact in cognitive and linguistic development, in literacy acquisition and in general academic performance (Hoff, 2013; Snow & Matthews, 2016). ...

The investigation will use a spontaneous speech corpus (Rosemberg, Arrúe & Alam, 2005-2012) that consists of 468 hours of daily interactions recorded at home, from middle socioeconomic status (N = 19) and low socioeconomic status (N = 20). The criteria to construct the groups involved two variables: the mother’s degree of education and the place of residence. Mothers belonging to the middle socioeconomic status group had at least 16 years of schooling, i.e. a college degree, and they lived in a residential neighborhood of Buenos Aires or Buenos Aires Province. Mothers belonging to the low socioeconomic status group had 12 years of schooling maximum, i.e. no more than a high school degree, and lived in informal settlements [“villas de emergencia”] of Buenos Aires or Buenos Aires Province.
The observations were made by research assistants who had been especially trained for this task. They accompanied the child during 12 hours distributed in 3 or 4 days at different times and days of the week. During the observations, the assistants didn’t start conversations nor activities, but they did respond to questions and engage in games if asked to. The adults and the rest of the children...

“As they say in China, Arrivederci!” : Disney’s Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz and the Map of the Eastern European Accent in the American Imagination

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

This study investigates the representation of the Eastern European (EE) accent in the American animated series “Phineas and Ferb” (Disney). The accent is discussed by a limited number of sources (Reinacher, 2016; Wallace, 2008; Wiedlack, 2019), w...

The project is a pilot study that aims to show how seemingly harmless sociophonetic practices/ representations may stigmatize certain accents and groups of people. The need of unveiling stereotypes is much greater when it comes to children’s television. The ideas presented through this medium are internalized much easily due to the poor critical abilities of the younger children, while it affects a wide, even global-reach in some cases, audience (public pedagogy).

The plural agreement of morphologically singular and semantically plural nouns in Spanish

Odille Morison (en)

The goal of this project presentation is twofold. From an empirical perspective, it is shown that, in Spanish, morphologically singular nouns that denote collectivities [let us use collective nouns] (población ‘population’, equipo ‘team’, familia ...


-FÄLT, GUNNAR 1972. “Sujetos colectivos”, en Tres problemas de concordancia verbal en el español moderno. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Romanica Upsaliensia, 76-149.

-REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA-ASOCIACIÓN DE ACADEMIAS DE LA LENGUA ESPAÑOLA 2009. Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa.

Thursday 15:25

Coloniality Through English Language Teaching In Morocco

Cultural Superiority of Northern Spaces - Agathe Lasch (en)

My talk will elaborate on different aspects of my ongoing doctoral research. The aim is to showcase how my PhD revolves around the idea that coloniality is promoted through English. While the case here is language teaching, my research has been ex...

Constructing fictional worlds. A study with argentinian young children from different social groups.

Odille Morison (en)

Evidence indicates that 4- and 5- years old children create fictional worlds when they participate in symbolic play or produce narratives (Engel, 2005; Garvey, 1985; Migdalek, Rosemberg & Arrúe, 2013; Nicolopoulou, 2015; Pellegrini, 1985; Sawyer,...

The presented Phd project is part of a broader line of research that, framed in sociocultural psychology and current psycholinguistic models (Nelson, 1996, 2007; Tomasello, 2003) studies the relationships between language, play and teaching in young children of different social groups in Argentina. In order to proceed with the project and make it possible in the current context -covid pandemic-, my project will make use of two corpus of data that were recorded in previous projects of the research group. The first corpus (Rosemberg, Arrúe & Alam, 2012) includes 600 hours of audio recording in the houses of 51 4-year-old children from low and middle socio-economic status, residing in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Each child was recorded during 12 hours while he/she was carrying out their daily at-home activities together with his/her family and friends. The second corpus (Alam & Rosemberg, 2016) includes 324 play situations where 30 5-year-old children, from a low SES urban population in Buenos Aires (Argentina), participated. The play situations were videotaped at school, in elicited activities: in three different opportunities -individually, in dyads or tria...

Processing of verbal inflection in people with agrammatic aphasia: a Distributed Morphology approach.

Ruqaiya Hasan (mul)

People with agrammatic aphasia present a language disorder caused by a brain injury. There is substantial cross-linguistic evidence that morphosyntax of verbs is impaired in agrammatic aphasia and that not all verb inflections are affected equally...

The Role of Context in the Travel of Metaphorical Idioms

Dissertation Project - Clotilde Tambroni (en)

The talk will address the role of different types of context (situational, discourse, conceptual-cognitive and bodily) in the production and travel of metaphorical idioms. Metaphorical idioms, produced in one variety of English, become usually ado...

The methodology of the research is based on the theoretical framework, suggested by Zoltán Kövecses (2020) in his article "An Extended View of Conceptual Metaphor Theory" (2020). In this article, the author calls for a more thorough analysis of context in metaphor production. To make the influence of context in the metaphor production more visible, the proposed research project intends to investiagte a group of metaphorical idioms in their original context and in their adopted contexts in different varieties of English. Thus, the differences in context(s) and the differences in meaning will be brought together. The actual analysis will involve 100 metaphorical idioms, originating in American English, which have been adoped by the speakers of British English. The research will be done with the help of two language corpora, namely the COCA and the BNC.

Thursday 15:35

Multimodal Learner’s Dictionary in EFL classroom

Agathe Lasch (en)

In the modern world studies of human language and the technical progress are in the process of active integration in all directions. The cultural progress of mankind, including science and technology, is accompanied by changes in the topics under ...

This short talk presents the concept of creating a multimodal learner's dictionary for students studying English as a foreign language. The research deals with the problem of modelling in computer lexicography.

Russian Radical Feminist Discourse on Twitter

Clotilde Tambroni (mul)

My main project goal is to investigate Russian radical feminist discourse on Twitter. I am particularly interested in the way they use and change Russian language and what concepts surround radical feminist community on Twitter.

My key finding...

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Comprensión de discurso narrativo en pacientes con esquizofrenia

Ruqaiya Hasan (mul)

Comprender un texto implica construir una representación mental. Para lograr esto, es necesario llevar a cabo distintos procesos cognitivos que nos permitan distinguir entre la información relevante y la irrelevante. De esta manera, la representac...

Comprender un texto implica construir una representación mental de su contenido. Para esto, es necesario que varios componentes cognitivos interactúan con el fin de crear una representación mental coherente y cohesiva. De esta manera, por ejemplo, es necesario diferenciar entre la información que es relevante y la que es irrelevante, para poder sostener en la memoria y construir el modelo mental sobre lo importante del texto, sin interferencia de información secundaria o accesoria. Asimismo, es necesario generar inferencias para conectar la información entre sí, para rellenar los vacíos informativos y reconocer las intenciones y pensamientos de los personajes que componen el texto. Estos procesos permiten, a su vez, establecer lazos entre aquellos datos provistos por el texto y el conocimiento del mundo del lector, de manera que la comprensión sea duradera y se convierta en parte del acervo de conocimiento del lector/receptor del texto individuos (Abusamra et al., 2009, 2010; Moss et al., 2011; Powers et al.,2012).
Los estudios que trabajaron sobre aspectos discursivos en esquizofrenia sostienen que en esquizofrenia hay problemas para jerarquizar la información, por lo que la c...

Thursday 16:00

Keynote: Heritage languages: the role of register

Keynote Artemis Alexiadou - Agathe Lasch (en)

Work on heritage languages has emphasized the importance of their study for linguistic theory and the study of language faculty, see e.g. Lohndal et al. (2019) for a recent overview. In line with this work, in this talk I will discuss certain cha...

Thursday 17:30

The more, the merrier. Words with multiple meanings in Spanish

Odille Morison (en)

In recent times, the introduction of experimental techniques to study language has revolutionized the field of Linguistics. Psycholinguistics is the discipline that studies the psychological processes that underlie language, by designing and condu...

„Sa[x]t man hier so!“

Eine soziolinguistische Untersuchung der Stadtsprache in Gütersloh, NRW - Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Im Laufe der letzten Jahrzehnte ist die Stadtsprachenforschung immer stärker in den Vordergrund der deutschsprachigen Varietätenlinguistik gerückt (vgl. Löffler 2016: 19). Diesem Trend folgend, ist das Thema meines Masterarbeitsprojekts eine Unter...

English relatives’ attachment from Second Language Learners

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

For second language learners, this high attachment preference can be significantly transferred to English relative clauses from Chinese ones for second language learners.

English relatives’ attachment from Second Language Learners

In this study, a survey including both Chinese relative clauses and English relative clauses is carried out to examine how do Chinese-English learners process the second language, i.e. English relative clauses in terms of attachment?
The stimuli in this experiment were 10 Chinese targets and 10 English targets, which were mixed with 10 Chinese fillers and 10 English fillers. 40 sentences (20 targets) were presented to the participants. The participants chose one of the two NP choices after reading the questions. The experiment was carried out via Qualtrics survey software. Participants in this experiment were Mandarin speakers in their twenties with English as their second language (N= 85).
85 subjects participated in the experiment (English section). The NP high attachment responses take up to 69.96%; and the NP low attachment responses takes 30.04% among Chinese speakers who have learned English as their second or foreign language. The logistic regression shows that the higher NPs are significantly favored than the lower NPs (Intercept = 0.84560, Std. Error = 0.07531, z value = 11.23, Pr(>|...

Exploring apparent V2-violations in Norwegian

Agathe Lasch (en)

In this talk, I investigate apparent V2-violations in Norwegian, a North-Germanic V2 language. Examples of this phenomenon arise when the finite verb, which is assumed to have moved to the C-domain (Vikner and Schwartz 1996), and the pre-V2 consti...


Brandtler, Johan, and David Håkansson. 2017. V2 eller V3? Om preverbal placering av adverbial i svenskan. Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift 35:11–26.

Julien, Marit. 2015. The force of V2 revisited. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 18:139–181.

Lundquist, 2018. Mer om de preverbala adverbialens syntax, semantik och prosodi. Norsk Lingvistisk Tidskrift 36:179-195.

Nilsen, Øystein. 2003. Eliminating positions: Syntax and semantics of sentence modification. Doctoral dissertation, Utrecht University.

NoWaC (Norwegian Web as Corpus).

Vikner, Sten, and Bonnie Schwartz. 1996. The verb always leaves IP in V2 clauses. In Parameters and functional heads, ed. by Adriana Belletti and Luigi Rizzi, 11–62. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thursday 17:55

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Thursday 18:00

Construction of an instrument for the assessment of children's narrative discourse

Odille Morison (en)

We propose the construction of an instrument to asses narrative discourse abilities in 3 to 5 year-old children. Previous studies have shown the relevance of narrative discourse for cognitive development, socialization and schooling. The few instr...

The present project aims to build an instrument to assess the narrative discourse abilities of 3 to 5 year-old children from a dynamic perspective, which contemplates both, the real as well as potential development of the child. This instrument will contribute to the knowledge of Spanish-speaking children's discursive development and is expected to be a useful tool to be used in educational environments.
An important set of research has highlighted the relevance of this form of discourse for cognitive development (Bruner, 1986; Fivush & Nelson, 2006; Nelson, 1996), literacy (Beck, 2008), socialization (Aukrust & Snow, 1998; Carmiol & Sparks; 2014; Miller, 1994; Wortham, 2001) and the process of schooling.
Despite the importance of narrative skills for child development, there are few instruments specially designed for their assessment. Most of them involve assessing the comprehension and production of fictional narratives in English-speaking population (Cowley & Glasgow, 1997; Gillam et al., 1999; Strong et al., 1998). Instruments developed in Spanish-speaking children evaluate young children's comprehension and production of fictional narratives (Kibrik et al., 2007; Pavez ...

“So, like, at the beginning it was like, what’s new, Buenos Aires?”: Discourse markers in unscripted Canadian podcasts

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

The study investigated the use of discourse markers in Canadian English (CE), a so far under-researched variety of English. The first goal was to compile a comprehensive inventory of discourse markers in CE, categorized by part-of-speech. The seco...

Zur Einordnung der Fixierung der Verb-Zweit-Stellung in Aussagesätzen im Deutschen als Grammatikalisierungsprozess

Agathe Lasch (de)

In der Grammatikalisierungsforschung werden unter dem Begriff "Grammatikalisierung" Sprachwandelprozesse zusammengefasst, die bestimmte Abläufe und Zwischenschritte gemeinsam haben. Dabei wird in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur oft en passant erw...

Aspectual complementation in Serbo-Croatian

A generative-grammar approach - Clotilde Tambroni (en)

The abstract is attached.

Thursday 18:30

New speakers of French in Louisiana: Language use, attitude and identity

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

Introduced in Louisiana at the end of the 17th century, French is today spoken only by an estimated population of 126,000 people. However, as it is usually the case in communities where an ethnic language tends to disappear, maintenance efforts ar...

Grammatische und nicht-sprachliche Faktoren als Einfluss auf die Konzeptualisierung von Bewegungsereignissen

Clotilde Tambroni (de)

Untersuchungen zur Bewegungswahrnehmung belegen experimentell, dass Sprecher*innen von Aspektsprachen bei der Verbalisierung von Bewegungsereignissen den Prozess priorisieren, wohingegen Muttersprachler*innen von Nicht-Aspektsprachen vorzugsweise den Bewegungsendpunkt fokussieren. Diesen Zusammenhang untersuchte ich zunächst in einer Korpus-Studie, wobei sprachliche Unterschiede zwischen deutschen und englischen Muttersprachler*innen sowie Englisch-Lernenden erforscht wurden.

In jüngerer Literatur finden sich jedoch Hinweise, dass auch sprachfernere Faktoren, wie visuelle Auffälligkeit (Salienz) von Ereigniskomponenten, ebenfalls eine Rolle spielen. Dazu führte ich eine Online-Studie durch, die die Verbalisierung von salienten und regulären Endpunkten analysiert und ermittelt, ob die Verbalisierung mit einer besseren Erinnerung an Endpunkte einhergeht.

Obwohl es im Englischen bzw. Deutschen Möglichkeiten gibt, beides, Endpunkte sowie Prozesshaftigkeit, auszudrücken, werden diese selten genutzt. Der Grund hierfür sollte daher nicht nur im Prozessfokus, sondern auch in einer erhöhten Kapazitätsbelastung bei Aspektverwendung gesucht werden. Begründet wird dies mit der im En...

A linguistic interpretation of agrammatic aphasia

Odille Morison (en)

My dissertation project aims to build a bridge between current linguistic theory and experimental approaches to language pathology. In my talk, I will present my research project which is still in the early stages of development.

Recent years have seen a renewed interest in linguistic studies on clinical language disorders such as aphasia (e.g., Franco 2014, Wang et al. 2014, Fyndanis & Themistocleous 2019). For theoretical linguists, language data from aphasics can be particularly relevant since they may provide the empirical backdrop for testing the utilizability of different approaches to the organization of grammar.
In my dissertation, I will investigate how the hypotheses and operational strategies of the theoretical framework of Distributed Morphology (DM, Halle & Marantz 1993) can contribute
to a more accurate interpretation of Italian aphasic, i.e. agrammatic data in the verbal domain.
In combining empirical evidence with linguistic theorizing, the project aims to demonstrate how basic DM assumptions such as the separation of grammatical features from their phonological
realization, lexical underspecification and the process of vocabulary insertion account for the morphosyntactic deficits in Italian aphasic speech production. In turn, the empirical data will serve as a basis to optimize various domains of the theory. The interaction between DM and experimental evidence is expected to enrich t...

The Acquisition of Raising Constructions in L2 English by Turkish Native Speakers

Agathe Lasch

This paper explores the acquisition of raising constructions in L2 English by Turkish native speakers. As Turkish only allows SOR (Callies, 2008), we focus on the acquisition of SSR, which seems to be typologically rare as it involves what is call...

Thursday 19:15

Coded Language in US Political Speech Acts

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

The ways in which US Americans identify with political parties and the language used to participate in politics is of wide discussion in the study of linguistics and US American society at large. Mark and Patricia McCloskey's speech from the 2020 ...

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally shifted the way in which politics are done during an election year in the United States. What is normally a large week-long gathering of Republicans from across the country to show support for the party's chosen candidate, the 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC) was mostly held virtually without a live audience. The virtual setting of this year's convention provided the opportunity for speakers to produce pre-recorded speeches unlike the live speeches that featured in past conventions. Pre-recorded speeches are a form of mediated discourse that allow for a close multimodal examination because of their scripted, rehearsed, and edited nature. The scrutiny that this form of performance allows for lends itself well to a deep dive into pragmatic meaning building.

Through a discussion of the overarching metaphors that frame political affiliation in the United States, the language used by the McCloskey's can be placed in context and the multilayered pragmatic meaning of coded language used within the speech can be examined. The goal of this talk is to discover how a speech can utilize the modes of staged performances, political code wor...

Elefant, Tiger und Co(ronalisierung)

Über die Schwierigkeiten der instrumentalphonetischen Frikativmessung. - Odille Morison (de)

Bei der letzten StuTS hatte ich folgendes Problem vorgestellt:

Zur instrumentalphonetischen Untersuchung von Vokalen hat sich „die Wissenschaft“ längst auf die Bestimmung ihrer Formantenlagen geeinigt. Ein vergleichbarer Konsens fehlt bei den F...

The Restrictive Nature of Binding Theory; Turkish Reflexive "kendisi"

Agathe Lasch (en)

This paper aims to theoretically investigate the difference between the Turkish reflexive kendi and the inflected form kendisi (self/self3sg), as well as experimentally investigating the ambiguity caused by kendisi in Turkish by collecting data fr...

Thursday 19:45

Mehrsprachige Terminologiearbeit im Unternehmen

Verwaltung und Systematisierung terminologischer Variation in der Farben- und Lackindustrie - Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Mehrsprachige Kommunikation spielt bei international tätigen Unternehmen eine entscheidende Rolle, sei es die Kommunikation mit der Außenwelt, wie z.B. mit Geschäftspartnern und Kunden, oder innerhalb des Unternehmens, wie z.B. zwischen der Mutter...

Multimodal Learning: Integrating Vision and Language

What is Multimodal Machine Learning and how far are we in bringing vision and language together? - Clotilde Tambroni (en)

We will introduce the concept of multimodality and focus, in the talk, on two modalities, vision and language, to present the (state of the art) deep neural models for processing (multimodal) vision and language inputs.

Multimodal Machine Learning develops models for different input modalities, e.g. different sensorial inputs, like images, text, speech, humidity, pressure.

In this talk, we will introduce the concept of multimodality and focus, in the talk, on two modalities, vision and language, to present the (state of the art) deep neural models for processing (multimodal) vision and language inputs.

Production and perception of focus in naturalistic Turkish speech

Agathe Lasch (en)

Presentation of my PhD project on the realization and perception of focus constructions in the free word order language of Turkish.

The goal of this talk is to present my ongoing three year PhD project within the IDEALAB program. My project aims to collect and analyze data on focus constructions in naturalistic Turkish speech by conducting three experiments: (i) an in-person production experiment in Turkey, applying a modified production paradigm, (ii) an online sentence comprehension experiment utilizing production data obtained in the first experiment, and (iii) a self-paced reading experiment.

The Impact of Current Trends in British Society on the Phonostylistical Peculiarities of the Media Discourse

Abstract - Odille Morison (en)

In the light of the current socio-political situation in Great Britain, the state that finds itself in the process of finalising BREXIT, a country led by the Conservative Party, there is a noticeable change in the common perception of Received Pr...

Thursday 20:30

Cooking stream - French Onion Soup with Onur & you

Live cooking and chatting - Agathe Lasch

The cooking stream is the culinary finale of the StuTS 68 opening day.
Besides our curiosity about linguistics, we are all also united by cooking and eating. This event will be a way to share a meal or a chat together even though many of us are t...

*Disclaimer: I am fully aware that this recipe does not cover everyone's dietary needs and requirements. Therefore I encourage you to change some ingredients to adjust it to your needs and wishes. For example, I'll make it vegetarian. Feel free to go vegan, halāl, kosher, or low-carb.*

Here are the ingredients for the soup, and a step by step recipe:
50g butter (or margarine)
1 tbsp olive oil (or another liquid plant-oil)
1 kg onions, halved and thinly sliced
1 tsp sugar
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
2 tbsp plain flour
250 ml dry white wine (or grape/cranberry juice)
1.3 liters hot strongly-flavoured beef stock (or other stock)
4-8 slices baguette (depending on size)
140 g gruyère (or other cheese), finely grated


Melt the butter with the olive oil in a large heavy-based pan. Add the onions and fry with the lid on for 10 mins until soft.

Sprinkle in the sugar and cook for 20 mins more, stirring frequently, until caramelised. The onions should be really golden, full of flavour and soft when pinched between your fingers. Take care towards the end to ensure that they don’t burn.

Add the garlic cloves for the final few minutes ...

Talking Points

Test your improv skills! - Ruqaiya Hasan (mul)

Talking Points is an 8-person party game where each player has to hold a short spontaneous talk on a randomly-selected topic, while another player has full control of the actual slides. It's up to the presenter to deliver a great, convincing talk ...

Friday 09:00

What Language Is Mother Tongue of Deaf Children of Hearing Parents?

Odille Morison (en)

Mother tongue is a language spoken in a country or by a certain community in which a child was born (Périer, 1992). It is acquired by a child in a natural way, gradually, without realising the effort connected with the very process (Baker, 2010). ...

Die Repräsentativität der Frauen in Zapatistas Erklärungen

Clotilde Tambroni (mul)

Dieser Vortrag handelt von der Repräsentativität der Frauen in Zapatistas Erklärungen. Durch eine linguistische Analyse dürfte man einen Blick auf die Weise werfen, in der die Frauen in Texten dargestellt wurden. Nun da ist der Anzahl der Vorschlä...

Einige wichtige Aspekten von dem Genus-Problem sind eine häufige Anwendung des generischen Maskulinums, eine Unsichtbarkeit der Frauen in Texten und ein androzentrischer Blick. Es wäre hilfreich, zu wissen, wie die spanische Sprache funktioniert, um geeignete Vorschläge für eine inklusive Sprache zu machen.

Phonetic analysis on speech style of German language teachers and university lecturers

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

Fast speech can lead to difficulties in listening comprehension. In order to relate this to the high dropout quote of international students in Germany, the speech styles of German language teachers and university lecturers were compared. Phone...

Parallel to this talk, there will be a workshop about experimental method in sociophonetics (in German). / Parallel zu diesem Vortrag gibt es einen Workshop zu Untersuchungsmethoden in der Soziophonetik (auf Deutsch).

Split-Ergativity in the Hittite language and possible sources of Ergativity

Agathe Lasch (en)

This talk is concerned with possible sources of ergativity cross-linguistically and the development of the – disputed – split-ergativity in the ancient Indo-European language of Hittite as a concrete example.

In this talk we examine (i) postulated sources in the development of the ergative subject alignment and (ii) the subject alignment of the ancient Indo-European Hittite language in the light of the aforementioned general discussion of ergativity.
There are several different sources possible for ergative alignment, and there are several different manifestations of ergativity in language systems. Six theories on the rise of ergativity are presented from the literature and substantiated with examples from a fictitious language. What needs to happen for ergativity to develop? Is there a single mechanism or are there several possibilities? If so, do those possibilities correlate with the different subtypes of (split-)ergative systems? Do we ever run out of suggestive questions or could we go on forever?
It has been disputed for decades, whether the Hittite language – as the only ancient Indo-European language – is a split-ergative language. We will discuss the Hittite ergativity with the help of several examples and on the background of the most important literature. After examining the mere existence of ergativity in Hittite, we draw the line back to the more general theories on th...

Friday 09:30

Unanständige Phraseologie im Bereich des Sexuallebens am Beispiel an gewählten deutschen und polnischen Beispielen

Odille Morison (de)

Aleksandra Lidzba
ORCID: 0000-0002-3474-5495
Krystian Suchorab
ORCID: 0000-0003-1831-7973
Universität Wrocław

Das Sexualleben der Menschen wird im Alltag sehr oft, wenn nicht immer tabuisiert. Die Thematisierung dieses Lebensbereichs wird ...

Conventional and creative metaphors of time in contemporary English prose

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Time is deeply intertwined with all the aspects of human life. However, the concept itself remains rather elusive as it is difficult to pinpoint. The role of social time is vital: it organizes society and shapes the mind; hence the perception of t...

Time is a universal human experience, however, despite much research conducted on the basis of cultural understanding of time, little attention was given to the individual ways of conceptualizing and verbalizing temporal experience. To describe their temporal experience people often employ expressive means of language, metaphors being one of them. Over the years, a number of primary conceptual metaphorical models of time have emerged that are used to denote different aspects of the temporal experience, e.g. the flow of time, its value, etc. However, it is crucial to personify individual experience and the way we transmit it to other people. That is why creative metaphors that reconsider and reimagine the conventions of time have gained popularity. The goal of the research is to explore how individuals engage in the process of linguistic creativity while describing personal temporal experience using creative metaphors. The chosen qualitative method of research is the selection of creative metaphors in contemporary English prose using the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and research engine Google Scholar.
This research demonstrates that temporal experience is vita...

Friday 10:00

From taste to emotion through conceptual metaphor

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Whereas in the late 90s the universal character of some embodied conceptual metaphors was overemphasised, in the last years some authors have claimed that culture plays a crucial role in the motivation of all kinds of conceptual metaphors, includi...

Gender-Neutral Content for Effective Corporate Communications

Odille Morison (en)

The work is focused on the field of corporate communications with a special emphasis on gender-neutrality and inclusivity of content. The aim of the paper was to research and formulate the preliminary principles of devising content for diversity-n...

The rise of the machines. Is it that alarming?

Agathe Lasch (en)

The focus will be on the problem of translation in the 21st century. My key finding is that at the present moment the machines are not ready to provide an accurate and a high-quality translation. The aim of my project is by way of a comparative an...

The process of machine translation is closely connected with such a notion as machine learning. It is clearly visible from its name that this phenomenon is closely tied to a continuous process. It should also be recognized that the process of machine translation is constantly evolving. The knowledge the machine gains every day is becoming more and more in-depth, which is sometimes hard to follow, detect timely and describe in a scientific publication. It is still highly debatable, who will be rendering source texts in the next decade and by what means this will be operated. Thus, the relevance of this project can be clearly seen, as it is still not known, whether the machines will be able to substitute translators completely or not.

Orthographic effects on the production of stop + sibilant clusters by Brazilian speakers of English

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This study examines the role of orthography in the production of plural formation in English by Brazilian Portuguese speakers, in regards to both (1) epenthesis and (2) accuracy of the final sibilant. Two orthographic patterns were examined for En...

Friday 11:00

Keynote: Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachvariation: Diversität als Normalfall

Keynote Heike Wiese - Agathe Lasch (de)

Sprachliche Vielfalt gibt es schon so lange, wie es Menschen gibt; Variation und Wandel der Sprache kennzeichnen menschliche Kulturen und sind wesentlich für die Dynamik sozialer Gruppen. Menschliche Gesellschaften sind entsprechend schon immer ge...

Friday 12:15

Linguistik und Beruf

Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe "Linguistik und Karriere" (Verein Junge Sprachwissenschaft) - Agathe Lasch (mul)

Wir können (und wollen) nicht alle für immer an der Uni bleiben. Aber was kommt nach dem Studium? Wie findet man den Einstieg in die Berufswelt? Welche Möglichkeiten neben unterbezahlten Praktika hat man, schon während des Studiums erste Einblicke...

Dos filólogos alemanes en la Argentina del Primer Peronismo: Fritz Krüger y Gerhard Moldenhauer

Clotilde Tambroni (mul)

Esta contribución presenta el estado actual de mi investigación doctoral en curso que indaga, desde el punto de vista de la historiografía lingüística, en los aportes que Fritz Krüger (1889-1974) y Gerhard Moldenhauer (1900-1980) realizan al campo...

Die rhythmische Struktur des russischen phonetischen Wortes

Sprechen die Russen, die in der Türkei wohnen, ganz anders? - Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Im Vortrag präsentiert man die Ergebnisse eines phonetischen Experiments, das im Juli-August 2019 durchgeführt wurde. Im Rahmen der Studie wurde die rhythmische Struktur des Wortes in der Interferenzsprache von den russischen Muttersprachlern, die...

From "they" to "elle"

The translation of non-binary pronouns from English into Spanish - Odille Morison (en)

The aim of this presentation is to highlight the importance of non-binary pronouns, both for inclusiveness purposes and for the recognition of non-binary gender identities. A brief history of "singular they" is included as means to point out the d...

Friday 12:45

The Discursive Construction and Performance of Non-Binary Identity

Odille Morison (en)

This study examines the discursive construction and performance of non-binary identities in the context of lived experience narratives. It uses a broad thematic analysis (Bradford et al. 2019) to contextualise and enrich discursive analysis (Corwi...

Bradford, Nova J et al. 2019. Creating gender: A thematic analysis of genderqueer narratives. International Journal of Transgenderism 20(2-3). 155–168. DOI:
Bucholtz, Mary & Kira Hall. 2016. Embodied sociolinguistics. In Nikolas Coupland (ed.), Sociolinguistics: Theoretical Debates. 173–197. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Butler, Judith. 1993. Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of sex. New York: Routledge.
Cameron, Deborah. 1998. Performing Gender Identity: Young Men’s Talk and the Construction of Heterosexual Masculinity. In Jennifer Coates (ed.), Language and gender: A Reader. 270-284. Oxford: Blackwell.
Connel, Robert. 1995. Masculinities. Berkeley, CA: University Press.
Corwin, Anna I. 2009. Language and gender variance: constructing gender beyond the male/female binary. Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, 12.
Darwin, Helana. 2017. Doing Gender Beyond the Binary: A Virtual Ethnography. Symbolic Interaction, 40(3). 317–334. DOI:
Eckert, Penelope. 2011. Language and Power in the Preadolescent Heterosexual Market. Amer...

Was macht eigentlich der Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V.?

Introducing the Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V. projects - Agathe Lasch (mul)

**English follows German**
Der Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V. hat sich 2015 als Nachfolgeverein des StuTS e.V. gegründet und unterstützt seither neben der StuTS auch eine Zahl anderer Projekte, die stetig wächst. In dieser Präsentation stellen akt...

**English follows German**
Wenn du also wissen möchtest, wie der Verein studentische sprachwissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen/Workshops, wie die StuTS, die STaPS oder Methoden-Workshops unterstützt, was man bei einer Schreibwoche macht, was sich hinter dem Projekt Bilapial verbirgt oder was man alles mit dem Online-Workspace des Vereins machen kann und was der StuBS-Blog ist, dann solltest du an der Präsentation teilnehmen. Außerdem wirst du etwas über das Projekt Linguistik in der Schule, das StuTS-Stipendium und natürlich,wie du dich in die Vereinsarbeit einbringen kannst erfahren.

Mit Deinem Mitgliedsbeitrag (10 Eur / Jahr für Studierende) unterstützt du den Austausch zwischen den verschiedenen sprachwissenschaftlichen und angrenzenden Fachdisziplinen. Außerdem wirst du Teil eines Netzwerks junger Wissenschaftler*innen. Wir informieren dich regelmäßig über Vereinsangelegenheiten und du hast die Möglichkeit, dich innerhalb des Netzwerks zu engagieren. Zudem kannst du so der StuTS verbunden bleiben, auch wenn du nicht mehr zur Tagung kommst.

Noch nicht überzeugt? Dann sprich uns an!/Schreib uns! Mitglieder des Vereins Junge Sprachwissenschaft findest Du auf der StuTS. Fr...

Phonological and/or phonetic similarity as underlying principles of imperfect rhyme

An analysis of consonants' rhyme likelihood in Dutch hiphop - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This study investigated imperfect rhyme and its phonological and/or phonetic underlying principles. Imperfect rhyme is a poetic phenomenon in which there is at least one phonemic mismatch between two corresponding rhyme domains (example: cup-cut)....

This study investigated imperfect rhyme and its phonological and/or phonetic underlying principles. Imperfect rhyme is a poetic phenomenon in which there is at least one phonemic mismatch between two corresponding rhyme domains (example: cup-cut). In this thesis, consonantal mismatches that occurred in imperfect rhyme within Dutch hip hop were analyzed; multiple songs by five different Dutch rappers were phonetically transcribed, yielding 250 consonantal mismatches per rapper. The likelihood of occurrence (rhymability) of the consonantal mismatches was measured by juxtaposing the frequency of occurrence of the mismatch with the phoneme frequency in the data; this rhymability reflected a type of similarity between those consonants that were more likely to mismatch than expected from the individual consonants’ distribution in the data. Whether this similarity is phonological (based on shared features) or phonetic (based on perceptual and acoustic similarity) has been discussed in several past studies on imperfect rhyme as it occurs in English (Holtman 1996; Katz 2015), Japanese (Kawahara 2007) and Romanian (Steriade 2001). The results of the Dutch data showed that shared phonologi...

El presente de indicativo español y la posterioridad absoluta

Clotilde Tambroni (mul)

Mediante el presente prospectivo español no nos referimos exclusivamente al futuro inmediato o cercano. El uso del paradigma depende del carácter de la información presentada por el interlocutor.

El presente de indicativo español y la posterioridad absoluta

El presente de indicativo español es un paradigma que tiene varios usos. Puede declarar tanto los hechos pasados como presentes y futuros. Se considera uno de los recursos para expresar la posterioridad absoluta en español y, en su sentido prospectivo, en algunas ocasiones puede sustituir al futuro simple y la perífrasis ir a + infinitivo. En mi trabajo de fin de máster estudio la alternancia de estos tres recursos e intento observar en qué situaciones comunicativas el hablante utiliza el presente para declarar un hecho futuro.

La ponencia se centra en las situaciones donde presente prospectivo alterna con el futuro simple y con la perífrasis y estudia los casos en los que predomina su uso. Asimismo, señalamos la existencia del presente imperfectivo en checo que también puede servir para referirse al futuro y lo contrastamos con el español.

Friday 13:15

Mittagspause / Lunch Break

Movie Midday: Why Save a Language - Agathe Lasch (mul)

You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and chat with your fellow participants over some lunch and a movie? Then come by this here videobooth, where we will be showing linguistics-themed videos every lunch break!

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Around the World in 16 Songs

A lanugage guessing game - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

How easy is it for you to identify a language? What information do you tend to use when doing so? Can you tell any of the more obscure languages apart?

This short Kahoot quiz will challenge your knowledge of linguistic, cultural and historical ...

Friday 14:00

Keynote: On how to attain a synchronic stage?

Ferdinand von Mengden Keynote - Agathe Lasch (en)

In stark contrast to the development of linguistic research during the nineteenth century, the Cours de linguistique générale promotes a primacy of synchronic over diachronic linguistics and introduces the idea of language as an abstract system (l...

Friday 15:15

Researching dialectal variation in under-described language varieties. The case of Yoruba language.

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This study investigates dialectal variation with an emphasis on Yoruba language spoken in the western part of Africa. This study draws together previous research on Yoruba language to chart the different ways in which its documentation differs fro...

While there are over thirty million first language speakers of Yoruba around the world, and a written system that dates back to the nineteenth century, there is a general consensus that Yoruba is a “resource-scarce” language. This study highlights the historical and linguistic reasons that have shaped the language’s present-day perception, documentation, description, and understanding. Finally, this study aims to serve as invitation for further research in this direction.

This project was carried out by the Department of Language and Linguistics, University of Essex as part of the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programme. The project was supervised by Dr Hannah Gibson, a lecturer in Linguistics at the university. Much of Dr Gibson’s work explores the syntax and semantics of the Bantu languages, with a focus on languages spoken in Eastern Africa. Her interest also includes language and identity, language use in urban contexts and the relationship between linguistics and social justice.

Attitudes and beliefs towards geographical varieties of Spanish: similarities and differences between native and non-native university students

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

This paper analyzes the similarities and differences in the perception of the main geographical varieties of Spanish by native and non-native speakers. The data were collected through PRECAVES-XXI, a project for the study of beliefs and attitudes ...

Departamento de lingüística, Universidad de Chile (Ed.). (2018). Percepción de las variedades cultas del español: creencias y actitudes de jóvenes universitarios hispanohablantes. Boletín de Filología de la Universidad de Chile, 53(2).

No duermo lo suficiente: spanish "lo" on degree phrases

Agathe Lasch (en)

The ultimate goal of this projects is to elaborate a morphosyntactic and semantic characterization for these phrases that will open a path to a better understanding of the lo particle with a degree use.

In the Spanish language, the neuter definite article lo can be used to express entities that have no gender, such as sets, propositional content or properties (1a). However, this particle can be used to denote degrees, as well (1b).

a) No trajo _lo que le pidió su tío_.
He did not bring _what his uncle asked him_.
b) No duermo _lo suficiente para sentirme descansada_.
I do not sleep _enough to feel rested_.

These two uses differ in their behavior. As an example, while the referential use can be replaced (1a) with a pronoun such as eso (that), the same cannot be done for the other use (1b). This shows a lack of referenciality for definite entities and signals that the use in 1b cannot be explained using standard definiteness theory as it has been done for the referential use.
My hypothesis is that, in cases as 1b, lo operates at a degree level and it is used to denote an ideal quantity or degree on a given context, i.e. lo suficiente expresses a specific ammount of sleep that happens to be the optimal for the speaker to feel rested.
I propose a compositional semantics analysis for these phrases in which the interpretation of this particle can be found, by...

The Lesser Antillean Orange – a Linguistic Research Trip Across 7 Islands

Odille Morison (en)

The French-based Creole languages of the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean) share a remarkable feature: Unlike all other color designations, they do not borrow the word for the color orange from French. This difference from the French lexifier language i...

This presentation is also suitable for linguistically interested participants without prior knowledge of creole languages since basic concepts of Creolistics will be explained at the beginning.

Friday 15:35

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Friday 15:45

Investigating Language Change Across the Lifespan in the Context of Jennifer Lopez

still "Jenny from the Block"? - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

In sociolinguistics, a number of studies have shown that individual speakers do not always maintain their speech patterns after critical period (Labov 1994), although we would expect them to be relative stable in their linguistic choices after pub...

Buchstaller, Isabelle. 2006. Diagnostics of age-graded behavior: The case of the quotative system. Journal of Sociolinguistics 10(1):3-30.
Eckert, Penelope. 2004. Vowel shifts in Northern California and the South Detroit Suburbs. Accessed 4 March 2020,
Labov, William. 1994. Principles of Linguistic Change: Internal Factors. Oxford: Blackwell.
Wagner, Suzanne Evans. 2012. Real-time evidence for Age Grad(ing) in Late Adolescence. Language Variation and Change 24(2):179-202.
Wells, John C. 1982. Accents of English I. An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Internet slang in sexist statements: a comparative analysis of Russia and the United States

Term paper - Clotilde Tambroni (en)

The study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of sexist statements in Russia and the United States to identify linguistic differences. To achieve the goal it was necessary to, first of all, consider the evolution of Internet slang. Hence, to co...

Of particular interest, when studying the problem of interaction between language and gender, is the study due to the specifics of the speech behavior of men and women. Such features can be identified by studying the differences at language levels: phonetics, morphology, semantics, and syntax. The study considers (is) the time period from 2015 to 2019, it is also important to indicate that the Internet space means the social network Facebook, which is one of the five most visited websites in the world. Facebook's population is 42 percent male and 58 percent female. Moreover, active users of the site are from 25 to 34 years old - 35 percent, from 35 to 44 years old hovers around 32 percent. While the number of users under 24 has the lowest rate, which is 6.1 percent. Consequently, the portrait of a Facebook user is an individual between the ages of 25 and 44, with higher education, a resident of a capital or a large city, who holds a prestigious position or has his own business, and, importantly, has an active life position in the social network, aimed at networking and business. communication, and the expression of their position, for example, civic or social (here: activism). I...

Quotative que constructions in Spanish: A constructional variational approach

Agathe Lasch (en)

The aim of this paper is twofold: to identify possible instances of variation in the distribution of quotative constructions in different geographic varieties of Spanish across spoken and written genres, and to represent this variation in a constr...

One of the most attractive aspects of constructional models is the possibility of including any conventional feature of the meaning or form of grammatical constructions, including discourse and dialectal information. However, there is still little research on how to include dialectal variation in constructional models (cf. Östman & Trousdale 2013), particularly for constructions that specifically express discursive meanings. Moreover, it is still not agreed upon which are the parameters relevant to explain their variation, as opposed to other well-established categories to explain phonological and morphosyntactic variation.
An interesting case study to examine how to model dialectal and register variation is the quotative use of initial complementizer que ‘that’ in Spanish (1-3). From a constructional perspective, quotative que constructions have been represented as a constructional network, composed by a schema with three instantiations, depending on the material being quoted (Gras 2016): (i) previous discourse by the addressee (1), (ii) previous discourse by the speaker him/herself (2), and (iii) another speech situation (3).
(1) A: Yo no fumo
‘I don´t smoke’
B: ¿Que tú no...

Friday 16:15

A functionalist approach to audio description: preliminary results of a contrastive analysis

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

This paper reports on the preliminary stage of a research investigating the verbal strategies for the Spanish and Italian audio descriptions for the blind and visually impaired (AD). The latter are intended as the result of a process of intersemio...

How does my Serbian change

An analysis about language variations in different social occasions - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This study has the aim to address the constant change of one’s way of expressing themselves in their mother tongue (Serbian, in this case), when in various social occasions. The usage of different lexical, grammatical and syntax constructions woul...

Language is a live organism, that changes throughout the time, develops and adjusts to it speakers. One cannot simply dismiss the variations of any everyday spoken language, and claim that a language is by itself a homogeneous creation. Every person’s way of expressing themselves is different, but can we really take one individual’s personal utterance in order to provide a wider picture of the way a language changes, when used in different social circumstances as well as in conversations with diverse co-speakers? This is exactly what I did in my study.
By analysing my personal conversations, both in electronic form (chat, e-mails, comments on social media), as well as recorded, live conversations with various people, I was able to determinate how age, our relationship, mutual language(s), their origin, as well as our/their current place of living impacted the way I express myself during these conversations. Since variations of Serbian, in combinations with other (Slavic) languages, can particularly differ from one another, I was determined to present how a single person can influence a whole system of someone’s speech by just engaging in a conversation with him/her. The analys...

On In and On

Geometric relations and force dynamics - Agathe Lasch (en)

This research concerns geometric and force-dynamic accounts of the semantics of in and on. I argue force dynamics are needed to define on but not in. Recent literature has defined in and on in terms of force dynamics in addition to geometric relat...

Description of Pictures
(1): The apple is in the bowl. This relation can be explained in terms of transitive spatial containment and does not require control.
(2): Book A is on the table. Book A is supported by the table, therefore it is on the table.
(3): The house on the street. The house is not supported by the street, but it is contiguous with the street.

Intensivierung oder Attenuation?

Typologische Untersuchung zum Effekt der vollen Adjektivreduplikation in den austronesischen Sprachen - Odille Morison (de)

Eine typologische Arbeit, welche die Verteilung der beiden Effekte (Intensivierung und Attenuation) der vollen Adjektivreduplikation in den austronesischen Sprachen untersucht.

Diese Arbeit untersuchte die Verteilung von Intensivierung und Attenuation als Effekt der vollen Adjektivreduplikation in der austronesischen Sprachfamilien. Sie gibt Einblick in Theorie zu Reduplikation, die austronesische Sprachfamilie und die Methodik einer quantitativen Bachelorarbeit.

Reduplikation ist ein morphologischer Prozess, bei dem Morpheme oder ganze Wörter wiederholt werden und eine neue Bedeutung erhalten. In den austronesischen Sprachen, welche in Südostasien und im Pazifik gesprochen werden, ist Reduplikation ein häufiges sprachliches Mittel für höchst unterschiedliche Zwecke. So hat die vollständige Reduplika-tion von Adjektiven in der austronesischen Sprachfamilie zwei Funktionen: Sie kann die Bedeutung verstärken (Intensivierung) oder sie kann die Bedeutung dämpfen (Attenuati-on). Wie sind diese zwei doch so gegenteiligen Funktion in der Sprachfamilie verteilt? Ist es ein areales Phänomen, ein genealogisches oder ist die Verteilung zufällig?

Um diese Frage zu beantworten, wurde ein Sample von 48 Sprachen erstellt. Die Parameter (auch Variablen genannt) des Samples sind die geographische Lage der Sprache, die Untergruppe der Sprache und der Effekt der v...

Friday 17:30

Das Lesen wissenschaftlicher Texte bei nicht-muttersprachlichen Studierenden an der UNC

Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Das Lesen wissenschaftlicher Texte ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil im Studium und bedarf besonderer Übung. Studierenden sollen wissenschaftliche Artikel lesen, obwohl sie dies in den meisten Fällen nicht effektiv tun: sie verbringen z. B. zu viel...

The representations of crucial cultural concepts of American and Russian national characters within modern academic discourse

Odille Morison (en)

In essence, the research is the comparative discourse analysis with the aim to identify crucial cultural concepts American and Russian national character is based on that are reflected in the examples of modern academic discourse.

Conceptual metaphors of anger in Spanish and Czech

Agathe Lasch (en)

Conceptual metaphor has been one of the key elements of cognitive linguistics during the past forty years. Its understanding provides us with valuable insight into the way we conceptualize the world around us. The conceptualization is reflected in...

Usage of Punctuation Marks ")" and "(" among Young People in the Context of Internet Communication

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Online-communication does not imply non-verbal way of perceiving the information, therefore sometimes it can be difficult to understand the message in the Internet without gestures, pose and mimicry. Thus, communicators resort to use punctuators f...

Friday 17:55

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Friday 18:00

An empirical study of the first-coined lexemes with native combining forms

Odille Morison (en)

This speech will be based on an experiment I conducted for my Master’s thesis. This experiment is about native combining forms. Native combining forms (e.g. info-, -lect or -ware) are word-formation elements that have been relatively little studie...


Bauer, L. (1983). English Word-Formation. Cambridge: CUP.
Fradin, B. (2005). Blending. In: P.O. Müller, I. Ohnheiser, S. Olsen, F. Rainer, eds. Word-Formation. An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe. Volume I. Berlin: De Gruyter. 386–413.
Lehrer, A. (1998). Scapes, holics, and thons: The semantics of English combining forms. American Speech, 73(1), 3-28.

Intervene to improve written composition in secondary school: designing a psycholinguistic intervention program

Agathe Lasch (en)

In this talk, I will present the key points of my current doctoral project, which has a double interest, both psycholinguistic and educational. The main objective is to design, put into practice and assess the effects of a psycholinguistic interve...

The Prescriptive Nature of 'Should'

How the use of the English modal verb 'should' differs according to the addressee's gender - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

I'd like to present what I believe to be original research; the use of the common English modal verb 'should' being influenced by the gender of the addressee.
In a study carried out in 2019, I examined every instance of the modal verb phrase 'yo...

In the study I discuss the epistemic/deontic split, and outline five categories of epistemic meaning where interesting differences can be seen delineated by gender of addressee. For example, the ‘emotional’ category, wherein the ‘should’ refers to an expectation of what the addressee should feel (eg ‘you should feel ashamed’) comprised 39% of all tweets to the female MPs, but only 10% of the tweets to their male counterparts.

Zwischen Monozentrismus und Polyzentrismus

Eine Untersuchung zum Standardisierungsmodell der spanischen Sprache - Clotilde Tambroni (de)

Die Standardisierungsprozesse, denen die spanische Sprache unterliegt, gehen mit soziokulturellen und politisch-wirtschaftlichen Kräften einher, die in ständigem Wandel sind und somit das Standardisierungsmodell dieser Sprache zwischen Polyzentris...

Friday 18:45

Motivation and Aptitude in Second Language Acquisition

A Partial Validation of Energy Conservation Theory - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This presentation reports on a partial validation study on Energy Conservation Theory for SLA (ECT-L2A; Han et al, 2017), by assessing the relationship between motivation/aptitude and linguistic performance of 56 ESL beginning, intermediate or adv...

Motivation and aptitude have both been long established as key factors contributing to late L2 learners’ differential attainment of the target language (Dornyei & Skehan, 2003). Yet, theoretical attempts to model their role have been few and far between. Energy Conservation Theory of Second Language Acquisition (ECT-L2A; Han, Bao & Wiita, 2017), an interdisciplinary theory juxtaposing a physics perspective and an applied linguistics perspective, conceptualizes individuals’ ultimate attainment as a function of dynamic conversion and transformation of endogenous and exogenous energies throughout the learning process. Motivation, an element of endogenous energy, initially serves as the main driver of learning, grows stronger as learning advances, as a result of its interaction with input traction, an element of environmental energy, but diminishes as learning reaches asymptote. Aptitude, on the other hand, remains constant throughout the learning process. ECT-L2A predicts, inter alia, (1) that beginning L2 learners should show stronger motivation than end-state learners, (2) that developing learners should show higher motivation than that of beginning learners, and (3) that beginni...

German-English Translation Priming

Translation Priming Experiment Studying the Reciprocal Influence of L1 and L2 Processing - Agathe Lasch (en)

The current study investigates English and German word processing in German-English bilinguals, using a translation priming experiment. Its aim is to find out whether general tendencies in the translation priming paradigm can be replicated with Ge...

In this talk, the conducted project and its empirical findings will be presented and discussed. Additionally, relevant concepts will be outlined. In the following discussion, the results and premises of this study can be questioned and methodological issues be pointed out. Potential implications of or improvements to the study as well as general questions will be dealt with in this section.

Die Kontroverse um die geschlechtsindifferente Referenz in der Frankophonie

Eine soziolingusitische Untersuchung zu laienlinguistischen Einstellungen - Clotilde Tambroni (de)

Ich möchte mein Dissertationsvorhaben zur geschlechtsindifferenten Referenz in der Frankophonie vorstellen.

Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation führe ich eine soziolinguistische Befragung frankophoner Studierender aus verschiedenen Gebieten durch, um deren Einstellungen zu dem generischen Gebrauch des Maskulinums sowie der nicht sexistischen Formulierung zu eruieren und um zu überprüfen, ob diesbezüglich gebiets- und geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bestehen.

The focalizing adverbs também/anche and negation

The Left Periphery phenomena in Italian and European Portuguese - Odille Morison (en)

In this talk, I will give an analysis of the adverbs "também" and "anche" and their negative counterparts in European Portuguese and Italian to use this analysis to show parallels between different kinds of left peripheries (here on the level of t...

European Portuguese (EP) and Italian (It) have both equivalent focalizing additive adverbs: também (1a) and anche (1b).

(1) a. Saramago também escreveu contas […] (CRPC 2012, EP)
Saramago also wrote tales
‘Saramago wrote also tales […].’

b. I due hanno anche comentato il presunto […] PAISÀ 2012, It)
‘The both have also commented the issue […].’

In this talk, I want to speak about their similarities and differences in terms of position, meaning, and negation. Thus, the first question of this talk is: How can one explain these differences and similarities within the phrase structure? Aside from that, I also want to answer the question, if a) these focalizing adverbs can be adjuncts because both elements can be left away without making a sentence ungrammatical in general (see Raposo 2013:1183-1184), or b) if they take their place in a functional phrase like Cinque (1999) suggests for adverbs in general. For this study, I use language material from two corpora of contemporary language, for European Portuguese, it is the Reference Corpus of Contemporary Portuguese: Only Portugal (CRPC 2012) and for Italian, it is the PAISÀ Corpus of Italian Web Texts (P...

Friday 19:15

Teaching grammar with ICT

Ruqaiya Hasan (mul)

In this presentation I will make a proposal to teach grammar using technology in the foreign language
classroom in an efficient way.To do this, we will exemplify how technology can spark the motivation, activate the higher cognitive processes and...

Implicit Causality Bias in Turkish: a production study

Agathe Lasch (en)

Referential expressions function in discourse to denote an individual. To comprehend them, people rely on a number of grammatical and semantic/pragmatic factors (See Kehler et al. 2008 for an overview). One such semantically-driven factor was obse...

Ariel, M. (1990). Accessing noun phrase antecedents. Routledge, London

Garvey, C. and Caramazza, A. (1974). Implicit Causality in Verbs.Source: Linguistic Inquiry, 5(3):459–464.

Givón, T. (1983). Topic continuity in discourse: An introduction. In T. Givón (Ed.), Topic continuity in discourse: A quantitative, cross-language study, pages 1–42. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.

Kehler, A., Kertz, L., Rohde, H., and Elman, J. L. (2008). Coherence and coreference revisited. Journal of semantics, 25(1):1–44.

People's Daily vs Neues Deutschland

First step of analysing of the discourse of official party newspapers of Chinese and German Socialist Parties - Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Have some fun on reading old communist propaganda newspapers from the West and the East!

I am here to share the ongoing process of writing my Master Thesis a corpus-driven and trans-lingual analysis about the contextual and temporal change of in the discourse in official party newspapers from the respective state-parties – People’s Daily of Chinese Communist Party and Neues Deutschland of Socialist Unity Party from 1949 – 1989.

Friday 19:45

La configuración de los intercambios en el entorno lingüístico de la educación inicial. Un estudio con salas de dos y tres años de jardines maternales y de infantes de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Ruqaiya Hasan (mul)

Este estudio explora en distintas actividades del jardín maternal y de infantes, la relación entre la configuración del intercambio conversacional - lxs maestrxs le hablan a todxs lxs niñxs, a un grupo pequeño, a un solx niñx - y características c...

Las situaciones que se analizan en este estudio forman parte de un corpus mayor conformado por veintidós videofilmaciones de distintas situaciones de aula en dos jardines maternales y de infantes de CABA (Rosemberg, Stein, Migdalek 2003-2014). Para el presente análisis se seleccionaron seis situaciones cuya actividad principal difiere: juego, desayuno, preparación de pan, dibujo, merienda y lectura de cuento. Cada una de estas actividades tuvo una duración de 20 minutos.
Para dar cuenta de las características del discurso de las docentes en los intercambios conversacionales en las salas, el volumen de habla (cantidad de emisiones y cantidad de palabras) la diversidad léxica, la función pragmática de las emisiones y el grado de contingencia de las respuestas a las emisiones infantiles, se empleó una estrategia de análisis que responde a una lógica mixta (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2006). Dicha estrategia combina el análisis cuantitativo de indicadores específicos de volumen de habla con la identificación inductiva y la codificación de categorías relativas a algunas de las dimensiones de análisis, el análisis estadístico de las diferencias que introduce la variable independiente, c...

Narzisstische Manipulation. Eine Aufgabe der Linguistik!

Clotilde Tambroni (de)

Nach Expert·inn·enschätzung machen körperlich diagnostizierbare Misshandlungen „lediglich“ zehn Prozent aller Kindesmissbrauchsfälle aus, denen 90 Prozent von emotionalem Missbrauch gegenüberstehen. Von einer ähnlichen Relation ist bei (romantisch...

How easy is it to acquire grammatical gender in L2 Spanish? An experimental study with Russian-speaking learners

Agathe Lasch (en)

Research on Second Language Acquisition (SLA) has reported that grammatical gender is a problematic feature for learners of foreign languages (FL), even for those with an advanced level of language proficiency (Grüter, Lew-Williams & Fernald, 201...

Friday 20:30

Words of Warcraft

A podium for linguistic debates - Agathe Lasch (mul)

Linguistics is not monolithic. It's a multifaceted science with countless fields of research and tons of competing views on the most fundamental aspects of linguistic theory and practice.

Do we have innate capacities for language learning, or i...

Open Mic + Talking Points

Share your passion, test your improv skills! - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

Have a great singing voice, or fancy yourself a bit of a poet? Have a weird skill you'd like to share or boast about? This is the place for you! Share a moment with your fellow participants by showcasing your creative work or amazing skillset here...

Saturday 09:00

Philosophische Gesprächsführung als Schlüssel zur Selbstkompetenz

LASS UNS REDEN! "Was bedeutet Glück?" - Clotilde Tambroni (de)

Im Rahmen meiner Diplomarbeit habe ich abgehaltene philosophische Gespräche auf deren Effektivität für die Ausbildung von Selbstkompetenz untersucht. Ich konnte zeigen, dass und auf welche Weise die Methode der sokratischen Gesprächsführung dazu b...

Im Rahmen meiner Diplomarbeit habe ich abgehaltene philosophische Gespräche auf deren Effektivität für die Ausbildung von Selbstkompetenz untersucht. Ich konnte zeigen, dass und auf welche Weise die Methode der sokratischen Gesprächsführung dazu beitragen kann, eigenständiges Denken und Handeln zu fördern und damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Ausbildung von Selbstkompetenz zu leisten.

Im Workshop werde ich zuerst einige Eckpunkte der sokratischen Gesprächsführung erläutern. Anschließend möchte ich mit euch ein solches Gespräch aktiv führen - in Form eines virtuellen ,,philosophischen Cafés".
Das Thema unserer Diskussion lautet "Was bedeutet Glück?".
Du musst dafür kein Wissen mitbringen. Deine eigenen Erfahrungen und Meinungen zählen.
Es wird eine Videokonfernz sein. Wenn du möchtest, kann deine Kamera aber auch ausgeschaltet bleiben und wir hören dich nur über das Mikrofon. Auch stille ZuhörerInnen sind willkommen.

Die Gesprächsatmosphäre soll angenehm und locker sein. Deshalb schnapp dir am besten einen Kaffee (oder was du sonst gerne trinkst) und ein Stück Kuchen während des Workshops.

Danach werde ich über die von uns angewendete Methode sprechen und euch verd...

Einführung in die soziophonetischen Untersuchungsmethoden

für Studis - Agathe Lasch (de)

In diesem Workshop werden grundlegende Konzepte der Soziophonetik sowie Tipps für akustische Aufnahmen vermittelt. Das Ziel ist dabei, dass ihr unterschiedliche Datenerhebungsmethoden kennenlernt und auf wesentliche Punkte beim Schreiben einer emp...

Dazu begleitend wird ein Vortrag über den Vergleich der Sprechweisen von DaF-Lehrkräften und Universitätsdozent*innen gegeben (auf Englisch).

A Model-Theoretic Approach for Greenberg’s Universal 20?

Odille Morison (en)

Although there are several ways to account for the typological data available concerning J.H. Greenberg’s Universal 20, in my MA thesis I tried to sketch a single broader frame to account for all the various insights given by previous researches. ...

The talk focuses on a theoretical topic, but it unavoidably involves typological considerations as well.

Saturday 10:00

Vorstellung der German Society for Computational Linguistics (GSCL)

Neu ab 2021: Kostenlose Mitgliedschaft für Studierende. GSCL Tutorial Talks. - Clotilde Tambroni (de)

Die Gesellschaft für Sprachtechnologie und Computerlinguistik e.V. (GSCL) ist der wissenschaftliche Fachverband in den deutschsprachigen Ländern und Regionen für maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung in Forschung, Lehre und Beruf. Sie ist aktiv um Verbin...

Despite being a German society, a number of our events (talks, the KONVENS conference, ...) are actually in English. Hence, if you are interested, simply join and I will spontaneously give the presentation in English or switch between languages if necessary!

WH-questions in child Romanian

A generativist perspective on the acquisition of wh-questions in Romanian - Odille Morison (en)

During the research for my BA paper, titled "Wh-questions in child Romanian", I realised how little literature was written on this subject. I was able to find many articles on the acquisition of wh-questions in several Romance languages, but not s...

My talk will be based on the third chapter of my BA paper. Below, I attach its summary:

The third chapter represents the practical part of the paper; it approaches the acquisition of wh-questions. I analyse the acquisition of this syntactic structure comparatively in English and in Romanian. The first section addresses the way in which English-speaking children acquire wh-questions; this section focuses on the pattern of acquisition and on the errors made by children. In the second section, I focus on the acquisition of wh-questions in Romanian. This chapter includes an analysis of a longitudinal corpus provided in the CHILDES database, and it presents the pattern of acquisition, the particularities and the errors found. In the first section I explain the process of acquisition for wh-questions in English. I cite some studies that present the most common errors made by English children acquiring this structure, such as the lack of inversion in why-questions and the addition of a second wh-word in long-distance questions. I note that these constructions are the standard form in languages such as Italian and German; this observation supports the generativist theory, which state...

Saturday 11:00

Keynote: Computational Linguistics: From Language Tasks to Language Games

Keynote David Schlangen - Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Computational Linguistics is a field that shares concerns with many other disciplines that take language as their object: considerations about computability of structures with theoretical linguistics, questions of processing with psycholinguistics...

Asynchron! Please post any questions to the talk here:$Fragen_Schlangen

Short Bio:

David Schlangen is professor of the "Foundations of Computational Linguistics" at the University of Potsdam, Germany. His research focuses on language use in interaction, both from theoretical and empirical perspectives, as well as with a view on building improved and more natural human/computer and human/robot interfaces. He is co-author of over 150 technical papers, and recipient of several best paper awards in recent years. Before coming to Potsdam in 2019, he was a professor of Applied Computational Linguistics at Bielefeld University and associated with the Cluster of Excellence "Cognitive Interaction Technology". He holds a PhD in Cognitive Science and Informatics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Keynote: Gebärdensprachforschung in Berlin: Theorie und Praxis

Keynotes Agnes Villwock und Christian Rathmann - Agathe Lasch (de)

Gebärdensprachforschung spielt eine wichtige Rolle in der Linguistik und den Kognitionswissenschaften. Für taube Kinder ist der frühe Erwerb einer Gebärdensprache wichtige Voraussetzung für eine typische Entwicklung sprachlicher, kognitiver u...

Saturday 12:15

Multimodal meaning-making in social distancing times: an analysis of the video conferencing tool 'Zoom' as a digital classroom

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Several digital alternatives have been proposed for the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language (EFL) in the current scenario of social distancing. The video conferencing tool Zoom has particularly caught the eyes of educators for a...


• BAKHTIN, M. Estética da criação verbal. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2000.

• COPE, B; KALANTZIS, M. Literacies. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

• COSTA, M. A. M. C. Code-switching em salas de aula de língua inglesa. 2013. 128 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Curso de Linguística, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, 2013.

• HYMES, D. Models of the Interaction of Language and Social Life. In:
GUMPERZ, J; HYMES, D. (Orgs.) Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1972. p. 54 - 70.

• KRESS, G. Multimodality: a social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. New York: Routledge, 2010.

• MARCUSCHI, L. A. Gêneros textuais: definição e funcionalidade. In: DIONÍSIO, A. P.; MACHADO, A. R.; BEZERRA, M. A. (Orgs.). Gêneros textuais & ensino. Rio de Janeiro: Lucerna, 2002. p. 19-36.

• ZAVAM, Aurea. Transmutação: criação e inovação nos gêneros do discurso. Linguagem em (dis)curso, Tubarão, v.12, n.1, p.251-271, abr. 2012. Disponível em: Acessed in: 05 set. 2020.

Interacting Factors in Grammaticalization: Source, Usage in Context, Paradigm

Odille Morison (en)

In my talk I want to investigate the interaction of three factors in grammaticalization and semantic change that are sometimes seen as mutually exclusive: source determination, usage in context and paradigm integration. The aim is to offer a first...

Prosodic Patterns in Ramari Hatohobei

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This talk presents an analysis of the prosodic patterns in Ramari Hatohobei, or Tobian, a severely endangered Micronesian language. The primary aim is to present the prosodic patterns of Ramari Hatohobei based on data from the Endangered Languages...

Features of «Italiano neo-standard» (a modern variant of the Italian literary norm) in the novels of southern Italian writers

Agathe Lasch (en)

Italiano neo-standard (Berruto, 1987) is a spoken Italian language variety used throughout the country. Being rather distinct from codified grammar, it is closer to a more conversational, informal, and regional linguistic variety. This paper exami...

Saturday 12:45

Assessing the Viability of Foreign Language Acquisition Through a Mixed-Language Novel

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Research in vocabulary acquisition has shown that people are able to acquire nonsense words in texts by using contextual clues. Can this method also be applied to real foreign language vocabulary? This study investigated this question by including...

This study investigated the feasibility of incidental learning of second-language (L2) vocabulary and grammar for adults with no prior training. Adult English speakers with no training in Spanish read an English-language novel (29,000 words) including Spanish words. These words were gradually introduced, replacing the most frequent English lexical types (e.g. ‘cat’, ‘the’) in the novel. They were introduced without translation or explanation, but their meanings were retrievable through context. Spanish grammatical patterns (e.g. adjective following a noun) were also gradually introduced. The experimental group (n=27) and a control group that did not read the text (n=9) were given a post-test on lexical recall and grammatical construction. The post-test score of the experimental group (x̄=57%) was significantly higher than the score of the control group (x̄=22%). In other words, the experimental group successfully acquired both Spanish vocabulary and grammatical patterns through incidental exposure, as compared to the control group with no exposure. Additionally, results suggest that there may be an optimal L2 vocabulary density for successful incidental learning. Results have im...

Concessive connectors as discourse markers: The case of although and obwohl

Odille Morison (en)

Both the English although and the German obwohl are most typically known for their function as concessive connectors found at the onset of a clause.
In the past few decades, discourse markers have become “a growth industry in linguistics” (Fraser...

The principles from grammaticalization theory that set up the theoretical framework for this work are clines (Hopper and Traugott), scope broadening (Tabor and Traugott), phonetic and prosodic weight (Barth-Weingarten/Couper-Kuhlen) and others. They will be elaborated on as part of the quantitative analysis.

The Ecological Account of Language Acquisition: exploring its theoretical and methodological implications

Agathe Lasch (en)

“Targets of acquisition are neither deterministic nor static” (Johnson & White, 2020, p. 3). How do children develop into users of conventional language in a dynamic and socially structured language environment?

Early language development is co...

Harnad, S. (1990). The symbol grounding problem. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 42(1–3), 335–46.
Johnson, E. K., & White, K. S. (2020). Developmental sociolinguistics: Children’s acquisition of language variation. WIREs Cognitive Science, 11(1), e1515.
Monaghan, P., Kalashnikova, M., & Mattock, K. (2018). Intrinsic and extrinsic cues to word learning. In G. Westermann & N. Mani (Eds.), Early Word Learning (pp. 30–43). Routledge.
Quine, W. V. O. (1960). Word and Object. MIT Press.
Rączaszek-Leonardi, J., Nomikou, I., Rohlfing, K. J., & Deacon, T. W. (2018). Language Development From an Ecological Perspective: Ecologically Valid Ways to Abstract Symbols. Ecological Psychology, 30(1), 39–73.

R-Palatalisierung im Niederlausitzischen

Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Im Dialekt der Niederlausitz (im Süden von Brandenburg) gibt es einen ungewöhnlichen phonologischen Prozess: /r/ wird vor velaren Plosiven scheinbar palatalisiert. Dieser Prozess ist in mehrerlei Hinsicht typologisch auffällig. Einerseits ist der ...

Saturday 13:15

Offenes Lesen - Märchenstunde

Let's read together in our funniest voices/accents! - Ruqaiya Hasan (mul)

[English below]
Wir wollen zusammen Texte auf verschiedene Weisen (vor-)lesen, z.B. in Regionalsprache, mit ungewöhnlichen Stimmen oder auf verschiedenen Sprachen. Die Texte waren anfangs Märchen, aber bei vergangenen StuTSen haben wir auch Thea...

In the past, this event mainly took place in German, focusing on reading texts in different German regional languages or unusual voices, however, speakers of any language are more than welcome to join and possibly contribute. You may contribute by bringing texts, reading something out yourselves, or by being a listener.

Mittagspause / Lunch Break

Movie Midday: Technique Critique - Agathe Lasch (mul)

You've picked up some food, but don't wanna eat alone? Want to kick back and chat with your fellow participants over some lunch and a movie? Then come by this here videobooth, where we will be showing linguistics-themed videos every lunch break!

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Saturday 14:00

Keynote: Corpora, methods and tools for (German) linguistics

Marc Kupietz Keynote - Agathe Lasch (en)

The talk will give an overview over the basic principles and recent developments of the empirical fundamentals for German (corpus) linguistics that have been developed and made available at the Leibniz-Institute for the German Language (IDS), alre...

Keynote: Computational Linguistics: From Language Tasks to Language Games

Keynote David Schlangen - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

Computational Linguistics is a field that shares concerns with many other disciplines that take language as their object: considerations about computability of structures with theoretical linguistics, questions of processing with psycholinguistics...


Short Bio:

David Schlangen is professor of the "Foundations of Computational Linguistics" at the University of Potsdam, Germany. His research focuses on language use in interaction, both from theoretical and empirical perspectives, as well as with a view on building improved and more natural human/computer and human/robot interfaces. He is co-author of over 150 technical papers, and recipient of several best paper awards in recent years. Before coming to Potsdam in 2019, he was a professor of Applied Computational Linguistics at Bielefeld University and associated with the Cluster of Excellence "Cognitive Interaction Technology". He holds a PhD in Cognitive Science and Informatics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Saturday 15:15

Linguistics Students in Europe

Associations, Communities, Efforts - Odille Morison (en)

The StuTS community has grown significantly over the past years in both Germany and neighbouring countries. In this conversation, we will explore the efforts of linguistics associations in other European countries and the ways to collaborate with ...

Spiele und Teamgeist: Oral Peer Feedback in the World Language Classroom in the U.S.

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

At a university in the U.S. a space was created where beginning and intermediate level German language learners could provide each other oral feedback in a more relaxed setting, namely during an in-class test review game. Therein it was evident ho...

LaTeX for linguists - a beginners' guide

Agathe Lasch (en)

Tired of relabelling all of your 150 examples manually every time you open your thesis document? Want to do it the right way and create your very own beautiful tables and examples? Then hop on and join our workshop!

In this beginners' workshop,...

Prepare yourself: Get yourself a (free) overleaf account, following the link on the right.

If you use this link, Sebastian gets extra stuff on Overleaf. Just so you know ;-)

We are also adding a handout document for you to work in. Once you have created an account on Overleaf, you can access the document via the link on the right. To edit the document, create your own copy and edit away. If you can't figure out how to do this, you can contact us by email or at the start of the workshop.

Die poetische Relevanz des Platzhalter-es in Heines Buch der Lieder

Clotilde Tambroni (de)

Das Platzhalter-es - ein kleines Wort, das unter keinen Umständen unterschätzt werden sollte. Es lässt sich die Frage stellen, inwiefern der Platzhalter in der Dichtersprache zum Einsatz kommt und welche Funktionen er hier erfüllt. Anhand einer em...

"Es zwitscherten die Vögelein
Viel muntre Liebesmelodeien."

Dieser Beleg aus Heines Gedichtband Buch der Lieder lässt bereits auf das breite Funktionsspektrum des Platzhalter-es (Abk.: PH-es) schließen. Seine poetische Relevanz zeigt sich insbesondere anhand der Einhaltung eines regelmäßigen Metrums, einer regelmäßigen Kadenz, der Reimbildung sowie der Entstehung kontrastiver Stilmittel - relevante textsortenspezifische Funktionen also, die anhand des Vortrags im Detail und anhand konkreter Beispiele aufgezeigt werden sollen.

Saturday 15:35

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Saturday 15:45

Strategies and tactics employed in representing protest movements in contemporary English-language print media

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Protest movements have become one of the most common and efficient forms of social activism in the last decades. Information about protests mainly becomes available through the Mass Media, which view protests from diverse perspectives and have the...

The Role of Face in a Chinese Primary School Online Classroom

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This study reports on a micro-ethnographic investigation into a chat group of an online classroom in China and aims to provide a rich account of the digital interaction. The data derive from 37 days of digital fieldwork in a chat group of a s...

Saturday 16:30

Cross-cultural Organizational Conflicts and Ways of their Resolution (Elaboration of Coursera Online Course Materials)

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Cross-cultural communication is one of the essential skills in the globalizing world. It is especially true in the business world where entrepreneurs face representatives of other cultures. However, conflicts also take place during important event...

Language and praxis in the brain: an embodied approach to syntactic competence

Odille Morison (en)

Syntactic ability (that is, the capacity for productive combinatorial use of syntagmatic units) is considered by many frameworks to be the hallmark of linguistic ability in humans. Much of the neurocognitive literature in the last decades has addr...

Il Fenomeno, The Berlin Wall, l’architetto - Zur Bedeutung von rhetorischen Stilmitteln für Spitznamen und Namensappositionen im professionellen Fußball

Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Il Fenomeno, The Berlin Wall, L‘architetto – Spitznamen und Namensappositionen im professionellen Fußball sind von Kreativität und Vielseitigkeit geprägt. Diese werden vor allem von Fankreisen und Medienportalen kreiert und genutzt, um den Status ...

Saturday 17:00

Characteristics of voice and way of speaking of patients with spasmodic dysphonia, adductor type

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare disorder that can affect anyone: one to four people in 100.000 are affected, more women than men. The onset is normally between 30 and 50 years of age. The adductor type is the most frequent form of dysphonia.
Due t...

For the research speech recordings of patients were obtained from the data base of the Phoniatrics Department of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and healthy participants were also recorded. These two groups were analysed with help of the software program Praat and then compared.
No study of the position of spasms was found in the literature. This research has revealed that patients produce longer glottal stops than healthy participants, which could point out the place of the spams. Patients have higher Jitter and Shimmer results and a smaller value of Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio.
One of the new measurement concepts which was implemented for a more accurate analysis of patients’ way of speaking is phonation time, the total speaking time without speaking breaks, glottal stops and hold phase of plosives. The relation between the patients’ phonation time and the total speaking time is higher than that of healthy participants.

Zum Beitrag der Mehrsprachigkeit zum interkulturellen -und landeskundlichen Lernerfolg bei algerischen DaF-Studenten

Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Jede Person hat eine Gabe vom Gott zu sprechen, auszudrücken, und zu kommunizieren, sie kann auch andere Sprachen lernen, studieren und beherrschen, je nach dem Bedarf, denn die Sprache ist das umfassendste Ausdrucksmittel des Menschen.
Die Beher...

Im Rahmen des Fremdsprachenunterrichts werden viele Sprachen je nach des Bedarfs und der Notwendigkeit verwendet, also während des deutschen Unterrichtsverlaufs ist der Gebrauch der Mehrsprachigkeit sowohl bei den Lehrern als auch bei den Studierenden deutlich spürbar, sie wechseln von einer Sprache in die andere, die auch von großer Bedeutung geworden ist. Die
Mehrsprachigkeit stellt eine wichtige Ressource, eine Sprach- und Kulturkompetenz in unserer globalisierten Gesellschaft dar, die sowohl für den Einzelnen als auch für die Gesellschaft von Bedeutung ist.
Außerdem ist die Mehrsprachigkeit ein wichtiger Weg, um andere Kulturen zu verstehen. die heute immer wichtiger wird, denn Sprachkenntnisse erleichtern das Arbeiten, ermöglichen das Studieren und Reisen und eröffnen Berufschancen in anderen
Mehrsprachigkeit ist ein Phänomen, das heutzutage den größten Teil der Weltbevölkerung betrifft. So gibt es wenige Individuen, die nur eine Sprache sprechen und kaum eine Gesellschaft, in der nur eine Sprache gesprochen wird. Dieses Phänomen existiert in unserer globalisierten Welt aufgrund der Multikulturalität, der
geographischen Mobilität, wie des Kontakts mit anderen ...

Saturday 17:55

Leisure Lounge

Pleasant chats and party games - Pāṇini-Café (mul)

Want to share your impressions of a talk you just attended? Or elaborate on something there wasn't time for in the discussion section? Are all the current talks in German, or do you simply need a short break?

Come by the Leisure Lounge, your a...

Saturday 18:00

Sources of foreign language listening anxiety in learners of German as foreign language

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

Compared to the research done on foreign language speaking anxiety, little is known about foreign language listening anxiety (FLLA). Especially little research has been done on FLLA in students, studying German as foreign language (FL), as most of...

The corpus-based glossary as an essential tool for the translation of legal documents

Odille Morison (en)

The translation of legal documents has become an all-important pursuit in the current international arena. Its main target is to link cultures and societies that have been so far distant. This paper is aimed at presenting a bilingual glossary (Eng...

The methodology of the research belongs to a qualitative paradigm since it follows an inductive approach, that is, a certain pattern or linguistic phenomenon is analyzed on the basis of collected data. For the creation of the bilingual glossary of legal terms, the stages proposed by Vargas (2005) for the elaboration of any terminological product were followed. According to Cabré's criteria (1992), this glossary is synchronic, systematic and multilingual.

Moving A Psycholinguistic Research Online during the Pandemic

Exploring L2 Sentence Processing Strategies of Late Learners and Heritage Speakers - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This presentation reports a transition process of a psycholinguistic study focusing on sentence processing in English as a second language. A five-minute short talk is proposed in the form of a presentation with electronic PPT slides.

Before the year 2020, an online experiment through internet connection is not a favorite method for language processing research in psycholinguistics. People prefer to apply in-person methodologies such as eye-tracking for behavioral data collection. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many risks for human behavior research.
This study is originally designed to use an eye-tracking method to test the Shallow Structure Hypothesis which predicts a gradient difference in sentence processing strategies between native speakers and late L2 learners. The purpose is to explore how late and early bilinguals differ in terms of processing syntactic structures in L2 complex sentences. Due to the Pandemic, an online method replaces the previously proposed methodology. The presentation suggests remote data collection could be an alternative method of in-person experiments if the software device can realize proper functions for testing the rationale in the previous design of an eye-tracking experiment.

The heheo: is that even a thing?

A sociolinguistic approach from Loja (Andalusia) - Agathe Lasch (en)

The heheo is the sporadic and lexically conditioned substitution of the /s/ and/or /θ/ sounds by /h/ at the beginning of a word or syllable. It constitutes a phonetic feature of the Andalusian dialect (Spanish).
This sociolinguistic study was con...

Saturday 18:10

Prostitution and abolitionism

which subject demands legal protection and welcoming the Pastoral in the sexual trade of the end of the 20th century? - Clotilde Tambroni (en)

In this work my aim is to explore the methodological and analytical tools of Discourse Analysis based on the writings of Michel Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi in this area of ​​knowledge. I study gender and sexuality in the Brazilian Social Formation and...

Benefits of L2 acquisition in early childhood education

a neuropedagogical perspective - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

The article aims to identify and analyze through the Neuropedagogy and Neurolinguistics studies, the benefits of learning a second language (English) in Early Childhood. It was necessary to understand the stages of Human Development, as well as ho...

Anti-Agreement Effect in the speech of Arabic-dominant heritage speakers of Tashelhiyt Berber

Investigation of agreement overmarking in novel dyad of morphologically complex languages spoken by unbalanced bilinguals - Odille Morison (en)

Heritage language (HL) speakers are recessive bilinguals dominant in the majority language (ML) of their society. In the majority of ML-HL dyads explored so far in the literature, it has been observed that HLs undergo morphosyntactic simplificatio...

This is a short talk about the findings of my 2019 research project where I involved a group of participants from the University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco. The ages of the HS group ranged from 19 to 55 years, whereas the control group ranged from 20 to 42 years of age. What the control group members had in common was that they had moved to Casablanca from the Berber-dominant southern region of Morocco when they were around 18 years of age. Thanks to a metadata questionnaire that the participants had filled prior to taking part in the data collection, it was possible to have an overview of the length and regularity of exposure of the participants to Berber. The language background questionnaire was adapted from a similar questionnaire found in Albirini et al, 2013, a study that provided insight into the design of the present one. The subsequent metadata made it possible to observe a correlation between the amount of exposure to the heritage language and the native-like performance of 72% of the heritage speakers in both the spontaneous narrative and in the AAE marking task.

Embedded Clauses in the acquisition of Spanish as L2 by English and German native speakers

Agathe Lasch (en)

This is a work in progress, which shows the influence of German and English grammar rules on the use or omission of the complementizer 'que' in Spanish, by German L1 and English L1 students during their acquisition of Spanish L2.

Saturday 18:20

Los inicios de la gramática escolar en la Argentina (1863-1922)

Odille Morison (mul)

En este encuentro nos proponemos presentar los aspectos generales, objetivos y proyecciones del proyecto de investigación grupal “Los inicios de la gramática escolar en la Argentina (1863-1922)”, financiado por la Universidad de Buenos Aires; y co...

Ein (sich) wandelndes Lexikon

Syntagmatisch-paradigmatischer Übergang bei serbischen DaF-Lernern - Ruqaiya Hasan (de)

Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das Vorhandensein des syntagmatisch-paradigmatischen Übergangs (eng. syntagmatic-paradigmatic shift) bei serbischen DaF-Lernern zu beleuchten. Durch frühere Untersuchungen wurde festgestellt, dass sich mit der Stärkung der Sprachkompetenz beim Spracherwerb der Kinder, sowie beim Fremdsprachenlernen der Erwachsenen die Struktuierung des mentalen Lexikons ändert, d. h. dass Lexemen innerhalb des Lexikons hauptsächlich durch paradigmatische lexikalische Relationen miteinander verbunden werden (Wolter 2001: 43–44). Bei Fremdsprachenlernern auf einem niedrigeren Sprachniveau wurde festgestellt, dass die Lexemen aus der Fremdsprache stark mit den Lexemen aus der Muttersprache verbunden sind (Gabryś-Barker 2005: 69).
Zu diesem Zweck wird ein mehrsprachiger freier Assoziationstest verwendet, der aus drei Teilen besteht: 1) Die Stimuli und die erwarteten Assoziationen auf Serbisch; 2) Die Stimuli auf Serbisch, die Assoziationen auf Deutsch; 3) Die Stimuli und die Assoziationen auf Deutsch. Die zwei Gruppen der Befragten setzen sich aus serbischen DaF-Lernern zusammen, und zwar: eine Gruppe auf einem niedrigeren (B1) und die andere auf einem höheren Sprachn...

'Mixed Gender Talk' in the UK House of Commons

Clotilde Tambroni (en)

As a historically male-dominated institution centred around debate and confrontation, it is of no great surprise that the linguistic norms in the UK House of Commons are of a competitive and adversarial nature.
Simultaneously, the "feminization o...

I've Done it Yesterday: The Present Perfect and Past Temporal Adverbs

Evidence from American, British and Australian Acceptability Judgements - Agathe Lasch (en)

The Present Perfect is often considered a "puzzle" (Klein 1992; Skala 2018). Funded by "Freunde der Uni", my MA thesis adds the newest piece to what is already a multicolored picture. The piece of interest is that the Present Perfect can license a...

Saturday 18:45


Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

This study investigates the patterns of repair in conversations between children with autism and their family members/speech therapists. This study, by keeping in view the characteristics of autism, defines such children as neurodivergents and t...

This dissertation investigates the patterns of repair in conversations between children with autism and their family members/speech therapists. It is carried out by getting insights from the methodology of conversation analysis. It aims to show the ways communication breakdowns are repaired during children’s (suffering from autism) conversations with other people. This study, by keeping in view the characteristics of autism, defines such children as neurodivergents and their co-interlocutors are named as neurotypicals. The central argument of the thesis is that communication breakdowns, which occur during neurotypicals-neurodivergents conversations, are repaired in distinctive ways and this calls for the need of a unique methodology for carrying out such sort of studies. The data for the present study are gathered through audio-recording conversations between neurotypicals and neurodivergents. The data are recorded in both home and clinical settings. The collected data show that children who suffer from autism have impairment in social communication and interaction. The neurotypicals when indulge in conversation with such children seem to repair this impairment (may be unconsci...

How the Radical Influences a Chinese Character's Phoneticity

Or: How to Read Chinese Charaters More Easily - Clotilde Tambroni (de)

In my Bachelor's thesis, I analyzed how the semantic indicators of a Chinese character influence its pronunciation.
After giving a short introduction to the studies of Chinese characters, I will explain my paper's topic more thoroughly, followin...

With my Bachelor's thesis, I want to address not only students and teachers of the Chinese language but those who were too shy to get involved because of the - seemingly - difficult characters.
In my work, I ask whether the character that indicates the meaning (radical) in combination with the articulatory character (phonetic) influences the pronunciation of the character composed of these two components. These compound characters are commonly referred to as SP characters. They make up approx. 80% of the Chinese character set, so that an examination of these makes perfect sense.
In order to be able to answer the thesis' titling question, I compared the articulation of "phonetics in their pure form" (PiR) with the articulation of SP characters, which consist of the PiR and the radical 女 (nü, woman).
As an example: The word for horse 马 (PiR) is pronounced mă, but the word for mother 妈 is pronounced mā (SP character).
The reasoning behind the titling question is as follows: If regular changes can be found in the tonal and articulatory comparison between PiR and SP characters, these rules can be used to learn to read Chinese characters.
In my work, I used a corpus of 64 pair...

A cross-linguistic analysis of semantic features of Italian poi; Camuno po; and German doch

Agathe Lasch (en)

The status of modal particles as a grammatical class and their properties have been investigated for a number of languages, in particular, Germanic. Abraham (2016) claims that modal particles and other discourse markers differ in their semantic an...

Like other modal particles, Krifka (2013) observes that the German _doch_ requires a “propositional discourse referent” to be interpreted. The particle can have a variety of meanings which share a basic contrastive value: it presupposes the incompatibility of two propositions part of the common ground, i.e., it rejects a proposition considered to be true by the addressee or by the speaker at some point in the past. According to Lindner (1991), the particle indicates that a proposition in not under discussion at the utterance time. _Doch_ is used to express the speaker’s assumption that the addressee is not aware of a certain event (Karagjosova, 2003). _Doch_ is purely contrastive in that the speaker rejects a proposition on the base of the shared common ground and the truth values are not evaluated epistemically.

Similarly, Italian _poi_ requires a common background shared by speaker and addressee (3a). This common ground oftentimes consists of a conversation (as pointed out in Cardinaletti (2015)), but not necessarily. The appropriate context for the felicitous reading of _poi_ as a particle consists of a time _t_ in which an event _e_ may or may not occur, at the utterance...

Kongruierende Nebensatzeinleitungen in kontinentalwestgermanischen Varietäten

Odille Morison (de)

Unsere Vorstellung von Sprache ist oft von traditioneller Grammatikbeschreibung geprägt. Damit einher gehen auch Kompromisse, die zugunsten einer einheitlichen Kategorienbildung getroffen werden. Ein solcher „Kompromiss“ zeigt sich bei der Einordn...

Saturday 19:15

Comparing Patterns of Use of Relative Clauses in L2 and L3 Acquisition

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

It has been argued that investigating third language (L3) acquisition “provides essential new insights about the language learning process that neither the study of first language (L1) nor second language (L2) acquisition alone can provide” (Flynn...

Frame-Analyse als Diskursanalyse am Beispiel von 'Flüchtling', 'Geflüchtete_r' und 'Migrant_in'

Clotilde Tambroni (de)

Meine hier vorgestellte Masterarbeit nimmt einen kognitiv-linguistischen Zugang, um öffentlich-politischen Sprachgebrauch zu analysieren und diskursiv ausgehandeltes Wissen deutlich zu machen. Sie bestand aus einer diskurs- bzw. frame-semantischen...

Falls im Vorhinein Interesse an Frame-Semantik als Diskurssemantik besteht: Alexander Ziem "Frames und sprachliches Wissen - Kognitive Aspekte der semantischen Kompetenz" (2008) und Dietrich Busse "Frame-Semantik - Ein Kompendium" (2012) sind gut lesbare Monografien zum Einstieg, aber auch zur Vertiefung.

Konjunktivverwendung und Strategien der Redewiedergabe in den Olmützer Prozessakten

Odille Morison (de)

Prozessakte aus älteren Sprachstufen des Deutschen wecken in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit und wurden bereits Untersuchungsgegenstand zahlreicher sich mit unterschiedlichen Erscheinungen befassender Studien und Projekte. Das liegt v...

Anaphor backward binding in German

Agathe Lasch (en)

It has long been observed that in many languages, experiencer objects can bind into the subject, thus seemingly violating Binding Condition A:

Pictures of [each other]i annoy [the politicians]i .
(Pesetsky 1987)

Since Belletti and Rizzi’...

Saturday 19:45

The Emergence of Language-Related Episodes and Perceived Usefulness of L2-L2 Learner and NS-Learner Telecollaboration

Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

The Interaction Hypothesis (Long, 1996) asserts that communication in the target language is fundamental for language development and second language processes and the findings of numerous research works support these notions. This study investiga...

The Interaction Hypothesis (Long, 1996) asserts that communication in the target language is fundamental for language development and second language processes and the findings of numerous research works support these notions. During interaction, learners may modify their output to be better understood and also may inquire about the linguistic forms that they or their interlocutor use. These instances of explicit attention to language are identified as language-related episodes (LREs), first defined by Swain and Lapkin (1998), and are of particular interest as they may be sites in which learning is likely to occur given that the learner is pushed to consciously reflect on their language knowledge (Leeser, 2004). This study investigates the role of interlocutor, either a second language (L2) peer or trained native speaker (NS), on the emergence of LREs and the perceived usefulness of each telecollaborative interaction type for L2 learners.
Using a counterbalanced design, 24 L2 learners of Spanish completed two 30-minute conversations, one with an L2 peer on Zoom and the other with a NS on Talk Abroad. In total, thirty-six conversations were transcribed and the LREs were tallied...


Clotilde Tambroni (en)

The city of Santos (Brazil) stands out as the only documented locality in the state of São Paulo where the variation between the pronouns “tu” and “você” (similar to the French “tu” and “vous”) is documented (MODESTO, 2006). Interactions between t...

Fremdheit in der Schrift? Historische Mehrschriftigkeit in den Regensburgischen Diarien

Odille Morison (de)

Regensburg, von 1663 bis 1806 die Stadt des Immerwährenden Reichstages, gilt zur Zeit des Heiligen Römischen Reich Deutscher Nation als bedeutender Knotenpunkt Europas. Reisende, die sich damals in der Stadt aufhalten, sind gut dokumentiert. So hä...

A typological approach to the alignments of argument indexes in the Amazon

Agathe Lasch (en)

The purpose of this talk is to present the research I am currently conducting on the alignment of argument indexes in five unrelated Amazonian languages: yagua, wampis, urarina, yanesha and shipibo-konibo. The work will organize the languages typo...

Saturday 20:30

Closing Session

Abschlussplenum - Agathe Lasch (mul)

Abschlussplenum mit anschließender Feedbackrunde.
Closing session with following feedback session.

Saturday 21:30

Words of Warcraft

A podium for linguistic debates - Agathe Lasch (en)

Linguistics is not monolithic. It's a multifaceted science with countless fields of research and tons of competing views on the most fundamental aspects of linguistic theory and practice.

Do we have innate capacities for language learning, or i...

Dance Dojo

Tribal fusion in 30 minutes - Clotilde Tambroni (mul)

Have you always wanted to expand your moveset? Looking for something to bust next time you're on the dance floor? Join Valentina, a veritable student of dance, in this short workshop on the key moves of tribal fusion!

Canvas Kerfuffle

Linguistics-themed doodle arena - Ruqaiya Hasan (en)

Join us for a game of! Test your knowledge and creative chops by drawing and guessing terms from various fields of linguistics, from "acronym" to "Zapotec"!

Players get switched out every game, so don't worry if you couldn't make it ...

Sunday 15:00

Farewell Brunch

One final shindig - Agathe Lasch (mul)

Can't get enough of the StuTS social scene? Want to talk about your (or someone else's) project some more? Forgot to exchange contact info with someone you got to know? This symbolic farewell brunch emulates the last day of the physical StuTS and ...