Schedule – 2022-11-04
Wiwi-Bunker —Room 5050 | Wiwi-Bunker —Lecture Hall A | Wiwi-Bunker — Room 4044 | Wiwi-Bunker —Room 3035 | Wiwi-Bunker —Room 3016 | Wiwi-Bunker —Room 4099 | Only online | |
08:00 |
Eine empirische Studie zu Verb-Entlehnungen aus dem Englischen
Eine korpusbasierte Studie von ,im Moment'
Eine linguistische Skizzierung
A comparative analysis of the metaphorical concepts for loneliness and community in Russian and English Rock music of the 1980s/1990s
09:00 |
A restricted look at complement finiteness
10:00 |
Greenberg’s (1966) Universals and Chomsky’s (1981) Binding Theory
An Introduction to Linguistic Field Work
Präsentation Masterarbeit
11:00 |
The functions of classifiers in Mojeño (South-Arawak)
12:00 |
13:00 |
14:00 |
Eine Einführung in die Historisch-Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Introduction to Distributional Semantics and Word Embeddings for Linguists
American Indigenes language change: Why?
Compilation and analysis of a representative corpus
Examining Derry English and Estuary English
Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Stancetaking und Patchwork-Identität
15:00 |
Phonaesthetics in the Search for Celtic Lovers
A Qualitative Investigation of Colonial Influences on the Wounaan's (Lingustic) Life in Bogotá
16:00 |
17:00 |