Lecture: Informal language features in students’ argumentative essays in L2 French
In this talk I will focus on the transfer of language features from informal conversational language to the written texts of students of French language at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. The purpose of this research is to identify the language features that do not belong to the academic register but are nevertheless present in students’ written production. The informal language features were selected from the lists proposed by different authors and adapted to the nature of the French language in which the texts were written. After the analysis of the use and distribution of these informal language features in argumentative students’ essays, it was found that students, as beginners in academic writing, use various features of conversational language in their essays due to insufficient mastery of the academic register, such as the use of personal and possessive pronouns referring to the author and the reader, the explicit expression of personal opinion, the use of vague quantifiers and words, incomplete sentences, sentences beginning with conjunctions, direct questions as well as other features that are primarily related to spoken language. It is likely that the use of these features is not only the result of the transfer from the closest and most familiar register to the students but also the consequence of explicit instructions from teachers and suggestions from textbooks and manuals used in foreign language teaching.
Start time:
Wiwi-Bunker —Room 5050
Applied Linguistics
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