Thursday 08:15
Registration & Welcoming
Thursday 14:15
DURel Annotation Tool
DURel is an annotation tool for sentence pairs of a word. The annotations are used to form sense clusters of a word and to visualize them over time.
Our web application for DURel was already presented at conferences and tested. It is now being im...
“He taught him the hills and hills and hills of the province”
This study presents the semantic differentiation of Old Irish terms for elevated landscape features. The study combines methods and evidence from corpus lingusitics and place name research in order to identify semantic diffferences between (near) ...
This study investigates the semantics of Old Irish terms in the lexical field ‘elevated landscape features’ in order to differentiate their semantics. The semantic investigation of lexical items for ‘height’ carried out by Liam Mac Mathúna (1988) was a first step in gaining an understanding of some of these lexical items. However, the limited availability of material and lack of digital methods only allowed him to investigate two lexical items in two Old Irish texts. A re-examination of more lexical items in a larger corpus of Old Irish is, therefore, warranted.
Through a combination of landscape semantics and place name evidence provides insight into the semantic variation of Old Irish terms for elevated landscape features. The semantic investigation is based on collocates in a corpus of Old Irish material that was compiled for my Master’s thesis. Additionally, place names that are attested in Old or Middle Irish are considered to gain a better understanding of the physical reality of the landscape features. This allows for the differentiation of terms that are given as (near) synonyms in the dictionary. For instance, tulach and cnocc are both defined as ‘hill, mound’ in the E...
Thursday 14:45
Semantic Change in Computational Linguistics
Language is inherently dynamic and changing over time. However, mainstream computational models like BERT are mostly based on static corpora, and retraining the models is costly---both time and resource-wise. (Lazaridou et al., 2021; Brown et al. ...
Brown, Tom, Benjamin Mann, Nick Ryder, Melanie Subbiah, Jared D Kaplan, Prafulla Dhariwal, Arvind Neelakantan, et al. “Language Models Are Few-Shot Learners.” In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33:1877–1901. Curran Associates, Inc., 2020.
Lazaridou, Angeliki, Adhi Kuncoro, Elena Gribovskaya, Devang Agrawal, Adam Liska, Tayfun Terzi, Mai Gimenez, et al. “Mind the Gap: Assessing Temporal Generalization in Neural Language Models.” In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34:29348–63. Curran Associates, Inc., 2021.
Schlechtweg, Dominik, Barbara McGillivray, Simon Hengchen, Haim Dubossarsky, and Nina Tahmasebi. “SemEval-2020 Task 1: Unsupervised Lexical Semantic Change Detection.” In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 1–23. Barcelona (online): International Committee for Computational Linguistics, 2020.
Tahmasebi, Nina, Lars Borin, and Adam Jatowt. “Survey of Computational Approaches to Lexical Semantic Change Detection.” In Computational Approaches to Semantic Change, 1–91. Berlin: Language Science Press, 2021.
Vaswani, Ashish, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Łukasz Kaiser, and Il...
Referentielle Nullsubjekte und schwache Pronominalsubjekte im Leben des Protopopen Awwakum
Dieser Vortrag berichtet über eine Untersuchung der Verteilung der referentiellen Nullsubjekte (NS-e) und schwachen Pronominalsubjekte (SPS-e) im Leben des Protopopen Awwakum, einem altrussischen Denkmal des 17. Jh. Erstens wird die Einwirkung der...
Hinsichtlich der Subjektrealisierung lässt sich die Sprache von altrussischen Texten vor dem 15. Jh. als eine konsequente Nullsubjektsprache (NS-Sprache) charakterisieren: Normalerweise werden NS-e benutzt, während overte Pronominalsubjekte nur unter bestimmten syntaktischen oder semantisch-pragmatischen Bedingungen, z.B., Koordination mit anderen Subjekten oder Kontrast, vorkommen (vgl. Meyer 2011; Jung 2018; Madariaga 2018; 2022). Im Zeitraum vom 15. bis zum 17. Jh. ist aber eine Verbreitung von overten Pronominalsubjekten zuerst der 1. und der 2. Person (1-2P) und dann auch der 3P zu beobachten, deren Verwendung durch diese Bedingungen nicht motiviert ist (vgl. Borkovskij 1978; Meyer 2011). Schließlich stellen overte Pronominalsubjekte im gegenwärtigen Russischen die Basisoption dar, wobei referenzielle NS-e nur unter bestimmten Umständen auftreten (vgl. McShane 2009; Madariaga 2022), weshalb es u.a. von Roberts und Holmberg (2010) als eine partielle NS-Sprache eingestuft wird.
In der Forschungsliteratur werden unterschiedliche Erklärungen für diesen Wandel vorgeschlagen. Laut Meyer (2011) wurde er vom Wegfall der Auxiliare der 1-2P und somit der morphologischen Markierung d...
Thursday 15:15
The mysterious origin of Goth. 𐌿𐌻𐌱𐌰𐌽𐌳𐌿𐍃
When looking up the etymology of the Russian word верблюд ('camel'), I stumbled upon a very strange etymological riddle. The source word ulbandus in Gothic, meaning 'camel', is often related to Latin elephantus, which, naturally, means 'elephant'....
Wer aus purer Langeweile das gotische Wort ulbandus in einem gängigen Wörterbuch nachschlägt, wird mit einem Kuriosum konfrontiert: obwohl das Wort im Gotischen eindeutig ‚Kamel‘ bedeutet, wird es in den meisten Fällen von lat. elephantus hergeleitet, also vom Wort für ‚Elefant‘. Andere etymologische Ansätze beziehen sich auf anatolische Sprachen, die lange Zeit vor der gotischen Bibelübersetzung gesprochen wurden, in der das Wort erscheint. Got. ulbandus wurde außerdem ins Slavische (*velьbǫdъ, russ. верблюд, pln. wielbłąd) und von dort aus ins Altpreußische (als weloblundis) und Altlitauische (als velbliūdas, verbliūdas oder verbrūdas) entlehnt. Laut der klassischen Wörterbücher bedeutet das Wort im Altpreußischen ‚Maultier‘, im Altlitauischen hingegen ‚Kamel‘, ‚Elefant‘ oder ‚Walfisch‘. Und auch im Alttschechischen scheint die Entsprechung velbloud teilweise in der Bedeutung ‚Kamel‘, teilweise in der Bedeutung ‚Elefant‘ verwendet zu werden.
In diesem Vortrag begeben wir uns auf eine etymologische Spurensuche im weiten Wortfeld rund um got. ulbandus, mit dem ich mich in einer historisch-vergleichenden Hausarbeit auseinandergesetzt habe. Wir tauchen ein in die gotische Bibel, ...
Wo Präzis gestickt und Katzen geballert werden
Beim Soziolekt der deutschen Parkour-Community handelt es sich noch um linguistisches Neuland. Trotzdem, oder gerade deswegen, birgt er eine Fülle an einzigartigen Wortneubildungen und Entlehnungen. Dieser Vortrag soll einen kleinen Einblick in di...
Ein Haufen Jugendlicher in zu weiten Jogginghosen, die von Dach zu Dach springen – das mag bei vielen das erste Bild sein, das beim Gedanken an die Trendsportart Parkour in den Sinn kommt. Dennoch ist Parkour heutzutage fast allgegenwärtig geworden: Es begegnet uns in Filmen (Casino Royal, Kingsman), Videospielen (Assassin’s Creed, Mirror’s Edge) und manchmal sogar auf der Straße. Menschen, die diese Sportart aktiv ausüben – sogenannte Traceure – finden sich auf der ganzen Welt. Nachdem es sich hierbei aber um eine vergleichsweise junge Sportart handelt, befinden sich linguistische Auseinandersetzungen mit Soziolekt der Parkour-Community noch in den Kinderschuhen. Aus diesem Grund möchte ich einen ersten Einblick in die „Parkour-Sprache“ bieten und dabei besonderen Fokus auf die Frage legen, inwiefern durch diese Gruppenzugehörigkeit kommuniziert werden kann, und wenn ja, wie groß ihre Relevanz im Vergleich zu anderen Faktoren ist.
Thursday 16:00
Meeting Junge Sprachwissenschaft e.V.
Combining Business With Pleasure
I never quite knew what I wanted to do with my life. But I did know I wanted to keep learning languages. In this session, I'll share how I combined business with pleasure and built a business around my passion for language learning.
Lindsay Does Languages was founded in 2012 initially as a local private tuition company. In 2014, I moved things online and soon discovered the world of possibility that lay before me. Since then, I've continued to create work that I enjoy alongside further studies, including now a part-time MA in Applied Linguistics.
In this session, I'll share a timeline of my journey to show the diverse ways you too can combine business with pleasure.
Thursday 16:30
Guarani: Without a Textbook or a Classroom
As part of my current dissertation research, I'm exploring the role of social media in accessibility of language learning resources for lesser studied languages. In this session, I'll be sharing some of my key findings so far.
I started learning Guarani in 2015. It soon became apparent that it would be a different experience to every language I'd learnt before. Yes, there was a Duolingo course (taught in Spanish). But no, there was no textbook or classroom that could help me learn from my home in the UK. This experience led to my current dissertation research in the role of social media in accessibility of language learning resources for lesser studied languages. In this session, I'll be sharing some of my key findings so far.
Thursday 18:15
Friday 08:15
Fake News oder Falschnachrichten? Lexikalische Zweifelsfälle bei neologistischen (Quasi-)Synonymen
Die Neologismenforschung des Deutschen ist durch „lexikographische Dominanz und wenig linguistische Auseinandersetzung“ (Elsen 2021: 113) geprägt. Daher sind im Gegensatz zu anderen Sprachen „Defizite im deutschsprachigen Raum“ (Elsen 2022: 52) be...
Grammatische Fremdwortintegration diachron
Anhand der zentralen Fragestellung, wie die Integration von aus dem Englischen ent-lehnten Verben ins Deutsche verläuft, leiste ich mit meinem Dissertationsvorhaben eine umfangreiche und problemorientierte Forschungsarbeit zur Häufigkeit und Syste...
Non-native pre- and early-service English teacher’s perceptions of neopronouns in both English and their native language: Argentina and Germany
The use of gender-neutral language, with all the different strategies that it entails, has been widely discussed not only in academic settings, but also in everyday life. It is definitely a heated topic in many countries, regardless of their langu...
A Hidden Conjoint-Disjoint Distinction in Hausa
In this presentaion, I'll compare the Hausa verb grades to the conjoint-disjoint distinction made in Zulu verbs, showing both commonalities and differences in form, distribution and function. In both languages, information structural content such ...
In this presentaion, I'll compare the Hausa verb grades to the conjoint-disjoint distinction made in Zulu verbs, showing both commonalities and differences in form, distribution and function. In both languages, information structural content such as topicalization, focus and fronting seem to influence the choice of a verb form in comparable ways.
Conjoint verbs in Zulu and other, mostly Nguni (Bantu), languages always immediately precede their respective object. Disjoint verbs on the other hand can also appear sentence finally or precede adverbs, often giving them a contrastive focus interpretation.
Hausa verb grades distinguish up to four different types of succeeding objects: no following object at all (A), pronominal object (B), nominal object (C) and indirect (pro)nominal object (D).
I'll argue that an analysis utilizing syntactic constituency following Buell (2005) captures the data on Hausa like it does for Zulu.
Buell, Leston (2005). Issues in Zulu Verbal Morphosyntax.
Friday 08:45
Die Polyfunktionalität der temporalen präpositionalen Wortverbindungen
Präpositionale Wortverbindungen (PWVs) sind Untersuchungsgegenstand des PREPCON-Projekts des Leibnitz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache unter der Leitung von Dr. Kathrin Steyer und im Rahmen des Projekts werden PWVs als binäre lexikalische Präpositio...
,,Während die Grundbedeutung der Tempora relativ gut erforscht sind, ist die Analyse pragmatisch vermittelter und metaphorischer Verwendungen noch Gegenstand lebhafter Diskussion.‘‘ (Vater 1994: 108). Dies gilt in stärkerem Mäße auch für Temporaladverbiale, insbesondere für temporale Präpositionalphrase. Ausgehend davon wird die Präposition-Nomen-Verbindungen (PNs) als Untersuchungsgegenstand im PREPCON-Projekt des Leibnitz-Instituts für Deutsche Sprache untersucht. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden PNs als binäre lexikalische Präpositionalphrasen definiert, die durch den Wegfall des Artikelwortes zwischen Präposition und Nomen (sogenannter Nullartikel) gekennzeichnet sind, z. B. vor Ort, binnen Sekunden (Steyer 2019: 9). Im PREPCON-Projekt werden aus phraseologischer Perspektive korpuslinguistische Untersuchungen durchgeführt, bei denen die Gebrauchsaspekte binärer PNs interpretiert werden (Steyer 2018: 231). Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass temporale präpositionale Wortverbindungen (PWVs) – eine selbständig als Satzglied fungierende Untergruppe der PNs – über eine Bifunktionalität verfügen: Sie lassen sich neben der Funktion als Temporaladverbiale auch als kommunikative Formeln oder Disk...
Event nominals and result nominals with -ing and -ning in Norwegian
Event nominals and result nominals with -ing and -ning in Norwegian
Introduction: The article explores Norwegian nominals with the nominalizing suffixes -ing and -ning and whether they are event nominals (EN) or result nominals (RN) (Harley 2009, Lundquist 2008). Most Norwegian verbs can be nominalized with -ing and some can also be nominalized with -ning. Thus, some verbs occur with both suffixes, such as forurensing (‘pollution’) and forurensning (‘pollution’) without a clear semantic difference. According to Språkrådet (The Language Council of Norway) (2017), there is no clear meaning distinction between the two suffixes, while they suggest one can use -ing for an event-oriented meaning and -ning for a result-oriented meaning. The question asked in the article is whether the two suffixes are associated with different semantics and morphosyntax, such that nominals with -ing are instances of ENs, and nominals with -ning instances of RNs. To probe this more systematically, I carried out a corpus study, and found that there is some correlation between suffix choice and type of nominal.
Hypotheses: The question of whether -ing correlates with EN readings and -ning with RN readni...
Loneliness and Community
My research project “A comparative analysis of the metaphorical concepts for loneliness and community in Russian and English Rock music of the 1980s/1990s” will deal with, as the title suggests, the concepts for loneliness and community in the two...
Coronaleugnen via Telegram
Wie sprechen Coronaleugner*innen? Gibt es einen Soziolekt oder zumindest sprachliche Merkmale, die die Mitglieder dieser Protestbewegung teilen? Können gefährliche Telegram-Chats vielleicht sogar anhand der Sprache identifiziert werden?
Der Vort...
Die Gruppe von Kritiker*innen der Corona-Maßnahmen im deutschsprachigen Raum ist sehr heterogen zusammengesetzt. Demographische Untersuchungen der Teilnehmer*innen von Protesten zeigen, dass sich hier Mitglieder unterschiedlichster Bevölkerungsgruppen zusammenschließen – mit noch verschiedeneren Intentionen und Motivationen.
Ein Teil der Kritiker*innen vernetzt sich über den Messenger-Dienst Telegram. Deren Nachrichten aus „Gruppen“ und „Kanälen“ bilden das Korpus der vorliegenden Untersuchung. Die Scripte für Aufbau und Auswertung eines Telegram-Korpus stehen auf GitHub zur Verfügung.
Das für illegale Aktivitäten prädestinierte Medium bietet hunderttausenden Gruppenmitgliedern die Möglichkeit, politische Agenden, Hetze, Verschwörungstheorien und Desinformation zu teilen. Dies geschieht in einem digitalen Parallelraum mit einem Narrativ, das sich von der Mainstream-Gesellschaft abgespalten hat. Um die soziale Gruppenzugehörigkeit zu stärken, gelten dort auch bestimmte sprachliche Normen, die den Diskurs einzigartig machen. Qualitativ kann die Sprache als emotional, manipulativ und familiär umzeichnet werden. Ergänzend hinzu kommen Merkmale wie beispielsweise eine überdurchsch...
Friday 09:15
Student Theses Replication Network in Linguistics
Our goal is to achieve better and more reliable scientific advances and generalizations, by thinking about solutions to the urging replication crisis. By means of educating fellow young researchers, we aim to form a collaborative network that tack...
Our goal is to achieve better and more reliable scientific advances and generalizations, by thinking about solutions to the urging replication crisis. By means of educating fellow young researchers, we aim to form a collaborative network that tackles issues that are related to the replication crisis.
The influence of context on Principle C in German
In my talk, I present my experimental work on the influence of context on Principle C in German. Departing from the standard approach used in experimental work on Principle C, I tested data taken from Frey (1993) in a longer context instead of a s...
Up to today, the question of whether and to what extent context can diminish the impact of Principle C effects remains unanswered. Standard binding theory (Chomsky 1981) assumes that discourse-based effects do have an impact on coreference and binding, but does not elaborate further on this assumption. It is generally assumed that Principle C (as defined below) is regulated by c-command (Reinhart 1976, 1983).
Definition 1: Principle C: All R-expressions must be free.
Definition 2: C-command: Node A c(onstituent)-commands node B iff the branching node α1 most immediately dominating A either dominates B or is immediately dominated by a node α2 which dominates B, and α2 is of the same category type as α1.
At the same time, there are several counterexamples to the claim that Principle C and c-command alone regulate the surfacing of Principle C effects, such as the one in (1).
(1) (Zwart 2015: e171, ex. 12)
[Context: We spent all afternoon discussing draft picks, and no one generated more heated discussion than the shortstop from Kansas, Peter. But in the end we reached a consensus.]
He1 has a lot of talent and Peter1 should go far. [But who needs another shortstop?]
In (1),...
SAY-complementizers and forms they allow
SAY-complements are clausal arguments marked by a particle grammaticalized from a general utterance verb, a so-called SAY-complementizer. Verbs of saying are crosslinguistically one of the most common verbal sources for complementizers.
In my Bac...
SAY-complements are clausal arguments marked by a particle grammaticalized from a general utterance verb, a so-called SAY-complementizer. Verbs of saying are crosslinguistically one of the most common verbal sources for complementizers.
In my Bachelor’s thesis, I investigated a genetically diverse sample of 10 languages that use such a complementizer for a number of variables regarding the structure of the different kinds of complements, as well as the distribution and shape of the complementizer itself.
Some of the variables pattern strongly with each other, as well as with the more general parameter of constituent order.
I discuss in this talk my variable of complement finiteness and its resulting patterns.
The variable is concerned with embedded verbs and whether they can appear in embedded sentences in finite forms, non-finite forms, or either.
Within the sample, a strong pattern arises when comparing the finiteness of verbs in SAY-complements to those in non-SAY-complements: Whether and how SAY-embedded verbs are restricted in finiteness in a language is implied by the restrictions on verbs embedded otherwise.
SAY-complements in all the languages can contain finit...
Friday 10:15
Analyse von (Rechts)Populismus und Verschwörungstheorien
Verschwörungstheorien wurden durch die Coronapandemie ab 2020 ein gesellschaftlich brisantes Thema, ähnlich wie Rechtspopulismus durch die sogenannte Flüchtlingskrise 2015 an Aufschwung gewann. Die Reaktionen in der Gesellschaft auf die laute schw...
Stories from the Field
Some linguists consider field work and language documentation as the supreme discipline in linguistics, for others it is a mere means of data collection regarded with suspicion. Wherever you fall, this talk will give you a light and risk-free intr...
High Valyrian
High Valyrian - Greenberg’s (1966) Universals and Chomsky’s (1981) Binding Theory
Greenberg (1966: 110-113) names 45 language universals for natural languages which - as language universals in general (Comrie 1989: 19) - can be categorized into...
72. StuTS Hamburg 2022 Jannis Schwarzbach University of Hamburg
High Valyrian - Greenberg’s (1966) Universals and Chomsky’s (1981) Binding Theory
Greenberg (1966: 110-113) names 45 language universals for natural languages which - as language universals in general (Comrie 1989: 19) - can be categorized into absolute universals (1b) and tendencies (1a). Following Comrie (1989: 17), a second distinction must be made: Implicational universals imply that ‘a given property must, or can only, be present if some other property is also present’ (1a) whereas non-implicational universals apply independently to any other property (1b).
(1) a. Universal 1: ‘In declarative sentences with nominal subject and object, the order is almost always one in which the subject precedes the object.’
(Greenberg 1966: 110)
b. Universal 36: ‘A language never has more gender categories in nonsingular [sic!] than in singular.’
(Greenberg 1966: 112)
Chomsky (1981) proposes the Binding Theory (2).
(2) Binding Theory
Principle A
An anaphor must be bound in its governing category.
Friday 10:45
Vortrag Mehrsprachigkeit/Sprachenlernen in der tertiären Bildung
Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrsprachigkeitsförderung an österreichischen Universitäten im Kontext von (inter-)nationaler Sprachenpolitik
,Mehrsprachigkeit‘ und ,Internationalisierung‘ prägen unsere heutige Zeit: Bestehende Studien und Empfehlungen z...
Der österreichische Neutralitätsbegriff als Beispiel für die sprachliche Konstruktion kollektiver Identität(en) in digitalen Kommunikationsräumen
Die politische Neutralität Österreichs gilt häufig als eine der grundlegenden Größen einer kollektiven Identität innerhalb der 2. Republik und prägt deren internationale Positionierung. Anhand von Schlagwortsuchen in digitalen Ausgaben österreichi...
Nouny on the outside, verby on the inside: die Morphosyntax baskischer Verbalnomen
Verbalnomen sind eine infinite Verbform mit nominalen Eigenschaften, die im Baskischen unter anderem für Komplement- und Adverbialsätze verwendet wird. Äußerlich verhalten sich baskische Verbalnomen wie Substantive: sie können in allen Kasus flekt...
Friday 11:15
Informal language features in students’ argumentative essays in L2 French
In this talk I will focus on the transfer of language features from informal conversational language to the written texts of students of French language at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. The purpose of this research is to identify the langu...
The word order of complement clauses in Wangerooge Frisian
Wangerooge Frisian is a dialect of Frisian which went extinct in the early 20th century. Although it is relatively well documented and some linguistic studies have appeared, there is as yet no comprehensive grammatical description of the dialect.
Long, thin and flexible snakes and songs
The system of classifiers in Amazonian languages is known for being typologically challenging in terms of the distinction between grammaticalized noun classes or gender systems and less grammaticalized classifier systems like, for instance, those ...
Friday 14:15
LaTeX Workshop
Tired of relabelling all of your 150 examples manually every time you open your thesis document? Want to do it the right way and create your very own beautiful tables, write glosses without all the nerve-wracking formatting? Then hop on and join o...
In this beginners’ workshop, we want to cover the basics of setting up your document to write a term paper or thesis in LATEX. Obviously, this includes a proper title page and tables of contents, figures and all your beautiful tables. We will look at sectioning, type setting, creating different types of lists and including symbols in your text. We will also introduce you to the perks of citing and creating automatic lists of references with LATEX. Beyond the type setting, however, we want to leave our focus open and therefore involve you, the participants, more and adapt our programme accordingly. In concrete terms, this means that you will set the focus on more specific topics and tell us what exactly you need for your LATEX project in a survey.
Potentially relevant topics might include but are not limited to tables – the intricacies of combining rows and columns, labelling your tables for further reference in text –, following specific scientific writing standards (APA, MLA...), glosses based on the Leipzig Glossing Rules, syntactic trees, semantic formulae etc. Based on the survey results, we will have a look at what LATEX has to offer for your specific needs. At the end o...
Build your own Semantle-clone
An innocent letter-guessing-game called Wordle went viral in the beginning of 2022. One
particular clone of this game, called Semantle1, is particularly interesting from a linguistic
perspective. The user is tasked with guessing a secret word ba...
Wie Sprachen werden, was sie sind
Sprache entwickelt sich ständig. Sie verändert sich mit der Zeit, von Generation zu Generation - wenn man etwa vergleicht, wie die Eltern und Großeltern sprechen und wie man selbst spricht - und von Jahrtausend zu Jahrtausend, wenn man etwa an das...
Poster: Language Death: Westernization
How dose modern language colonization look like today? To answer this question, I will present on the effect of westernization on indigenes languages in the Americas. Where I will look at how Spanish and English in the 21st century have led to lan...
How dose modern language colonization look like today? To answer this question, I will present to you the effect of westernization on indigenes languages in the Americas. Where I will look at how Spanish and English in the 21st century have led to language deaths around the central and northern Americas due to forced modern language colonization. We will observe economic and cultural aspects on how westernization effected language changes to new generation.
Of the over 6,000 languages spoken throughout the world, 4,000 are spoken by Indigenes groups who are currently some of the most marginalized groups on the planet most likely to experience language endangerment or extinction. Current efforts in language preservation are no longer sufficient in the ever-growing vast colonization of the west in the 21st century’s globalization throughout the Americas. The west has indeed contributed to language protection like the Navajo; however, this method of language preservation is insufficient and costly and only allows a select few languages to be protected. Dorian, 1979 noticed in pidginization and creolization that correlated in language change and death created rivalries between t...
What determines adverb placement in French?
It is quite common to consider that the adverb is placed after the verb in French. But this is not always true: and as Pollock (1989) and Cinque & Rizzi (2008) point out, adverb placement can especially vary when negation or verb finiteness modify...
Mehr Schein als Sein - Eine Perspektive auf Wortart und syntaktische Kategorie Adverb im Deutschen
Es ist unumstritten, dass Adverbien eine Klasse höchst heterogener Elemente sind. Durch ihre ausprägte Vielfältigkeit entziehen sie sich vor allem dem Griff der germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft und bleiben im Deutschen eine Art Restklasse, von n...
Bußmann, Hadumod (Hg.) (2008): Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft. 4., durchgesehene
und ergänzte Auflage. Stuttgart: Kröner.
COSMAS I/II (1991-2021): ‚Corpus Search, Management and Analysis System‘. Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim.
Costa, J. (2004): A Multifactorial Approach to Adverb Placement: Assumptions, Facts, and
Problems. In: Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics (Lingua) 114 (6). S. 711–753.
DUDEN (2016). Die Grammatik: Unentbehrlich für richtiges Deutsch. 9.,
vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage. Herausgegeben von Wöllstein, Angelika, Kathrin Kunkel-Razum, Franziska Münzberg & Saskia Ripp. Berlin: Dudenverlag.
Dürscheid, Christa (2012): Syntax. Grundlagen und Theorien. 6., aktualisierte Auflage.
Göttingen, Bristol: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Eisenberg, Peter (2013): Grundriss der deutschen Grammatik. Der Satz. 3., überarb.
Auflage. Stuttgart: Metzler.
Geuder, Wilhelm (2019): Eine Art Wortart: Das Adverb im Deutschen. In: Zeitschrift für
Sprachwissenschaft, vol. 38, no. 2, 2019, pp. 191-241. Abrufbar unter: (am 24.06.2021)
grammis (Grammatisches...
Friday 14:30
Poster: Towards a linguistic consideration of technical documentation
From the electric milk frother to the industrial bottling plant – each technical product must be accompanied by a technical document. Despite their significance and diversity, however, technical documents are underrepresented in linguistic researc...
Poster: Exploring semiotic repertoires in Afro-Surinamese speech communities
In more recent years, the multimodal nature of social interaction has become an important focus of current research in linguistics. This line of research acknowledges that human communication relies on various multimodal resources, highlighting th...
Friday 14:45
Poster: Meinen Senf Dazu Geben
I will be presenting a poster in detail that will compare the German linguistics to the culinary aspects of German culture. Food and communication link together citizens that build a cultural idea. For many centuries, German traditions are continu...
Practices like kaffeeklatsch and sitting together at Biergarten tables are two examples of communicating while indulging in delicious meals. Wienerschnitzel and Apfelstrudel from Austria are classic dishes that are seen in Germany as well.
Just take a stance
Die Identitätsentwicklung in der modernen Gesellschaft erweist sich häufig als schwierig, weil neben der Multiplizität von Optionen und der Ambivalenz von sozialen Werten vorausgesetzt wird, dass die Individuen selbst flexibel bl...
Da die Bewertung von komplexen Sachverhalten, und somit die Stancetaking, durch Wechselbeziehungen realisiert wurde, ist das nicht unbedingt ein geschlossener Prozess. Im Gegenteil, ein Akt von Positionierung kann auch im Sinne von kontinuierlicher Bestrebung nach einem Ergebniss betrachten werden, wobei selbst der Prozess von großer Bedeutung ist. Dementsprechend kann auch die Identitätsarbeit aus keinen abgeschlossenen Handlungen bestehen, weil die Identitätsrollen, und deren Verwirklichung, nur als bestimmte Stufen im Laufe der Identitätsentwicklung existieren. Darüber hinaus bleibt es unklar, welches von beiden Phänomenen (Stancetaking oder von Individuen gezielte Kohärenz) die allgemeine Grenzenlosigkeit verursacht.
Poster: English Accents in Derry Girls
This poster is about the findings of a term paper for which I examined accents in the TV series Derry Girls: The character Michelle’s Derry English and the character James’ Estuary English. I started the paper with a theory part by determining the...
Friday 15:00
Friday 15:15
The Romanisation Effect
Phonaesthetics is a young and promising field which, in time, will change the way we study and conceptualise language. In everyday conversations, non-linguists often focus on their perception of language(s), describing them as beautiful, sweet in ...
Friday 15:30
Poster: Language in Colonial Contexts.
In this poster presentation, I will briefly address a qualitative investigation or learning process that took place this year in Bogotá with the Cabildo Wounaan-Nonám. I will talk briefly about my theoretical starting point (Colonialidad/Modernida...
Following Maldonado-Torres (2007: 243) "as modern subjects we breathe coloniality all the time and every day." Coloniality refers to a power matrix that developed from power structures installed in colonial times to regulate the relationship between colonized and colonizers and still does so today (Quijano 1992, 2007). Coloniality regulates different levels of social reality such as knowledge, gender, frontiers, aesthetics, power and language. Through this thesis, I describe how coloniality influences the Wounaan's (linguistic) life in Bogotá and how they created a decolonial space of resistance for themselves. I try to work decolonially by basing myself on indigenous methodologies (such as Smith 2012, Wilson 2001), and by using indigenous as well as occidental methods together. At the same time, occidental methods are questioned and reworked. Learning moments took place in Círculos de Palabras that were recorded and by means of participative observation/learning at the Casa de Pensamiento Wounaan and teamwork with a group of women which resulted in protocols. As an analysis method, I use the Discourse Historic Approach because both DHA and Coloniality research pay attention to ...
Friday 16:00
Plenary talk: Hellen Vergoossen: How does eye tracking make your research better
Friday 17:00
Saturday 10:15
BuFaTa Satzungsbesprechung
Das Treffen ist Teil der BuFaTa und findet zur Vorbereitung des BuFaTa-Plenums statt. In diesem Treffen besprechen wir die anstehenden Satzungsänderungen der BuFaTa um sie an die aktuellen Bedingungen anzupassen und Formulierungen für die Abstimmu...
“He don’t speak English but he communicates” – Interaction Patterns and Discourse Strategies in Veterinarian-Client-Pet Health Communication”
Interactions in health are not limited to human medicine and healthcare – rather, they can also pertain to animals and their needs and welfare. In veterinarian settings, already complex communication strategies not only concern the usual two parti...
Strukturtypen der Kollokationen des Wortes "Mehrsprachigkeit" in den Artikeln der Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht, 26. Jahrgang.
Als Mehrsprachigkeit gilt die Fähigkeit einer Person, mehr als eine Sprache zu sprechen oder zu verstehen. Um die Verbindung des Wortes „Mehrsprachigkeit“ mit bestimmten Adjektiven, Verben etc. finden zu können, kann eine Kollokationsanalyse durch...
Das Potenzial negativen Framings
Der Klimawandel ist präsenter denn je. Um die Klimakrise zu bewältigen bedarf es der richtigen Kommunikation über Fakten und notwendige Maßnahmen im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Wissenschaftliche Botschaften mit aufrüttelnden Apellen zu verbinden ...
"Bullshitting" aus einer metapragmatischen Perspektive
Der folgende Vortrag soll eine Art Plädoyer und Anregung zur Erforschung des sozial-sprachlichen Phänomens "Bullshit" bzw. "Bullshittings" sein. Das Konzept, dass große Aufmerksamkeit durch den Artikel von Harry Frankfurt On Bullshit (2005) erhiel...
Beginnend mit einer kurzen allgemeinen Einführung in das Thema folgt die Konzipierung von Bullshitting als eine metapragmatische Praktik, die die Janus-Köpfigkeit dieses zweischneidigen Schwertes verdeutlichen kann. Zunächst im Lichte des strukturalistischen Sprachfunktionsmodells von Roman Jacobson (1960) erscheint Bullshitting als par excellence Ausdruck der poetischen Funktion. Dann folgt die Perspektivierung aus einer interaktionalen metapragmatischen Perspektive. Ich beschreibe Bullshitting als den Versuch, sich einem (noch „fremden“) Sprachregime und sozialen Kontext mittels multimodaler und sprachlicher Mimikry in einer bestimmten Art und Weise zu positionieren. Diese bestimmte Art der Positionierung hat das Ziel oder erfüllt den Zweck eine anerkannte, normrichtige und machtvolle Position in einer konkreten Interaktion innerhalb eines bestimmten Sprachregimes einnehmen zu können. Dieser Selbstpositionierungsakt kann beispielsweise die mögliche eigene Machtlosigkeit und die damit noch nicht anerkannte feste soziale Position in diesem sozialen Feld verschleiern. Ich werde ein Literatur-Beispiel zur Illustration kurz vorstellen. In der Interaktion, die stets ein nicht machtf...
Differential Object Marking in Tukanoan languages
This talk presents a typological-diachronic account of Differential Object Marking (DOM) in the Tukanoan language family of Northwestern Amazonia.
Differential Object Marking (DOM), in which two or more sets of direct objects (Iemmolo and Klumpp, 2014) show differences in marking depending on their semantic, pragmatic or referential properties, is a widespread phenomenon — such as the occurrence of the Spanish “prepositional accusative” a with typically human nouns, as in He visto a Juan “I have seen Juan”. DOM is found in many languages (Sinnemäki, 2014), including the Tukanoan language family of Northwestern Amazonia. While there are several accounts of DOM in individual Tukanoan languages (e.g. Cook and Levinsohn 1985, Case and Jeretič 2018), a unified typological and diachronic approach has yet to be developed. I analyze the behaviour of the object marker -re based on linguistic descriptions of 15 Tukanoan languages, applying a set of typological parameters, gathered mainly from the typology of DOM posited in Witzlack-Makarevich and Seržant (2018). Furthermore, I attempt to determine the nature of the DOM systems in these languages, taking into account the object markedness scales, first described by Aissen (2003). All evidence from the study point toward: (a) the grammaticalization of -re from a prominent spatio-temp...
Saturday 10:45
Anna fährt zur StuTS, er hat viel Spaß. But what about Alex?
"Anna fährt zur StuTS, er hat viel Spaß" will immediately identified as ungrammatical by most native German speakers, but what happens if we changed the first name (antecedent) to Alex? There are names in our mental lexicon that may or may not cau...
Interaktionale Diskursanalyse und Ethnografie in der empirischen Unterrichtsforschung
Gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit im Klassenzimmer stellt ein Thema fortwährender gesellschaftlicher Relevanz dar. Kinder haben unterschiedliche und unterschiedlich viele Erstsprachen, die nicht unbedingt mit der Unterrichtssprache übereinstimmen müssen. B...
Bei der interaktionalen Diskursanalyse handelt es sich um einen gesprächsanalytisch beeinflussten Ansatz, dem es durch rekonstruktives und ethnomethodologisches Vorgehen gelingt, soziale Tatsachen zu erkennen, die sich in den Interaktionsprozessen manifestieren, da er annimmt, dass die meisten Aktivitäten gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens sprachlich und „im Rahmen diskursiver Praktiken“ geschehen (vgl. Quasthoff, Heller & Morek 2021: 23-24). Diese Annahme stimmt mit linguistisch geprägten Formen der Ethnografie überein, die ebenfalls davon ausgeht, dass „[m]eaning takes shape within specific social relations, interactional histories and institutional regimes, produced and construed by agents with expectations and repertoires“ (Rampton 2007: 585). Sprache und Sprechen wird in ethnografischen Vorgehensweisen niemals als kontextloses Phänomen wahrgenommen (vgl. Blommaert & Jie 2010: 7), sondern als integraler Bestandteil des Selbst und der Positionierung des Selbst in allen gesellschaftlichen Umgebungen (vgl. Rampton 2007: 585), so auch in der Schule, die Kinder in der Entwicklung ihres Selbst maßgeblich prägt. Ein analytisches Vorgehen anhand der interaktionalen Diskursanalyse, di...
Demonstratives in Bahaso Melayu Pakning
Bahaso Melayu Pakning (BMP), also known as Siak Malay, is a variety of Malay spoken in the Bengkalis regency in Riau province, Indonesia. Together with a small group of students, I conducted a fieldwork study on the BMP demonstrative system in col...
Saturday 11:00
Saturday 11:15
Extramural Activities And German Students’ Proneness to Errors
A good productive vocabulary is essential for good quality writing (Nation 2013: 263). Researchers are thus looking for ways to improve a learner’s vocabulary and find that both comprehensible input (cf. Krashen 1976, 1993) and comprehensible outp...
Conceptualization of colors to abstract concepts
Is “black market” in every language “black”? How about seeing “red” (being angry) or feeling “blue”? To which extent do different languages share the same color metaphors? What are the motivations underlying shared and specific metaphorical meanin...
Thus speaks the Indo-European
Referring to another person’s utterances is thought to be a universal ability of natural languages. Referred speech comes in many shapes, most commonly as direct speech. Research in direct speech in recent years has focused on the typological poss...
Grammaticalization patterns in Basque adpositions: from body parts to locative cases
In Basque (isolate language in south-western Europe), spatial information is expressed by two morphologically different categories of adpositions: locative cases and the so called location nouns. Locative cases form a delimited set and are always ...
Some verbs are lighter than others
There are three verbs in Korean that can serve as head to its causative construction, namely ha- ‘do’, sikhi- ‘order’ and mantul- ‘make/produce’. While ha- is the most frequent among them, their meanings all diminish in this construction in favour...
What does and what does not count as a light verb construction (LVC) is highly dependent on individual languages, and even more so on authors. I investigated the most prevalent type of Korean LVC that exists, which is one of the main ways to predicate in Korean next to using a full verb:
(1) taytap-hay!
‘Anwser me!’
LVCs are “split constructions” (Bak 2011: 222) which are made up of a noun that serves as semantic head (taytap ‘answer’) and a distinct morphological head (ha- ‘do’). The latter of those is a light verb, and the semantic head is its complement. A semantic requirement for light verbs is that their meaning must be primitive and, by that, suitable for many contexts.
I will touch upon some of the questions of whether the lightness of verbs can be gradient, and whether there should be a requirement for a verb to also exist as the ‘heavy’ version of itself in order to count as proper light verb (as claimed by Butt 2003, 2010) or rather, whether LVs can be placed on a grammaticalization cline (as claimed by Rhee & Koo 2014). The basis of this discussion is the use of the (possibly light) Korean verbs ha- ‘do’, sikhi- ‘order’ and mantul- ‘order/produc...
Saturday 13:15
Saturday 14:15
Spraakherkenning, wa is da? — Bias in Flemish Speech Recognition
Sociolinguistic factors such as age and gender have been shown to impact the performance of various automatic speech recognition (ASR) models. Previous research has touched upon such performance discrepancies, uncovering biases in ASR models, but ...
At 71. StuTS + 31. TaCoS I presented my research proposal. At 72. StuTS I will present my finished work.
The German and International Linguistics Olympiads
Linguistics is generally neglected in German schools. One way, however, for students to get to know linguistics are Linguistics Olympiads. Though relatively obscure, we believe that the German Linguistics Olympiad (DOL) and International Linguisti...
Linguistics is generally neglected in German schools. One way, however, for students to get to know linguistics are Linguistics Olympiads. Though relatively obscure, we believe that the German Linguistics Olympiad (DOL) and International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) have great potential as accessible and fun gateways to linguistics.
In our presentation, we, representing the association Förderverein deutsche Linguistik-Olympiade e. V., aim to briefly present the DOL and IOL via overviews of organisational structure, personal accounts of the influence of the Olympiads over our own lives, and showcases of example problems. Also, we aim to show how university students such as ourselves can participate in the organisation of the Olympiads.
The Linguistics Olympiads are not unique, as there are many other student competitions for various subjects. However, the DOL is rather unique in its organisational structure. In contrast to, for example, the German Physics Olympiad, which is organised by a university, the DOL is now run by a nascent association, the Förderverein deutsche Linguistik-Olympiade e. V., which we are part of. University students are encouraged to send in linguistic ...
Klingt dünn klein und schwer groß?
Korpusstudie, in der drei Adjektivpaare über 20 Sprachen aus sechs Sprachfamilien auf ihr größenlautsymbolisches Potential hinsichtlich ihrer Vokale untersucht werden.
Klingt klein genauso klein wie dünn? Klingt schwer größer als leicht? Könnte man die Bedeutung eines Adjektivs in einer fremden Sprache anhand seines Klangs erraten? Diese Fragen wären vor knapp 100 Jahren noch verneint worden, etwa durch Ferdinand de Saussure (1959: 68): „No one disputes the principle of the arbitrary nature of the sign“.
Heute herrscht ein wachsender wissenschaftlicher Diskurs um das Gegenteil dieser Arbitrarität: Lautsymbolik, „the direct linkage between sound and meaning“ (Hinton et al. 1994: 1). Nicht nur für Onomatopöen, Interjektionen und Ideophone wird lautsymbolisches Potential festgestellt, sondern auch für den allgemeinen Wortschatz (Blasi et al. 2016, Sidhu et al. 2021, Winter & Perlman 2021). So wird Kleinheit mit dem Vokal /i/ und Größe mit den Vokalen /a/ und /o/ assoziiert (Ohala 1984).
Die vorliegende Korpusstudie untersucht, wie weit Lautsymbolik der Größe semantisch gehen kann – kann nicht nur klein, sondern auch dünn klein klingen, oder können nur explizite Größenadjektive Größenlautsymbolik aufweisen? Dazu wird das größenlautsymbolische Potential von drei Adjektivpaaren aus 20 Sprachen und sechs Sprachfamilien, die sich explizit (groß/klei...
Persian-German speaking Iranians in Vienna: Migration and Language Attitudes
The Recent Status of English in Tunisia: Insights to Policy Makers
Language policies in Tunisia are not thought out; they evolve implicit. Arabic has a very limited role in the Tunisian higher education system. French is the dominant language of instruction and English is gaining a ground and spreading broadly (D...
The Recent Status of English in Tunisia: Insights to Policy Makers
Language policies in Tunisia are not thought out; they evolve implicit. Arabic has a very limited role in the Tunisian higher education system. French is the dominant language of instruction and English is gaining a ground and spreading broadly (Daoud, 2011, p.16). Moore (2007) claims that language policy, in Tunisia, seems to have greater power at the social level rather than the political one. The higher education situation is, therefore, characterized by the rivalry between Arabic and French, on the one hand, and French and English, on the other hand. However, researchers in Tunisia (e.g. Aouina, 2013; Boukadi, 2013) negatively depicted the status of English and largely ignored its recent status. English has become a medium of instruction in a number of higher education institutions and it is the language of academic research. Due to this negative presentation, policy makers in Tunisia do not draw any attention to the real status of English and issue new education laws. This presentation, thus, aims to shed light on the recent status of English and offer some insights to policy makers. Methodologi...
“This could be difficult only”: Investigating the use of “only” in postpositive position in Indian English
Unlike other varieties of English, Indian English was long thought not to have any syntactic structures that were unique to the variety (Lange, 2007). However, Indian English is now developing into a more distinctly unique variety with emerging sy...
Lange, C. (2007). Focus marking in Indian English. English World-Wide, 28(1), 89-118. doi: 10.1075/eww.28.1.05lan
Fuchs, R. (2012). Focus marking and semantic transfer in Indian English. English World-Wide, 33(1), 27-53. doi: 10.1075/eww.33.1.02fuc
Saturday 14:45
Emotion Representation in Dialogue Systems
Emotions are an incredibly complex natural phenomenon, and their definition is a constant research struggle in many fields ranging from Philosophy all the way to Natural Language Processing. They play a vital role in human communication and influe...
Probabilistic reduction - The phonological maxim of Quantity?
Many papers have repeatedly proven, that statistical properties, or probabilistic measures, of language affect the way we speak. Early mentions of frequency effects in language can be traced back to Arabic grammarians from the 8th century. This is...
Aylett, M., & Turk, A. (2004). The smooth signal redundancy hypothesis:
a functional explanation for relationships between redundancy, prosodic
prominence, and duration in spontaneous speech. Language and speech,
47 (Pt 1), 31–56. doi: 10.1177/00238309040470010201
Ennever, T., Meakins, F., & Round, E. R. (2017). A replicable acoustic mea-
sure of lenition and the nature of variability in gurindji stops. Laboratory
Phonology, 8 (1).
The Definitional Dilemma of Gender in Language
It is difficult to contextualize the rise of gender-inclusive language within formal linguistic theory. Current theories of linguistic gender define any language with a requisite system of nominal classification as having gender, in turn defining ...
Grammatical gender selection of Norwegian nouns by native speakers of Spanish when code-switching
My thesis explores the assignment of grammatical gender in the context of insertion code-switching of Norwegian nouns into a Spanish sentence. That is, whether Spanish speakers would assign el (masculine article) or la (feminine article) to words ...
Instrumentalisierung von Zitaten
Anhand zweier praktischer Fälle wird untersucht, wann Zitate fehlschlagen und inwiefern man dabei von Lügen sprechen kann.
Insbesondere während lebhafter Debatten werden häufig Zitate verschiedenster Personen als Argumente hervorgebracht. Bezogen hierauf stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern und zu welchen Zwecken Zitate instumentalisiert werden und in welchen Fällen man dabei von Lügen sprechen kann. Zuerst wird das von Corona-Verharmloser*innen hervorgebrachte Zitat des Chefarztes Clemens Wendtner untersucht. Anschließend wird ein Zitat, das der damaligen Kanzlerkandidatin Annalena Baerbock zugeschrieben wurde, was diese jedoch nie geäußert hatte, analysiert. In einem abschließenden Resümee werden die Problematiken solcher Zitate aufgeführt.
Lass uns den Fokus auf die mündliche Kommunikation verschieben
Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache die Entwicklung mehrerer Fähigkeiten erfordert: Schreiben, Hören und Sprechen. Wenn man jedoch im DaF-Unterricht und allgemein im Fremdsprachenunterricht genau hinschaut, lag und liegt...
Saturday 15:15
Compounds and Aphasia
Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Phonotactic patterns in L2 English
This paper considers the acquisition of L2 English phonotactic patterns. It is argued that emerging phonotactic patterns from the L1, which are associated with an ongoing sound change, impact the acquisition of L2 forms (Pater & Tessier 2006). Thi...
Language Activism
So wie wirtschafts- oder gesundheitspolitische Entscheidungen uns im Alltag berühren, so geschieht dies auch durch politische Entscheidungen in Bezug auf Sprache oder Sprachen. Seien es Debatten ums Gendern oder eine inklusivere Sprache oder diskr...
Comparing face-to-face conversations and video calls
The change in social interaction caused by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has led to an increased use of video calls in both professional and private contexts. In this talk, with data collected in 2020 and 2021, a video call will be compared to a f...
What's in a paradigm?
This talk discusses the notion of the 'paradigm' in linguistics. This term and its uses are looked at from several perspectives, and more narrowly defined terms are presented.
Any linguist, philologist and philosopher will have an idea of what a paradigm is supposed to be.
On the one hand, it can be understood as an exemplary case, an idealized model or the basic way of perceiving, evaluating and doing associated with a particular vision of reality (cf. Kuhn 1996, Göktürk 2005).
In philology and linguistics, the set of all word-forms belonging to a word is often called a paradigm (cf. Haspelmath & Sims 2010). At least since Saussure's times, 'paradigm' may be used as a term complementary to 'syntagm(a)' (or 'clause'), and thus as the set of possible substitutions of an element in a clause. In recent times, paradigms have come to be called 'hyper-constructions' in construction grammar (Diewald 2020).
Not only will I show how these uses may be reconciled, but I will also demonstrate how more specific terminology may help to understand and make proper use of linguistic concepts in the realm of 'paradigm'. This stretches from 'grammatical paradigm' over 'periphrastic forms' and 'paradigmaticity' all the way to 'zero-morphemes'.
Diewald, G. (2020). Paradigms lost – paradigms regained: Paradigms as hyper-constructions. In L. Sommerer & E....