Events by track

Typology and Variational Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
A Hidden Conjoint-Disjoint Distinction in Hausa
In this presentaion, I'll compare the Hausa verb grades to the...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Coronaleugnen via Telegram
Wie sprechen Coronaleugner*innen? Gibt es einen Soziolekt oder zumindest...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Demonstratives in Bahaso Melayu Pakning
Bahaso Melayu Pakning (BMP), also known as Siak Malay, is a variety of Malay...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Differential Object Marking in Tukanoan languages
This talk presents a typological-diachronic account of Differential Object...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
High Valyrian
High Valyrian - Greenberg’s (1966) Universals and Chomsky’s (1981) Binding...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Long, thin and flexible snakes and songs
The system of classifiers in Amazonian languages is known for being...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Nouny on the outside, verby on the inside: die Morphosyntax baskischer Verbalnomen
Verbalnomen sind eine infinite Verbform mit nominalen Eigenschaften, die im...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
SAY-complementizers and forms they allow
SAY-complements are clausal arguments marked by a particle grammaticalized...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Some verbs are lighter than others
There are three verbs in Korean that can serve as head to its causative...
Typology and Variational Linguistics
Stories from the Field
Some linguists consider field work and language documentation as the supreme...
Typology and Variational Linguistics

Applied Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Analyse von (Rechts)Populismus und Verschwörungstheorien
Verschwörungstheorien wurden durch die Coronapandemie ab 2020 ein...
Applied Linguistics
Die Polyfunktionalität der temporalen präpositionalen Wortverbindungen
Präpositionale Wortverbindungen (PWVs) sind Untersuchungsgegenstand des...
Applied Linguistics
Extramural Activities And German Students’ Proneness to Errors
A good productive vocabulary is essential for good quality writing (Nation...
Applied Linguistics
Fake News oder Falschnachrichten? Lexikalische Zweifelsfälle bei neologistischen (Quasi-)Synonymen
Die Neologismenforschung des Deutschen ist durch „lexikographische Dominanz...
Applied Linguistics
“He don’t speak English but he communicates” – Interaction Patterns and Discourse Strategies in Veterinarian-Client-Pet Health Communication”
Interactions in health are not limited to human medicine and healthcare –...
Applied Linguistics
Informal language features in students’ argumentative essays in L2 French
In this talk I will focus on the transfer of language features from informal...
Applied Linguistics
Vortrag Mehrsprachigkeit/Sprachenlernen in der tertiären Bildung
Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrsprachigkeitsförderung an österreichischen...
Applied Linguistics

Neuro- and Psycholinguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Anna fährt zur StuTS, er hat viel Spaß. But what about Alex?
"Anna fährt zur StuTS, er hat viel Spaß" will immediately identified as...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Compounds and Aphasia
Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
Just take a stance
<p>Die Identit&auml;tsentwicklung in der modernen Gesellschaft erweist sich...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics
The Romanisation Effect
Phonaesthetics is a young and promising field which, in time, will change the...
Neuro- and Psycholinguistics

Computational Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Build your own Semantle-clone
An innocent letter-guessing-game called Wordle went viral in the beginning of...
Computational Linguistics
DURel Annotation Tool
DURel is an annotation tool for sentence pairs of a word. The annotations are...
Computational Linguistics
Emotion Representation in Dialogue Systems
Emotions are an incredibly complex natural phenomenon, and their definition...
Computational Linguistics
Semantic Change in Computational Linguistics
Language is inherently dynamic and changing over time. However, mainstream...
Computational Linguistics
Spraakherkenning, wa is da? — Bias in Flemish Speech Recognition
Sociolinguistic factors such as age and gender have been shown to impact the...
Computational Linguistics


  Title Track Speakers
"Bullshitting" aus einer metapragmatischen Perspektive
Der folgende Vortrag soll eine Art Plädoyer und Anregung zur Erforschung des...
Comparing face-to-face conversations and video calls
The change in social interaction caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has...
Grammatical gender selection of Norwegian nouns by native speakers of Spanish when code-switching
My thesis explores the assignment of grammatical gender in the context of...
Guarani: Without a Textbook or a Classroom
As part of my current dissertation research, I'm exploring the role of social...
Interaktionale Diskursanalyse und Ethnografie in der empirischen Unterrichtsforschung
Gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit im Klassenzimmer stellt ein Thema fortwährender...
Language Activism
So wie wirtschafts- oder gesundheitspolitische Entscheidungen uns im Alltag...
Persian-German speaking Iranians in Vienna: Migration and Language Attitudes
Poster: Exploring semiotic repertoires in Afro-Surinamese speech communities
In more recent years, the multimodal nature of social interaction has become...
Poster: Language in Colonial Contexts.
In this poster presentation, I will briefly address a qualitative...
The Definitional Dilemma of Gender in Language
It is difficult to contextualize the rise of gender-inclusive language within...
The Recent Status of English in Tunisia: Insights to Policy Makers
Language policies in Tunisia are not thought out; they evolve implicit....
Wo Präzis gestickt und Katzen geballert werden
Beim Soziolekt der deutschen Parkour-Community handelt es sich noch um...


  Title Track Speakers
Combining Business With Pleasure
I never quite knew what I wanted to do with my life. But I did know I wanted...
Conceptualization of colors to abstract concepts
Is “black market” in every language “black”? How about seeing “red” (being...
Das Potenzial negativen Framings
Der Klimawandel ist präsenter denn je. Um die Klimakrise zu bewältigen bedarf...
Loneliness and Community
My research project “A comparative analysis of the metaphorical concepts for...
Non-native pre- and early-service English teacher’s perceptions of neopronouns in both English and their native language: Argentina and Germany
The use of gender-neutral language, with all the different strategies that it...
Poster: Meinen Senf Dazu Geben
I will be presenting a poster in detail that will compare the German...
Student Theses Replication Network in Linguistics
Our goal is to achieve better and more reliable scientific advances and...
The German and International Linguistics Olympiads
Linguistics is generally neglected in German schools. One way, however, for...

Corpus Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Der österreichische Neutralitätsbegriff als Beispiel für die sprachliche Konstruktion kollektiver Identität(en) in digitalen Kommunikationsräumen
Die politische Neutralität Österreichs gilt häufig als eine der grundlegenden...
Corpus Linguistics
Event nominals and result nominals with -ing and -ning in Norwegian
Corpus Linguistics
Grammatische Fremdwortintegration diachron
Anhand der zentralen Fragestellung, wie die Integration von aus dem...
Corpus Linguistics
Poster: Towards a linguistic consideration of technical documentation
From the electric milk frother to the industrial bottling plant – each...
Corpus Linguistics
Strukturtypen der Kollokationen des Wortes "Mehrsprachigkeit" in den Artikeln der Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 26. Jahrgang.
Als Mehrsprachigkeit gilt die Fähigkeit einer Person, mehr als eine Sprache...
Corpus Linguistics
The word order of complement clauses in Wangerooge Frisian
Wangerooge Frisian is a dialect of Frisian which went extinct in the early...
Corpus Linguistics

Theoretical Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
Grammaticalization patterns in Basque adpositions: from body parts to locative cases
In Basque (isolate language in south-western Europe), spatial information is...
Theoretical Linguistics
Instrumentalisierung von Zitaten
Anhand zweier praktischer Fälle wird untersucht, wann Zitate fehlschlagen und...
Theoretical Linguistics
Lass uns den Fokus auf die mündliche Kommunikation verschieben
Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache die...
Theoretical Linguistics
Mehr Schein als Sein - Eine Perspektive auf Wortart und syntaktische Kategorie Adverb im Deutschen
Es ist unumstritten, dass Adverbien eine Klasse höchst heterogener Elemente...
Theoretical Linguistics
The influence of context on Principle C in German
In my talk, I present my experimental work on the influence of context on...
Theoretical Linguistics
“This could be difficult only”: Investigating the use of “only” in postpositive position in Indian English
Unlike other varieties of English, Indian English was long thought not to...
Theoretical Linguistics
What determines adverb placement in French?
It is quite common to consider that the adverb is placed after the verb in...
Theoretical Linguistics
What's in a paradigm?
This talk discusses the notion of the 'paradigm' in linguistics. This term...
Theoretical Linguistics

Historical Linguistics

  Title Track Speakers
“He taught him the hills and hills and hills of the province”
This study presents the semantic differentiation of Old Irish terms for...
Historical Linguistics
Poster: Language Death: Westernization
How dose modern language colonization look like today? To answer this...
Historical Linguistics
Referentielle Nullsubjekte und schwache Pronominalsubjekte im Leben des Protopopen Awwakum
Dieser Vortrag berichtet über eine Untersuchung der Verteilung der...
Historical Linguistics
The mysterious origin of Goth. 𐌿𐌻𐌱𐌰𐌽𐌳𐌿𐍃
When looking up the etymology of the Russian word верблюд ('camel'), I...
Historical Linguistics
Thus speaks the Indo-European
Referring to another person’s utterances is thought to be a universal ability...
Historical Linguistics
Wie Sprachen werden, was sie sind
Sprache entwickelt sich ständig. Sie verändert sich mit der Zeit, von...
Historical Linguistics

Phonetics and Phonology

  Title Track Speakers
Klingt dünn klein und schwer groß?
Korpusstudie, in der drei Adjektivpaare über 20 Sprachen aus sechs...
Phonetics and Phonology
Phonotactic patterns in L2 English
This paper considers the acquisition of L2 English phonotactic patterns. It...
Phonetics and Phonology
Poster: English Accents in Derry Girls
This poster is about the findings of a term paper for which I examined...
Phonetics and Phonology
Probabilistic reduction - The phonological maxim of Quantity?
Many papers have repeatedly proven, that statistical properties, or...
Phonetics and Phonology